Chapter 272

Finally, Mo Wan couldn't bear it any longer, and said furiously, "Leng Zhuo, get out, or you will starve tonight!"


When Leng Zhuo heard the two words she yelled, he naturally thought of some kind of hunger, his face changed immediately, and his arrogant expression restrained, "No, I can't sleep if I'm hungry!"

Mo Wan didn't understand at first, then saw the evil light shining in his eyes, and finally understood belatedly.She walked over angrily, couldn't bear it anymore, stretched out her hand and pushed him out of the kitchen, never giving him a chance to play hooligan again!

Without his figure entangled in the kitchen, Mo Wan's subordinates moved quickly, and within half an hour, a sumptuous dinner was ready.She came out of the kitchen with the fried dishes, only to see him sitting at the dining table, seemingly in deep thought, with a sharp arc on his side face.

"It's time to eat." Mo Wan didn't pay attention to his expression, but put the dinner on the table with a peaceful expression.

On the dining table, there was steaming steamed mandarin fish, Leng Zhuo looked at the dish and smiled lowly.He picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of fish, removed the bone first, and then put the fish into her bowl.

Looking at the fish he brought over, Mo Wan just smiled, said nothing, and quietly lowered his head to eat.Although she hasn't done it for a few months, her cooking skills are not unfamiliar, and the food tastes still very good.

Tasting the familiar taste, Leng Zhuo nodded in satisfaction. He ate two dinners in a row, which was the most he ate during this time.This long-lost comfort permeates around them, only with each other's cautiousness.

After dinner, Leng Zhuo consciously packed up the dishes and took them to the sink for washing.He stood by the sink with a focused expression, his hands were covered with white foam, and he was cleaning the dishes in his hands very seriously.

Mo Wan came out after washing her hands, and immediately saw him standing by the cabinet, with his head slightly lowered, cleaning the dishes.The sound of rushing water, mixed with the crisp sound of collision, resounded in this quiet night.

The black eyes flashed, Mo Wan turned around, picked up his coat and put it on, and at the same time took his coat in his hand, and walked towards the kitchen.

"Shall we go for a walk?" Mo Wan walked behind him, blinked her black eyes, and said with a smile.

Looking at the coat she was holding in her hand, Leng Yan nodded, rinsed off the foam in her hands, dried her hands, took the clothes she handed over and put them on, then took her hand, and the two went downstairs together go.

In the quiet night, the silver moonlight swayed down.On the cobblestone-paved path, shadowy street lamps shone down, glowing with a dark halo.

There was a chill in the air, and the slightly exhaled breath condensed into white mist.

Mo Wan took his arm, looked up at the moon in the night sky, and sighed sincerely: "The moon is very round tonight."

Hearing her voice, Leng Zhuo also raised his head, staring at the bright moon, with a half-smile on the corner of his mouth: "Well, it's very round."

There were almost no people on this path, only the two of them, holding hands.Mo Wan watched him clasping her palm tightly, something faintly flashed in the depths of her eyes, she looked away, her eyes were dark and hard to distinguish.

Stepping on cobblestones, his feet were slightly resting, Mo Wan dragged him for a while, and slowly frowned: "I don't want to go, you carry me behind your back!"

The forward steps paused a little, Leng Zhuo turned his head to stare at her, his eyes glanced at the flat shoes under her feet, his handsome sword eyebrows were slightly frowned, but he didn't say much, just bent down and carried her on his back.

Leaning on his broad back, Mo Wan smiled silently, she stretched out her arms to wrap his neck around his neck, and with a slight sideways glance, she could see his handsome face, which was dazzling and charming.

Looking at his handsome face, Mo Wan's bright eyes sparkled sharply, maybe there should be another ending between them, but he didn't give her a chance to choose, so she had no choice!

The temperature at night was extremely low. After taking a shower, Mo Wan immediately dried her hair. When she came out of the bathroom, she saw the man leaning against the head of the bed, looking at the documents in his hand.

Lifting the quilt and getting in, Mo Wan only felt warm inside, not cold at all, it was because of his temperature, she unconsciously leaned against him, looking for the source of heat.

Leng Yi was not in the company these two days, he was dealing with many things alone, the workload was unavoidably heavy, after he finished the last document, he closed the folder and lay down beside her.

Holding her in his arms, Leng Zhuo reached out to turn off the bedside lamp. She curled up softly in his embrace, making his silent heart start to stir again.

Sensing his hot body, Mo Wan immediately raised her head, stretched out her hand to hold down his fidgeting fingers, and said in a deep voice, "Tonight, we just hug each other to sleep, okay?"

"Huh?" Leng Zhuo lowered his head, looked into her pure eyes, and asked her inexplicably.

Sighing softly, Mo Wan rested her head on his heart, put her arms around his waist, and said in a low voice, "Just hold him like this, and do nothing."

The man's face froze, and it took a long time to understand the meaning of her words. Although he was reluctant, he still smiled at her rare obedience.

Lowering his lips slightly, Leng Zhuo kissed her forehead, with a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth: "Okay."

Hearing his answer, Mo Wan's tightly held heart finally let go. She lay quietly in his arms. Although she was motionless, her jet-black pupils never closed.

It wasn't until his even breathing sounded in his ears that Mo Wan raised his head, stared at his sleeping face, and many images flashed in his heart.Seal all the pictures that have touched her in a corner of my heart, and lock them tightly with a huge lock, and never allow myself to touch them again!
The next morning, when Mo Wan opened her eyes, the people around her had already left. She got up expressionlessly and walked out of the bathroom to wash up.After tidying herself up, she calmly walked to the closet and picked out a set of clothes.

White sweater, black jeans, jacket is a short lapel woolen jacket, hair is tied into a simple ponytail, Mo Wan didn't wear makeup, she looked in the mirror, she was very satisfied with the calmness on her face Very surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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