Chapter 286

Seeing her appearance, Mo Lin frowned subconsciously, he put his hands on her shoulders, and immediately lowered his voice, "Sister, what's wrong with you? Are you unhappy?"

Mo Wan couldn't help sighing, she looked at her younger brother's dazed face, her heart was sour, and she felt a little uncomfortable: "Xiao Lin, I just want you to be healthy, and I haven't thought about you..."

After a pause, Mo Wan's black pupils flickered, and she didn't finish the rest of the sentence. She suddenly changed her face, and the corners of her mouth were full of smiles: "As long as both of us are well, my sister will be very happy." gone."

Hearing what she said, Mo Lin finally breathed a sigh of relief, his frowning brows relaxed, he glanced at the car, and his tone eased: "Sister, from now on, I have enough ability to give you the most good life!"

Mo Wan's heart sank again. Although her brother's words were sincere, she still felt oppressed in her heart. Maybe it was because she never thought of living such a luxurious life, or maybe it was because Mo Lin's status changed too quickly and she accepted it all at once. Difficult, in short, she felt weird all over, and couldn't tell what was wrong.

Living with her since childhood, as long as there is something strange about her, Mo Lin can accurately catch it. Looking at her dazed face, Mo Lin can naturally guess what she is thinking in her heart, but he just smiled lightly and said nothing. Not too much explanation.Some things, sooner or later she has to get used to it, maybe she is not used to it now, but one day she has to face it.

"Let's go, let's go eat." Mo Lin pulled up Mo Wan, who was still in a daze, with a gentle smile on his face. After visiting like this, it was already noon, and it was time for lunch.

Naturally, the lunch was also rich and delicious. Mo Wan sat in front of the long dining table with tableware inlaid with gold rims in her hand and the dazzling light of the crystal lamp above her head. In this extreme luxury, she gradually lost her appetite.Although the food is exquisite, it is not the taste she likes and is familiar with. She has always been incapable of accepting things that are too expensive!

Mo Lin has been carefully observing her expression, seeing that she hardly touched her chopsticks during the whole meal, and something faintly flashed in the depths of her bright eyes, he also used it briefly, and then took her to the second floor, where to her bedroom.

Pushing open the bedroom door, Mo Lin held her shoulders, led her in, and said with a smile, "Sister, this is your bedroom."

The lowered eyes slowly lifted up, and Mo Wan glanced listlessly, but when she saw the bedroom in front of her clearly, her frowning brows slowly eased.

The walls of the bedroom are covered with cloud wallpapers, and a large floor-to-ceiling window has an excellent view. In the center of the bedroom, there is a high-legged princess bed, surrounded by white curtains, dreamy and romantic.

All this in front of her eyes made Mo Wan couldn't help laughing. She walked to the bed step by step, gently stroking the hanging veil, with a deep smile on the corner of her mouth.When she was young, she always imagined that she could have such a princess room. Every girl will have such a princess dream in her life!

"Do you like it?" Mo Lin stared fixedly at her face, and a smile unconsciously spread on Junyi's face.

Mo Wan walked to the floor-to-ceiling mirror, looked at herself in the mirror, and suddenly remembered the fairy tale book she had read, as if the mirror in front of her was the talking magic mirror.

"I like it!" Mo Wan nodded vigorously, and finally smiled happily this time. This is her dream since she was a child, and it always makes people feel very happy when the dream comes true.

Mo Lin seemed to have expected that she would say this a long time ago, the corners of his mouth hooked up, and suddenly he took out a box from his hand and handed it to her, "Open it and have a look."

Seeing that he was holding the box in his hand, Mo Wan couldn't refuse, she smiled and untied the tie of the box, and there was a white evening dress lying flat in the pink velvet box, luxurious and elegant.

"This is?" Mo Wan was startled, looking at the dress with a puzzled face.

Putting the box on the bed carefully, Mo Lin smiled lightly, and his deep eyes gleamed brightly: "There will be a business dinner tomorrow night, and lw is also invited, let's go together, I want everyone to know that you are my sister!"

Facing the dazzling light outside the window, Mo Wanding looked into his eyes, but she couldn't see the bottom. Her heart trembled, and the strangeness on her face disappeared in a flash. After a while, she calmed down the unnaturalness in her heart. , nodded lightly.

Although he noticed something flickering in her eyes, Mo Lin didn't delve into it. Seeing her nodding her head in agreement, he smiled happily, and pulled her to sit by the bed, just like when they were young, the siblings chatted in a low voice.

In the seaside villa, in the huge study room, a man was sitting in a swivel chair, his eyes were cold, his mouth was tense, and he didn't speak for a long time.

Amu stood straight beside him, looked at his silent face, and trembled slightly in his heart: "Young master, the government suddenly issued an environmental protection order to prohibit the development of the land we bought in Europe. Our funds, You won't get a penny back."

Zhou Shaoyan kept his lips tightly shut, his face was gloomy and gloomy, he tightened his five fingers, and said coldly: "Is there any room for relaxation?"

"This..." Amu was stunned, knowing the seriousness of the matter, he did not dare to say ambiguous words: "Leng Zhuo personally negotiated this matter, and he signed an environmental protection agreement with the government for 30 years!"

Hearing this, the expression in Zhou Shaoyan's eyes completely darkened. He stood up from the swivel chair, turned around and looked at the calm sea outside the window, with a chill in his eyes.Sure enough, for such a powerful enemy, he just couldn't let him have the slightest chance to breathe!The last time he was shot, if it wasn't for Si Yu, he wouldn't...

Thinking of this, Zhou Shaoyan's face became even more ugly. He made a wrong move and lost the opportunity. Now he is in such a predicament!

On a sunny morning, there are huge black parasols on the quiet coast.

Zhou Shaoyan was sitting under the umbrella, a steaming hot breakfast was placed on the white wrought iron table, and the fried eggs on the plate were still shining, but he just held his chin with one hand, thinking about something intently.

Suddenly, a figure flashed on the opposite side, Zhou Shaoyan immediately came back to his senses, he raised his head sharply, looked at the man sitting opposite him, and couldn't help being taken aback: "Is it you?"

Mo Lin raised his head with a smile, reached out and pushed the business card in front of him, and said in a deep voice, "If Huo Shaonan's chess piece doesn't work, just replace it."

(End of this chapter)

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