Chapter 276


She bit her lips tightly, but she still couldn't control it, and a painful voice escaped from her lips. She moaned softly, like a wounded little animal, whimpering on the verge of death.

After an unknown amount of time, Mo Wan's body curled up on the ground moved slightly. She sat up, her clothes all over her body were soaked in cold sweat, her face was as pale as paper, and even her lips were transparent.

She leaned against the wall and stood up slowly, her hands and feet were still numb, and she couldn't exert much strength. Looking at the ghostly pale face in the glasses, she smiled lowly, with a bitter smile on the corner of her mouth.

What's wrong with her?Why, my heart hurts so much?
Mo Wan supported the wall and walked out of the bathroom. The severe pain in her heart just now gradually disappeared. She stood at the window, looking at the dark night outside, her eyes dimmed.

Maybe, she really needs to go to the hospital for an examination. Is there really something wrong with her heart? Otherwise, why would it be so painful?It hurt so much that she thought she was really going to die!

The moonlight in front of the window was quiet, and Mo Wan leaned her head against the window, and the corner of her eye glanced at the diamond tail ring on her right hand, adding a touch of loneliness to her desolate eyes.

Meeting the right person at the right time is a lifetime of happiness.

Meeting the wrong person at the right time is a heartbreak.

Meeting the wrong person at the wrong time is absurd.

What happens when you meet the right person at the wrong time?

Mo Wan couldn't help lowering her head and smiling slightly, her bright eyes gradually fell silent, fading all the brilliance in those eyes.Meeting the right person at the wrong time is a sigh.

In the quiet and dark night, her thin figure looked out of the window for a long time, her thin shoulders kept trembling, and the suppressed low weeping faintly wafted around, which did not dissipate for a long time...

Near the end of the year, all major companies are the busiest time of the year. Not long after Mo Wan returned to the Tia Group, there were a lot of work to be done during the previous vacancy, and there was also a lot of new work. After that, she spent more than ten hours a day, basically working overtime at the company every day, and did not rest on weekends.

Such an excessive workload, although hard, allowed her to settle down and focus on things at work, leaving no time for other things. It also allowed her to fall asleep when she got home at night, without insomnia until dawn.It's just that she was so busy and hard that she really couldn't spare time to care about Mo Lin. She only had two days a week to call him, and the call time didn't exceed 5 minutes.

Jing Chen is very satisfied with her devotion to work. In fact, he has a good eye for seeing people. There is no doubt about Mo Wan's ability to work, but he wants to see into her heart, but there is no way.She has already closed all the paths leading to her heart, and there is nothing anyone can do to keep her guarded.

Even the third young master of the Jing family, who has been hunting flowers for many years, is helpless with such an insulator, not to mention that he has never paid such attention to women before, they are all readily available, and he does not need to spend a lot of trouble.It's just giving gifts, talking hot words when you're happy, and kicking him far away when you're bored. He has always had this attitude towards women!

Working overtime for several days in a row, Mo Wan compiled the quarterly profit statement and compiled it into a feasible plan, which will be used when preparing for the year-end summary meeting.After lunch, she finally breathed a sigh of relief. The intense work of the past month has finally paid off, and she will be able to relax for the next few days. Before the lunch break, she clicked on the company's internal webpage and browsed some economic news.

During the period of the end of the year, the frequency of major well-known groups appearing on the Internet has increased sharply, but a new group name suddenly appeared in the middle, lw, this group was not familiar to the public before, and it only started to rise in the last six months. All the way from overseas to domestic, it was successfully listed half a month ago, and the stock price has been soaring.

Mo Wan tapped her fingers and browsed the information on the webpage. The reports on this group were mostly based on the group's business ideas and models, but she didn't mention a word about the group's president, keeping the veil of mystery from the beginning to the end.

After roughly looking at the group's information, Mo Wan pouted and closed the webpage.The competition in the shopping mall is fierce and complicated. Before the listing, lw group was just a little-known small company with a total asset value of only a few million. However, someone can make good use of it and invest a lot of capital at the same time. In just a few months, Such a company has transformed itself into one of the top [-] groups. It seems that the group boss must not be underestimated!
As the New Year approaches, everyone begins to think about where to have dinner together and have a good time.Throughout the afternoon, the office area was chattering and whispering about this matter. When someone came to ask Mo Wan, she always looked easy-going and left the decision to them.

When she got off work, Mo Wan sat in the swivel chair and sank. She looked up at the calendar and figured it out. She had worked overtime for 20 days this month. Should she take a break?
Looking at the gloomy sky outside the window, her eyes dimmed, she packed her things, turned off the computer, and prepared to go home.During this period of time, she was too tired, and she also wanted to breathe a sigh of relief and go home early to have a decent meal.

Jing Chen came out of the office. He was about to drive people home, but he saw that her seat was empty and she was not there.With a slight thought, he quickly ran towards the elevator while holding the car keys.

After walking out of the Tia Group, Mo Wan stood outside the building in a daze. She raised her head, and the street lights on both sides of the road were already slightly lit, emitting a faint yellow halo.

With a long sigh of relief, Mo Wan wrapped her coat tightly around her body, and when she was about to turn around and take a step, she saw a car parked at the intersection from the corner of her eye, which only made her complexion change drastically, and she was in a daze.

The traffic lights at the intersection are switched, and the red light is specially used for street lights, and the crowded traffic flow starts slowly.Mo Wan stared at the car that was about to start, her whole body was alert, before she had time to think about anything, she ran forward.

Jing Chen just came out, and was about to call her when he saw her back, but saw her running forward like crazy, he subconsciously took two steps forward, and found that she was not in the right state, and immediately turned back , quickly got into the car, started the engine and chased after her.

(End of this chapter)

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