Chapter 232

Hearing her talk about her mother, Mo Lin's eyes darkened, and a trace of sadness slipped through him. He sighed and looked out the window.

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Mo Wan immediately regretted them. She bit her lips tightly, feeling uncomfortable.Although her stepmother treated her badly, she raised her up after all, and she will always remember this kindness in her heart.

"Xiao Lin..." Mo Wan put down the glass in her hand, stretched out her hand to hold her younger brother's hand, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry for making you sad."

Mo Lin turned his head back and saw the remorse on his sister's face. He smiled gently and said in a deep voice, "Sister, do you have something on your mind? Every time you are sad, I want me to make you some water to drink." !"

"Uh..." Seeing the expression in his younger brother's eyes, Mo Wan's expression changed, as if he was embarrassed to be exposed.She smiled falsely, but was speechless again.

Seeing that she deliberately concealed it, Mo Lin didn't want to ask any more questions. Although his sister's life is good recently, he can still feel something, which is different from before!

Anyway, there was nothing to do when he went home on the weekend, so Mo Wan simply stayed in the hospital with his younger brother, and the two of them chatted, time passed faster.

A western restaurant with an elegant environment, near the floor-to-ceiling windows, with a good view.

In front of the square dining table, there were three figures sitting facing each other. Zhou Shaoyan looked at the mother and daughter opposite with gentle expressions on his face.I just brought my child back from the amusement park, and the child's face is still very excited.

"Uncle Zhou, will you take Yaoyao to play next time?" Si Yao was eating ice cream, looking at the man opposite with her big eyes, full of expectation.

Zhou Shaoyan laughed lightly, raised his hand to touch her head, and said with a smile, "Okay, let's go next time."

Si Yao clapped her hands happily, her whole face was filled with smiles, the child's smile was real without any hypocrisy.

Seeing her daughter smiling happily, Si Yu also smiled, but soon the smile froze at the corner of her mouth.The daughter's happy smile didn't come from her father. Why did he still treat their mother and daughter so indifferently?

Zhou Shaoyan cut the steak, and when he raised his head, he saw Si Yu's frown. His eyes were deep, as if he had guessed something, a haze flashed across his handsome face.

While eating ice cream, Si Yao looked out of her small head, leaning her body, her big black eyes kept looking out.When she saw the man who pushed the door and walked in, she immediately laughed, raised her small arms and shouted: "Daddy, Daddy, Yaoyao is here!"

Si Yu, who was originally dejected, heard her daughter's scream, immediately raised her head, turned her head to look behind her, and saw the man coming, she couldn't help but her eyes lit up.

Leng Zhuo walked over, and he turned around and sat beside their mother and daughter, with a happy expression on his face, and nothing unusual could be seen.

"Why are you here?" Si Yu was both surprised and happy when she saw him coming.

Before the man could answer, Si Yao had already spoken first: "I told Daddy, Yaoyao misses Daddy!"

Leng Yan pursed his lips and smiled, reached out to pick up the child and put it on his lap, with a gentle smile in his eyes.He looked at Zhou Shaoyan who was opposite, and hooked his lips: "Mr. Zhou, hello."

Ever since Zhou Shaoyan saw him appear, he had become vigilant. He frowned slightly, and a strange expression appeared in his eyes unexpectedly, "Mr. Leng, hello."

Noticing the strangeness of his passing away, he smiled coldly and without a trace, and his restrained eyes flickered.

Seeing his gentle expression and seeing his daughter in his arms, Si Yu smiled. She looked at the man beside her and asked him with concern: "Have you had dinner yet?"

Leng Yan picked up the tissue and wiped off the cream from the child's mouth, saying calmly, "Not yet."

Si Yu nodded knowingly, reached out to pick up the knife and fork, cut up the untouched steak in front of her, and pushed it towards him: "Then eat quickly, don't starve."

Leng Zhuo smiled slightly, looking at the plate pushed in front of her, with a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth, "Eat first, you must be hungry after playing with the child for so long."

Hearing his words, Si Yu's heart suddenly felt warm. It was the first time in a long time that he was able to say such words to her.She smiled sweetly, reached out to pick up the fork, forked the steak, and brought it to him: "It's inconvenient for you to hold the baby, let me feed you!"

Seeing that he did not refuse, but lowered his head and ate the steak with her hands, Si Yu's happy eyes were hot, and she almost shed tears.

Seeing this scene, Si Yao immediately covered her eyes with her hands, and giggled: "Shame! Daddy, Mommy, shame!"

In Zhou Shaoyan's eyes, the warm scene of the family of three on the opposite side only made him smile and his eyes were as calm as the sea.It's just that upon closer inspection, one can find that the smile on his mouth doesn't reach his eyes at all.

Slightly lowering his eyebrows, Zhou Shaoyan smiled, turned his face away, and turned his gaze away. His five fingers hanging by his side tightened fiercely until the veins on the back of his hand bulged.

Out of the corner of his eyes, Zhou Shaoyan's tightly furrowed brows were spotted, and he smiled lightly, sharp rays of light emerged from his jet-black pupils.Weakness, right?It seems that this weakness is not limited to him, so it is only fair to play like this!

The gray Aston Martin was driving in the night, and Leng Yan drove their mother and daughter home. The child was already asleep in the car, held in the arms of a man, and there was no sign of waking up.

Si Yu led the way, opened the door, and helped put the child on the bed.When she came out of the bedroom, she realized that he hadn't left. His tall figure was standing at the window.

Holding back the laughter in her heart, Si Yu went to make coffee. She walked to the window with the Blue Mountain coffee, and said softly, "Zhuo, what are you thinking?"

Reaching out to take the coffee she handed over, Leng Yan lowered his head to look at it. The coffee smelled strong and fragrant, but he had no intention of drinking it. He raised his hand to touch the rim of the cup and put down the coffee cup in his hand.

Seeing him put down the glass, Si Yu couldn't help but her eyes darkened. She was about to hear some unfeeling words from him, but she didn't want him to just whisper: "Si Yu, let's give the child a complete home!"

Si Yu was shocked by his words. She would never have dreamed that Leng Zhuo would suddenly say such words to her. Although this had always been her wish, she never thought that it would come true so soon?

(End of this chapter)

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