Chapter 281

The elevator stopped with a "ding", and Mo Wan arrived just at this time. Panting heavily, she turned her head, but when she saw the man beside her, she was stunned.

A fine layer of sweat oozed from her smooth forehead, Mo Wan stared blankly at the man beside her, unable to tell what it was like.The president of the Leng Group is not only him, but also Leng Yi!
Leng Yi was wearing a black suit. Seeing her running out of breath, his quiet eyes moved slightly. He turned and walked into the elevator, but reached out and pressed the button, and did not let the elevator door close immediately.

Looking at Mo Wan with a dazed face, Leng Yi's eyes were deep, and his cold and handsome face loosened for a moment. He told her, "Mo Wan, do you know that Leng Zhuo is actually thinking about his life but not getting it? All the warmth I can't get is given to you."

Although his voice was not loud, it was enough to make every word enter her ears clearly, without missing a single word.

Seeing the golden transparent elevator door slowly closing, Mo Wan stood there in a daze, her heart suddenly exploded, she slowly lowered her head, her eyes suddenly turned red.

Throughout the afternoon, Mo Wan was out of work. Although she didn't think about it deliberately, the words Leng Yi said kept popping up in her ears, and each word was deeply engraved deep in her heart.

When she got off work, Mo Wan saw everyone around her leaving, so she stood up mechanically, picked up her purse, and walked outside.She held her bag with her head down, it was an instinctive movement, she didn't even wear a coat, but she didn't realize it.

Jing Chen came out of the office, saw her coat on the back of the chair, his eyes darkened, he reached out to pick up the coat, his face flashed with a gloomy light.

Walking out of the Tia Group, Mo Wan looked up at the gloomy sky, turned around and walked slowly. She walked to the bus stop and saw a familiar car approaching. For some reason, she couldn't help but squeeze into the car along with the crowd.

It wasn't until the bus arrived at the terminal that Mo Wan realized, why did he get on this bus?Reluctantly getting out of the car, she walked along the side of the road, turned two intersections, and saw the villa halfway up the mountain in front of her.

Standing at the crossroads, Mo Wan hesitated slightly in her steps. After thinking about it, she still couldn't help but take a step.When she walked to the huge wrought iron gate, she stared at the gate with dark eyes, then pushed it open step by step, and walked to the opposite side of the road.

Although it was across a road, she could see the villa opposite as long as she raised her head, and she could also vaguely see the study room with balcony on the second floor in the villa opposite.

It was late at night, and the villa was lit with tiny lights, and the study room was also dimly lit, which meant that there was someone in that room. At this time, he was usually dealing with business in the study room, so the looming figure, It should be him, right?

Mo Wan slowly bent down and sat on the side of the road. She rubbed her sore legs and kept staring in that direction without moving her eyes.After she sat down, she realized that she was not wearing a coat. She sighed dejectedly, full of desolation.

In the cold winter, sitting on the icy ground, Mo Wan quickly shivered. She rubbed her shoulders with her hands, and told her rationally to leave and go home immediately, but her brain couldn't control her limbs, so she still sat on the ground, moving Also do not move.

In fact, at this moment, she didn't think about anything in her head, she just wanted to sit here and look at him from such a distance, that's all.

In the huge study room, the man sat in the swivel chair, staring at the video conversation on the computer screen with introverted eyes. He listened to the continuous reports on the other end, and the expression on his face kept changing.

Someone knocked lightly on the door of the study room, and Steward Song came in respectfully and said: "Master Leng, the old lady has prepared dinner, please go down and have dinner."

Leng Zhuo hung up the video, raised his eyebrows and glanced at Butler Song, and asked in a deep voice, "Has Second Young Master come back?"

"Not yet, but already on the way." Steward Song nodded slightly and replied truthfully.

Gently raising his hand, Leng Zhuo tidied up the things on the table, and said, "Understood, I'll go down right away." Following his words, Steward Song gently closed the door, turned and left.

After tidying up the documents and materials on the desk, Leng Zhuo stood up with his usual expression, turned off the desk lamp, and wanted to close the curtains casually.He walked to the window, just touched the curtain with his fingers, and glanced inadvertently, but happened to see the not-so-clear figure in the distance.

From a distance of not too far, his cold and sharp gaze was dull for a moment, and he judged who the figure was in almost a second. What's more, that person... is she?
The man's slender fingers tightened slowly, and his fingertips slid across the silky coldness of the curtain, making him shrink back uncontrollably.

In front of the large floor-to-ceiling windows, the man folded his hands on his chest, his deep eyes were dark, and he stared straight at the figure opposite, without moving or showing any expression for a long time.

However, his sharp eyes swept over, and after catching sight of the thin clothes on her body, his beautiful sword eyebrows were slightly frowned, but he never let go.

Sneezing a few times in a row, Mo Wan finally stood up rubbing her stiff neck, averting her eyes from the already dark room, she lifted her legs heavily, and walked with difficulty.

Trembling all over, Mo Wan sucked her nose hard, only to realize that her nose was blocked and her breathing was difficult.She curled her lips, and could only speed up her pace, rushing to the next intersection to stop the car.

This road leads directly to the mountain, and there are usually no taxis, so if she wants to go home, she can only rush to the next intersection.

A black Porsche drove by on the road. The person sitting in the car looked out the window, but suddenly said, "Stop!"

Hearing the people around him screaming to stop, Leng Yi subconsciously stepped on the brakes, and the car stopped on the side of the road with a "creak".

"What's wrong?" Leng Yi parked the car, turned to look at the woman beside him, with a gentle tone.

Su Xiaoxiao turned her head and stared out of the window without moving. She bit her lips tightly and murmured after a long time: "In such a cold day, she doesn't even wear a coat!"

Leng Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then followed her gaze, and it was easy to see the figure walking on the side of the road with his head bowed, walking forward.

(End of this chapter)

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