Chapter 22

Mo Wan glared at her unhappily, picked up the plate to avoid her, and went to find something else to eat.Suddenly there was an extra piece of cream cake on the plate, and she looked up, only to see a cute smiling face.

"It's the first time I've seen someone with the same taste as me. This cake is delicious. It tastes like pine nuts. Do you like it?" Su Xiaoxiao was born with a baby face. At this time, her black eyes flickered, looking harmless.

Looking at her bright eyes, Mo Wan's previous anger dissipated immediately. She took a bite of the cake, nodded and laughed, "Cheese pine nuts, walnuts and cashews are added in it."

"Wow!" Su Xiaoxiao hurriedly approached her, overjoyed, "Your fellow!"

Mo Wan was amused by her innocent appearance, and naturally accepted her approach, "To each other."

Su Xiaoxiao was very happy, meeting such a strange thing in such a dull and boring party, it only made her heart boil, and the two walked around the dessert area, trying almost all kinds of desserts.

"Look at those people, they just want to use a knife and fork to eat a piece of cake. Does it need to be so troublesome?" Su Xiaoxiao squeezed tiramisu with her hands, glanced at the so-called "noble" people around her, and whispered.

Mo Wan smiled in agreement, and put her face close to her ear, "It's fun to eat while licking your fingers, isn't it?"

Hearing this, Su Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up again excitedly, looked at her in surprise, and said: "You really like my appetite!"

Licking the cream off her fingers, Su Xiaoxiao stretched out her hand hastily, "My name is Su Xiaoxiao, what's your name?"

"Mo Wan." Putting down the plate in his hand, Mo Wan also looked at her happily, and reached out to hold her.The excitement of seeing each other lately flashed in the eyes of both of them.

"Xiaoxiao!" There was a low call from behind, Su Xiaoxiao's face froze, and he immediately swallowed the thing in his mouth quickly, the speed was jaw-dropping.

Leng Yi strode over, looked down and saw the cream stained on the corner of her mouth, "You eat so many desserts again, huh?"

"Hehe..." Su Xiaoxiao smiled sweetly, wrapping a pair of small hands around his arms, "A little bit."

Standing by the side, Mo Wan only felt that her character was cute and innocent, and her affection for her continued undiminished.

Seeing him pursing his lips and not speaking, Su Xiaoxiao wondered in his heart, is this man going to ban her from desserts for a month!God, then she must not be able to hold on!

Glancing at the people around her, Su Xiaoxiao planned to change the subject, "Husband, this is my new friend, Mo Wan."

Turning to look at Mo Wan, she continued to introduce with a smile: "He is my husband, Leng Yi."

Mo Wan looked up with a smile, and when she saw the man's stern face, she was startled immediately, that cold aura made her palpitate.

Feeling the timid flattery of the little woman in his arms, Leng Yi couldn't help but smile, seeing her cheerful introduction, he finally turned his head and glanced.

Leng Yi raised his eyes and glanced over, there was not much emotion in his eyes, his deep eyes were deep, when he saw the opposite pair of eyes clearly, his eyes seemed to move slightly, but they disappeared soon.

Politely nodding to Mo Wan, Leng Yi put his arms around Su Xiaoxiao, his voice softened: "Brother is here, let's go say hello."

"Ah?" Su Xiaoxiao immediately turned her face down and tried to resist: "Can I not go?" Thinking of that iceberg face that has never melted for thousands of years, she felt terrified.

"What do you think?" Leng Yi folded his hands on his chest, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, but Su Xiaoxiao's eyes were filled with fear in his smiling face.

Pursing his lips and taking his arm, Su Xiaoxiao gritted his teeth secretly. When this man is angry, as long as he doesn't smile, he can still be saved. If he smiles, it means that he is going to make a cruel move.Every man in the Leng family has a black belly!

Forced to helplessness, Su Xiaoxiao could only follow him away sadly. After walking a few steps, she still didn't forget to turn her head and smile at Mo Wan, her eyes reluctant to part.

Mo Wan stood where she was, watching the interesting couple leave with a faint smile on her lips.Although that man was cold, there was love in his eyes, that Su Xiaoxiao should be very happy.

"Wan'er!" A familiar voice came from behind, Mo Wan turned around and saw a man walking towards her.

Huo Shaonan walked over quickly, and said softly, "Are you full?"

"I'm full!" Looking at the empty dessert plates, Mo Wan burped, and just now he was only focused on fighting with Su Xiaoxiao, filling up his stomach.

Seeing her pouting her red lips and acting coquettishly, Huo Shaonan reached out to hold her little hand, and said, "Take you to meet some friends!"

His warmth came from the palm of his hand, Mo Wan nodded happily, her heart was beating wildly, she followed his steps obediently, her heart was full of sweetness.

When he came to the crowd, Huo Shaonan took her hand and led her to walk beside him.Under the light, their coming figures were dazzling, as if they were a pair of lovers.

Mo Wan looked over with a smile, but when she saw the familiar figure from behind, her entire face tensed up.

Under the crystal lamp, the man's figure was tall and slender. He looked at the pair of figures approaching, with an inscrutable smile on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing them approaching, Tang Yan held the man beside him, with a gloomy look on his delicate face, "Are you here?"

Huo Shaonan smiled gently, he stretched out his arms to hug the person beside him, and said with a smile: "Wan'er, this is Mr. Leng." Thinking of the last time we had a quick meeting at school, he naturally introduced her to her.

Mo Wan's face was pale, she forced herself to raise her head, but bumped into a pair of deep eyes.There was a shallow smile on the man's handsome face, but that smile was so dazzling that she shivered all over, and her hands and feet were cold.

Leng Zhuo was wearing a black suit, his deep eyes were serene, he raised his hand gracefully, and stretched out politely, "Ms. Mo, hello."

Mo Wan took a deep breath, raised her hand firmly, and wiped his fingers, "Mr. Leng, hello."

Touching a piece of ice cold with his fingers, Leng Zhuo narrowed his eyes, picked up a glass of champagne casually, with a smile in his eyes: "Miss Mo, have we met before?"

The air was suddenly cold, and Mo Wan could only feel her breath being held in her heart. She looked at him with a pale face, with despair in her eyes.

There was a fierce heartbeat in her ears, and her hands hanging by her sides were tightened so hard that her fingertips turned white. The cold gaze on the other side was like two sharp knives, straight at her throat.

(End of this chapter)

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