Chapter 247

"Did he threaten you with something?" Mo Lin stared at her dark face, and his tone became sharp: "Threat you with us?"

Mo Wan raised her head, looked at her younger brother's angry face, and could only force a smile, "Xiao Lin, you don't need to worry about these things. Just follow what your sister said and go abroad as soon as possible!"

Mo Lin's face was gloomy, and his hands hanging by his sides were tightly tightened: "Why does he keep bullying you? I'll go to him to settle the score!" He was about to get up while speaking, with an angry expression on his face.

Terrified by his appearance, Mo Wan reached out and grabbed his arm tightly, her face turned pale: "How dare you!"

Mo Wan stood up from the sofa, stretched out her hand to push him down, and said in an angry tone, "Mo Lin, you must not have such thoughts! If you have any accidents, my sister really can't live!"

Looking at the tears in his sister's eyes, the anger in Mo Lin's heart gradually extinguished, but the cold light in his eyes flashed away, "I see."

Mo Wan was still worried, bent over and sat beside him, stared at him with burning eyes, and said sharply, "Promise me, don't be impulsive, don't get involved in these things!"

"I promise!" Seeing the worry in her eyes, Mo Lin's heart softened, and he dared not refuse.His heart aches for everything his sister has done for the family, and he must not let her worry about herself anymore!
Hearing his assurance with her own ears, Mo Wan's tense face was relieved. She leaned on the sofa with a tired expression, and her whole body lost her previous spirit.

Seeing his sister's appearance, Mo Lin felt distressed, "Sister, I'll put water on for you to take a bath." He thoughtfully stood up and walked into the bathroom.

Seeing him walking to the bathroom, Mo Wan dared to show the disappointment on her face. She took a deep breath and tried to calm down the complicated emotions in her heart.With her back leaning on the soft sofa, she raised her hands to rub her sore shoulders, her complexion was not very good.

When Mo Lin put in the water and came out, Mo Wan was already asleep on the sofa.Walking lightly to the side of the sofa, Mo Lin bent down slightly and saw her closing her eyes and sleeping soundly. He couldn't bear to wake her up, so he stretched out his hand and picked her up from the sofa.

Holding her in his arms, Mo Lin realized that she was very light, and when he held her in his arms like this, she was only a small ball.Now that he has grown up, his elder sister, who once sheltered him from the wind and rain, is lying in his arms and should need his care.

Carrying Mo Wan to the bed, Mo Lin brought a hot towel and wiped her face to make her sleep more comfortably.Throwing off the quilt and covering her body, Mo Lin sat on the edge of the bed, staring at her face in a daze.

Scenes from childhood were revolving in his mind, Mo Lin's eyes flashed with complex light, it turned out that so many years have passed, both of them have grown up, now he can't protect his sister, it is the deepest pain in his heart, so he wants to cure She is very ill, so that she can be well protected and protected from being hurt by anyone!
Reaching out to turn off the bedside lamp, Mo Lin tucked in the quilt for her, then stood up, walked out gently and closed the door.

The next morning, Mo Wan got up as usual to take care of her family. Before she left the house, she told her younger brother not to have any contact with strangers during the recent period, and not to leave the hospital easily. If she wanted to go home, she had to pick her up personally. OK.

Mo Lin felt a little ridiculous about her exaggerated behavior. He is now 1.8 meters tall, but his sister made him look like a child, and he was escorted by his parents when he went in and out?However, Mo Wan ignored his protest and still insisted on his principles. Seeing that he couldn't compete with his sister, he had no choice but to agree bitterly.

Mo Wan had to go to work during the day, and there was no one to take care of her father at home, so she hired a nurse from the hospital to take care of him during the day.She carefully reviewed the nurses she had invited, and after confirming that there was no problem, she handed her father over to her with confidence.

After sending her younger brother back to the hospital, Mo Wan rushed to work in the company. Fortunately, during this period of time, Jing Chen kept giving her the green light. Occasionally, she came late and left early, and no one dared to question her or say anything more.Even so, she felt very uncomfortable. She could only do her best to go to work and not want to be talked about.

Fortunately, in the recent period, the turmoil of that news report has been suppressed, it is not spreading, and its influence is gradually fading.And Jingchen also keeps a good distance from her, which doesn't make her annoying, but when she needs it, he can show up to help her.For his style of handling things, although Mo Wan was grateful, she felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't say it clearly, after all, he didn't want to express anything inappropriate, so she could only pretend to be confused!
Even so, Mo Wan secretly wiped off the cold sweat, this Jing Chen's method of chasing women is really powerful!As expected of a veteran in the field of love, a scum-level character!
After work, Mo Wan went home by car. She went to buy groceries first, and then hurried home.She looked at the time and calculated that the nurse should have left work, so she had to go home quickly to take care of her father.

When she came downstairs, she was about to turn around and go upstairs when she suddenly heard someone calling her, "Mo Wan!"

Hearing the voice behind him, Mo Wan was taken aback for a moment, then frowned quickly.Because she recognized that voice was Huo Shaoqing!

Mo Wan turned around slowly, and saw the woman who came down from the opposite car, wearing a red windbreaker, with beautiful eyebrows and eyes, but there was a sense of disappointment emanating from her.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that it was her, Mo Wan didn't dodge and asked her standing where she was.

Stepping up to her, Huo Shaoqing's eyes darkened, not as arrogant as last time: "I have something to tell you."

Mo Wan looked up at the window of the house, hesitated slightly, and then said in a deep voice: "Then let's talk about it here, I have to go home and take care of my father!"

Seeing her indifferent face, Huo Shaoqing's pretty face felt awkward, she bowed her head in silence for a long time, as if mustering up a lot of courage, "You can't marry Jing Chen!"

What she said didn't surprise Mo Wan. Recently, she was still wondering why she didn't make trouble after reading that report.

Before Mo Wan could speak, Huo Shaoqing was already agitated. She took a step forward, and suddenly lowered her usual proud posture: "Mo Wan, you really can't marry him! In the past, it was my fault. But just once, I beg you, you can't marry him!"

(End of this chapter)

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