Chapter 223

Mo Wan still had foam in her hands, and chased her out to talk to her, but she saw that she had already run out and closed the door with a "slap".

Thinking back to what she just said, Mo Wan shook her head dejectedly, thinking that she would go to the banquet later and would not stay at home. She thought Su Xiaoxiao would come again at night, so she hurriedly picked up her phone and sent her a text message. A text message telling her that no one is home at night.

Soon, Su Xiaoxiao sent back a text message with only two words, "I know!"

Mo Wan looked at it, only smiled, without thinking deeply, she walked into the kitchen with a smile, and continued to wash the dishes.After packing up her things, she lay on the bed and took a comfortable nap. When she opened her eyes, it was almost five o'clock.

Planning to go out at seven o'clock, Mo Wan didn't dare to delay after opening her eyes, got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower first.After tidying herself up, she took out the dress and put it on, because the dress was white and looked a little plain on her body, she put on makeup, so she looked very good.

After everything was packed, Mo Wan looked at the time, and it was 15 minutes before seven o'clock. She didn't want Jingchen to wait, so she picked up her purse, went downstairs, and stood outside the building to wait.

Not long after Mo Wan went downstairs, she saw a white sports car driving in from outside the complex. She looked at the man in the car and felt a slight twitch in her heart.Fortunately, she went downstairs early, otherwise it would be bad for the CEO to wait for her!
Jing Chen drove the car over, saw her standing there happily, and smiled unconsciously on her handsome face.He drove the car to her side before stopping, turned his head to look at her, and the corner of his mouth slightly curled up: "Have you been waiting for a long time?"

Mo Wan shook her head, she was so bright, "No, I just came down."

Tonight, she has a light makeup on her fair cheeks, which is a little more charming than her usual plain makeup.She was wearing a white evening dress, the hem of which was at her knees, exposing her slender and well-proportioned calves, outlining her graceful curves, graceful and charming.

Jingchen's deep eyes moved, and there was a flash of surprise in his eyes, but he quickly covered it up, and his expression didn't change at all, "Get in the car."

Hearing what he said, Mo Wan nodded slightly. She walked over and looked at the car door. Only then did she realize that the white Lamborghini in front of her only had two doors. She had no other choice but to sit in the co-pilot's seat.

Jing Chen raised his eyebrows and looked at her. After seeing her surprised expression standing in front of the car door, a smile slowly emerged from the corner of his mouth.He reached out to open the car door, but did not urge her.Anyway, he is not in a hurry, he has always been patient with women, especially those he is interested in!

Mo Wan frowned. She had no choice but to sit in the co-pilot's seat, but she felt uncomfortable all over her body.

Seeing her unnatural expression from the corner of his eyes, Jing Chen didn't say anything, he reached out to start the engine, saw the car drive away, and rushed to the banquet.

The car drove to a villa area, the entire villa area was very large, there were gymnasiums, spas, swimming pools, tall sycamore trees were lush, and the environment was very suitable for people to live in.

After stopping the car, Jing Chen opened the door and got out of the car, and Mo Wan got out of the car following his footsteps.Standing outside this villa, she realized that the villa is five stories high, divided into two gardens, the front and the back, and the two small buildings are closely connected. The architectural style is European retro design, revealing a gorgeous classical charm.

Jing Chen handed over the car keys to the security guards around the villa. With a rather familiar expression, he walked forward and said in a deep voice, "Go in!"

Seeing him stepping up the stairs, Mo Wan immediately came back to his senses, quickly followed him, and walked into the villa with him.

When the lights came on, the surroundings of the villa were lit with dim lights, which looked bright from a distance.

In the huge living room, a huge crystal lamp hangs from the central roof.The crystal lamp is divided into seven layers, which are arranged in a cone shape. There are many crystal balls on each layer. With the light shining, the halo emitted is dazzling.

The semi-circular spiral staircase spreads all the way down to the center of the living room.The pure mahogany carved staircase is expensive, the floor is inlaid with antique floor tiles imported from Italy, and matched with Baroco-style luxurious furniture, it shows the taste of the owner.

Mo Wan stood at the entrance, looking up at everything in front of her, a little dazed, until a big hand appeared on her waist, making her whole body stiff, she turned her head subconsciously, looked at the man beside her with anger, and said sharply :"what are you doing?"

It seemed that she had expected her reaction a long time ago. Seeing her angry pretty face, Jing Chen just smiled slightly, "Why are you angry? It's just basic politeness."

Looking at the indifference in his eyes, Mo Wan reluctantly swallowed the following words, she wanted to turn sideways to avoid his hand, but felt a tight waist, the man had already wrapped her waist, and led her in with great strides.

The host of tonight's banquet is a well-known Zhang's company in the business world. Zhang Shaohua has been in the mall for many years, and his reputation and wealth cannot be underestimated.What's more, Jing Chen's sister-in-law is the niece of Zhang Dong. The two families are related, so the relationship is very close.

"Uncle." Jing Chen walked over with a smile, and led Mo Wan into the crowd, his handsome face was full of friendly smile.

Hearing his voice, Zhang Shaohua immediately withdrew from the crowd, walked towards him quickly, with a smile in his eyes: "Achen, you are here."

Jing Chen took out a gift from his bosom, and handed it directly to Zhang Shaohua, "You can keep this thing, it's not easy for me to ask someone to find it!"

Zhang Shaohua opened the box, took out the snuff bottle inside and played with it in his hands, with smiles in the corners of his eyes.He flipped through it, his eyes flashed, such a good thing is really rare!
"Such a good thing, why didn't you keep it for your father?" Zhang Shaohua looked at him and laughed, holding the snuff bottle fondly with her fingers.

Jingchen smiled lowly, and responded appropriately: "Today is your birthday, so I have to show my filial piety no matter what! My dad is there, let me find it slowly."

"You child!" Zhang Shaohua smiled, and it was obvious that he liked Jing Chen very much.He has always liked the youngest son of the Jing family very much. He is smart, thoughtful, and knows everything. No one can compare to his aura!

(End of this chapter)

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