Chapter 234

Staring at his handsome face, Huo Shaoqing smiled softly, leaned over involuntarily, kissed his red lips on his chin, reached out to unbutton his shirt, and reached in to tease him.


In the dark night, Jing Chen stepped on the brake and parked the car on the side of the road.He just turned around, but saw a black shadow pressing down in front of him, the woman beside him turned over, sat on his body, stretched out her hand to hold his face, and eagerly kissed him with red lips.

Jing Chen's eyes sank, he stretched out his hands to pull away her hands wrapped around her neck, and pushed her away with a sullen face, "Don't move!"

Her body was suddenly pushed away by him, and Huo Shaoqing was obviously taken aback. She opened her blurred eyes and stared fixedly at the man opposite, with a puzzled face.They used to quarrel often, but after the quarrel, they reconcile every time like this!
"Are you still angry with me?" Huo Shaoqing's eyes darkened, and a look of disappointment flashed across her pretty face: "Okay, I promise you, I won't trouble her in the future!"

Jing Chen frowned and sighed, stretched out his hand to imprison her, and stopped her from making any excessive movements: "Shao Qing, this is not her problem, but a problem between the two of us!"

"What's our problem?" Huo Shaoqing's eyes flickered slightly, and she subconsciously avoided his sharp eyes, but her face turned pale.

Looking at her dodging eyes, Jing Chen lowered his expression, raised his hand to pinch her chin, and looked deeply: "We have been entangled for ten years, should it end?"

His words made Huo Shaoqing's heart stabbed fiercely, and she shivered in fear: "Didn't you say that I can always be by your side?"

Raising his hand to touch her head, the sternness in Jing Chen's eyes eased, "I said it, but can you just stay calm and not make noise?"

"I..." Huo Shaoqing was at a loss for words, a bit of bitterness slipped through her heart.Why don't she make noise? Isn't she patient enough these years?
Jing Chen sighed slightly, and looked at her with silent eyes: "You can't! Shaoqing, I know you can't! So don't force yourself, okay? You should have your own pride, I'm not the one you want to wait for people!"

"You're the one I'm waiting for!" Huo Shaoqing became emotional. She put her arms around Jing Chen's neck and lowered her head to kiss his lips, but he pushed her away with his hand and held her down, unable to move.

Reaching out to pull her off her lap, Jing Chen's eyes gradually turned cold: "Are you still so willful?"

He sighed dejectedly, only feeling that the distance between himself and her was getting further and further away.Maybe he was wrong from the very beginning, and shouldn't have indulged her for so many years, causing her to have deeper and deeper illusions!
The tolerance for her all these years was only derived from the memories of that first love back then, but it turned out to make her confused!
Seeing him coldly pushing her away, Huo Shaoqing sneered, she bit her lip, and asked angrily: "It's because of her that you treat me like this, isn't it?"

Her unreasonable troubles finally made Jing Chen lose his patience. He had a gloomy face and narrowed his narrow peachy eyes: "Huo Shaoqing, even without her, there will be someone else, but it will never be you!"

The third young master of the Jing family has always treated women like this. When he is ruthless, he really has no affection at all. He is cruel enough to go to hell!

Huo Shaoqing looked at his handsome face that hadn't changed for many years, and felt a burning pain in her throat. Her lips trembled, but she couldn't speak anymore.In fact, she should have understood long ago that the man she fell in love with had no heart.

"I'll take you home!" After a little silence, Jing Chen started the car with a cold face and drove directly outside the Huo's villa.

Looking at her walking in, Jing Chen's deep eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but think of the first time he saw her.At that time, she was only 18 years old, with black and beautiful hair, hanging straight to her waist.

It rained suddenly that day, and she didn't bring an umbrella, so she hid under the big tree to avoid the rain.He happened to drive under the big tree and saw her rubbing her hands on her shoulders, shivering from the cold, so he couldn't help driving the car over and took her home.

If time could be frozen at that moment, he and she might really be able to stay together for a lifetime.But time is ruthless, wasting too many pure emotions in my heart, and some emotions are deposited in my heart, but they are not love.

How wonderful would it be if life were just as it was at first sight?

A white Lamborghini driving in the dark.Jing Chen lowered all the windows of the car, letting the cool night wind blow his short hair. He drove the car around the street, but the depression in his heart still lingered.

He suddenly realized, what was he doing all these years?After such a long period of time, what has been left in his heart?
The car drove around aimlessly, Jing Chen couldn't find where he was going, so he drove the car back to the company. Tia Group is his only achievement in these years.

Taking the elevator to the top floor, Jing Chen turned around the corridor and vaguely saw the dim light.He stepped in, only to see that lonely figure sitting under the lamp, in a dazed trance.

Raising his hand and looking at his watch, it was already close to twelve o'clock in the middle of the night. Jingchen's eyes moved, as if realizing something, he raised his foot and walked towards her, "Why are you still working overtime?"

A voice suddenly sounded in the quiet space, and Mo Wan was shocked. She turned her head in surprise, and when she saw the man in front of her, she couldn't help but look a little embarrassed: "President, I, I still have something to deal with, please!"

Her hesitant and dim voice made Jing Chen frown, he just smiled, stepped forward and pulled her wrist, and said, "Let's go, I'll take you home!"

Mo Wan was startled, subconsciously stuck in place, refusing to leave: "I won't go!"

Turning to look at her face, Jing Chen raised his eyebrows and said teasingly, "Could it be that you want to sleep here?"

Seeing the smile in his eyes, Mo Wan blushed slightly, picked up the bag helplessly, and followed him away.

Jing Chen took her into the car, and he started the engine to drive the car away, but he didn't go in the direction of her house, but went directly to the beach.

In an old neighborhood, under the shade of lush trees, a gray Aston Martin was parked. A man was sitting in the carriage, his eyes fixed on a window upstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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