Chapter 221

Turning on the desk lamp in the study, Huo Shaonan sat in the swivel chair, staring at the impurities spread out on the table, his eyes stayed on the report for a long time.The president of the Leng Group divorced, Cinderella was abandoned overnight, and became an abandoned wife of a wealthy family...

Holding the black Parker pen in his hand, Huo Shaonan's deep eyes were full of light, he turned to look at the night outside the window, his eyes gradually dimmed, and a cold light slipped from the corner of his mouth.

Such a quiet summer night, but hidden turbulence.

Ever since she was promoted to assistant to the president, Mo Wan has attracted much attention in the company. Although she was promoted through an assessment, everyone has their own ideas.

A woman is born too beautiful, and she is doomed to never have peace in her life, and she can't escape such a fate!
Mo Wan was young, with a low degree of education, let alone any qualifications, but became the assistant to the president in one fell swoop, so he was naturally attacked by all parties.Their suave and playful CEO has always liked beautiful women, but Mo Wan is so eye-catching and just divorced, isn't this a firewood?
People from all walks of life, with ghosts in their hearts, all put up all their energy and paid close attention.The third son of the Jing family is notoriously promiscuous, and he is also notoriously ruthless.As long as it is a woman he is tired of, he will be kicked away by him. Seeing that kind of ruthlessness, he only thinks that this man should go to hell!

Now that Mo Wan is by his side, everyone is holding back the idea of ​​watching a good show, waiting to see how she will be kicked away by Jing Shao!Mo Wan laughed off all these comments. Those who want to see jokes are destined to be disappointed!

On Friday evening, near the end of get off work time, Mo Wan sorted out all the work as usual, and handed over the weekly summary to the president's office.She opened the door and walked in, only to see the man sitting at the desk, looking down at the documents.

When Jingchen started working, he didn't like to be disturbed by others, so Mo Wan didn't speak, but just walked over softly, put the things at the foot of the table, and was about to walk away.

"Wait!" Jing Chen raised his head suddenly, looked at her silent figure, and frowned dissatisfiedly: "Do you have time on weekends?"

Mo Wan was stunned for a moment, and didn't think much about it. She just thought that she needed to work overtime, and immediately replied: "Yes, I can come to work overtime."

Jing Chen pursed his lips and smiled, threw the pen in his hand on the table, raised his eyebrows and looked at her, "I have to work overtime, but not in the company."

"Huh?" Mo Wan didn't understand what she said, looked at him suspiciously, and asked, "Where is that place?"

Picking up an invitation card on the table and showing it to her, Jing Chen's tone was heavy: "Saturday is Dong Zhang's birthday banquet, you go with me!"

"I can't do it!" Looking at the invitation, Mo Wan immediately shook her head and refused decisively: "I am not qualified to go to such an occasion!"

Seeing the evasive look in her eyes, Jing Chenjun's face darkened, the corners of his eyes twitched, and he said in a sharp tone: "Mo Wan, do you think it's easy to be an assistant to the president? Do you just arrange my schedule every day and you're done?"

Mo Wan frowned, stared at him unhappily, and said, "I still need to organize documents, translate materials, give gifts to your lover, and book hotels..."

"Okay!" Jing Chen smiled lowly, stretched out his hand to interrupt her, but his handsome face relaxed unconsciously.This little girl is really eloquent. He only said one thing, but she has so many words to stop him?
"Mo Wan, public relations is also one of the basic skills of being an assistant to the president, understand?" Jing Chen raised his head, stared at her disgusted expression, and secretly smiled in his heart.When he saw her for the first time, she also looked like this, those jet-black pupils were full of disdain.

Think about him, the third young master of the Jing family, the hottest diamond bachelor in the city, when was he seen by a woman with that kind of eyes?

"You have to go on Saturday, otherwise you will be absent from work!" Jing Chen felt upset about the contempt in her eyes, and his voice sank.

Although she was angry, Mo Wan was not stupid enough to confront him head-on. Unless she didn't want to continue this job, she must not offend her boss.What's more, her boss has offended her many times!

"Okay!" Mo Wan was finally defeated, and reluctantly agreed.

Seeing her agreeing, Jing Chen's ugly face eased a little. He pointed to a white gift box on the opposite coffee table, and said in a deep voice, "It's for you."

Turning her head in the direction of his finger, Mo Wan walked to the coffee table, opened the gift box, and saw a white evening dress inside, with a simple and elegant style, which was her favorite design.

"President, this..." Looking at the brand of the dress, Mo Wan frowned subconsciously. She couldn't afford that kind of luxury.

Jing Chen noticed the look in her eyes, smiled with her tight lips, and said: "The clothes are paid for by the general manager's activities, and you have to return them after you wear them."

Hearing what he said, Mo Wan secretly heaved a sigh of relief. She closed the lid of the box, picked it up and held it in her arms.

Standing up from the swivel chair, Jing Chen stepped in front of her, narrowing his narrow peach eyes, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth: "I'll pick you up at seven o'clock on Saturday night."

Mo Wan was startled, something flashed in his heart, and finally he said softly: "Okay!"

After a hard and busy week, the weekend morning is a beautiful holiday for office workers.In the morning when the weather is fine, lying on a comfortable bed and sleeping late, for people who are severely sleep-deprived, it is simply pleasant.

Mo Wan lay on the bed, turned over slightly, hugged the quilt again and closed her eyes comfortably, continuing to catch up on sleep.Today is Saturday, she doesn't need to go to the company to work overtime, she will go out at night, so she still has a lot of time to enjoy.

bang bang bang...

The anti-theft door at home knocked loudly, and the dull sound pierced through the door panel. Mo Wan, who was deeply asleep, was startled. He sat up from the bed, thinking that something happened, and opened his sleepy eyes in a panic. .

Hearing the continuous knocking on the door, her sluggish brain gradually came to her senses, her brows were frowned, and she threw off the quilt and got out of bed irritably.So early, who is it that forgives people's dreams?
Walking to the door, Mo Wan looked at the perspective mirror of the anti-theft door, and immediately saw a smiling face making faces at her, and even shouted outside the door: "Big slob, get up quickly!" !"

(End of this chapter)

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