Chapter 227

Long after the two of them disappeared, Huo Shaonan was still in a daze. When he turned around, he happened to see Zhou Shaoyan looking over with a smile. Something inexplicably flashed in his heart, and he quickly looked away.

The white Lamborghini was driving in the night. Jing Chen drove Mo Wan home. After watching her go upstairs, he turned around and drove the car away.

Back in her own house, Mo Wan sighed wearily. She put on her slippers, turned and walked into the bathroom.After taking a hot bath, she stood in front of the mirror, looking at the tooth mark on her collarbone, her mood fell to the bottom instantly.

That faint red mark deeply stimulated her, she couldn't help but think of those dark eyes, and the loss in his eyes, she just thought it was ridiculous.

Why does he have that look in his eyes?What is he feeling sorry for?What are you missing?
Reaching out to open the drawer, Mo Wan found a band-aid, tore it angrily, and stuck it on the collarbone, covering the glaring tooth marks.This pervert bites every time. Is he a dog?
Coming out of the bathroom, Mo Wan threw off the quilt and went to bed, trying to calm down the anger in her heart, until she calmed down, and then slowly fell asleep.

In the villa halfway up the mountain, in the study on the second floor, a man was sitting in a swivel chair, his eyes were looking into the distance, his eyes were far and deep.

The assistant sorted out the information that had just been investigated, and sent it overnight: "President, I have found all the information about the person you want me to investigate, and there is nothing unusual. According to the information, Zhou Shaoyan is just an ordinary businessman."

Leng Ruo caressed his chin with one hand, his dark pupils flashed brightly, and he looked down at the collected information with a gloomy expression.These things can be seen to be fake at a glance. Although he has never met Zhou Shaoyan before, he can clearly feel the danger of this man!
Moreover, his surname is also Zhou. Whether the other party disclosed this information to him intentionally or unintentionally, if he was thinking too much, then why are many things that happened recently aimed at him?If this Zhou Shaoyan was just a coincidence, then everything was nothing but a false alarm, otherwise, it only showed that his enemy should not be underestimated!
"How about Huo Shaonan?" Leng Zhuo raised his eyebrows, then turned to ask the assistant.

The assistant summarized the situation in the past few days and gave a brief explanation: "The previous witness suddenly changed his statement and took all the charges. His family disappeared overnight, and we couldn't find where he was. If this happens, Huo Shaonan will not be convicted of the crime!"

Tapping the table lightly with his fingers, Leng Zhuo seemed to have expected this situation in his heart, and was not too shocked.He turned to look at the assistant, and suddenly said in a deep voice: "Keep an eye on Huo Shaonan, and see who he has been in contact with recently!"

"Yes!" The assistant nodded hurriedly and followed his instructions.

In the huge study room, it was quiet, and the faint moonlight swayed in.

Leng Zhuo turned around and looked out the window, his fingers casually touched the wound on the corner of his mouth, he frowned slightly, and there was a ripple in his calm eyes.His fingers caressed the corner of his mouth, and his jaw was tense, revealing a sharp arc.

The morning light is slightly dew, and the bright sun is like fire.Mo Wanwan got up early and came to the company, and clocked in to work as usual. She came to the office area and devoted herself to her work.

Outside the Tia Group, a red sports car drove over in a hurry. Huo Shaoqing turned off the car and threw the car keys to the security guard outside the door.She often goes in and out of here, everyone knows her identity, and naturally respects her, so no one dares to stop her.

Huo Shaoqing walked into the elevator with a gloomy face, and went directly to the president's office.She received a call from Si Yu early in the morning, and only then did she hear that Mo Wan was hanging out with Jing Chen!This shameless woman really started to seduce Jing Chen after divorce?
Mo Wan was sitting at the desk, sorting out the minutes of yesterday's meeting. She didn't see the tall figure approaching, and she didn't raise her head until a dark shadow fell in front of her eyes.

"President!" Seeing the man walking over, Mo Wan hurriedly stood up from her chair and greeted him politely.She bent down and took out a pocket, and handed it over with a smile: "I have dry-cleaned these two sets of dresses, please return Mrs. Jing's set for me!"

Jing Chen looked at the bag she handed over, couldn't help pursing his lips into a smile, and said in a deep voice, "There's no need to be so anxious."

Mo Wan pushed the bag in front of him, and said in a deep voice, "Yes, I don't like to owe others things."

What she said made Jingchen startled, and his handsome face flashed with depression. Her indifferent tone, obviously repelling people thousands of miles away, made him feel very uncomfortable.

Putting the bag on the table, Mo Wan just smiled politely, then sat down, lowered her head and continued with the work in hand.

Looking at her alienated attitude, Jing Chen couldn't say anything more, so he could only put the bag back angrily, and turned around to take it into the office.

Seeing him leave, Mo Wan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, she lowered her head to check the information.

Huo Shaoqing, who was standing in front, watched this scene helplessly. When she saw the reluctance in Jing Chen's eyes, the anger in her heart burst out.The hands hanging by her sides were tightened fiercely, and she walked over aggressively, with a gloomy and terrifying expression.

Suddenly a figure came in front of her. Mo Wan saw the person coming from the corner of her eye. She was stunned, but she stood up with a smile and asked gently, "Sister Shao Qing, the president is inside."

Huo Shaoqing stared at her delicate face, her eyes were cold, she squinted her eyes, and said angrily: "Mo Wan, do you want to be shameless? First Shaonan, then Leng Zhuo, and now they don't want you anymore. Are you here to seduce Jing Chen?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she picked up the glass of water on the table and splashed it on Mo Wan's face.


The whole glass of water was splashed on Mo Wan's face. Fortunately, the water temperature was not high, and the meandering water stains flowed down her cheeks, soaking a large piece of clothes in front of her.

Colleagues gathered in the corridor to watch jokes. Everyone covered their mouths and whispered. No one stood up to say a word, and no one dared to persuade them. They seemed to have been waiting for this day for a long time.

The noisy noise outside alarmed the men in the office. Jing Chen opened the door and walked out. He saw Huo Shaoqing's crazy appearance and the water stains on Mo Wan's face at a glance. His face suddenly darkened, and he said angrily: "Huo Shaoqing !"

(End of this chapter)

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