Chapter 293

Since their divorce, Huo Ting has been very worried about Mo Wan, but it's not easy for him to come forward to persuade him directly, and he is also anxious and unable to do anything.He will never forget that on that rainy day, Mo Wan accompanied him in the rain, how he tried his best to ease the conflict between the Huo family and Leng Zhuo!

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the tail ring of Mo Wan's little finger, Huo Ting couldn't help being stunned for a moment, he stared at the ring until Mo Wan noticed something strange in his eyes, and moved his finger embarrassingly .

"This ring..." Huo Ting's eyes flickered, and his eyes focused on the diamond ring. After a long time, a smile appeared from the corner of his tightly pursed mouth: "He put the ring on your hand?"

A look of unnaturalness flashed across Mo Wan's face, she bit her lip tightly, unable to speak.

Seeing that she was silent, Huo Ting suddenly smiled. The worry in his heart was actually a little bit happy because of this discovery. He lowered his expression and said in a deep voice: "Xiao Wan, do you know what this ring represents?"

Mo Wan raised her head in surprise, with some confusion in her eyes.She knew that this ring belonged to Leng Yan's mother, and that it was a token of love from Huo Ting to his mother. Besides, what else could it represent?
Seeing her in a daze, Huo Ting pursed his lips and smiled lightly, and the expression on his face suddenly softened, "This diamond has a mark, and that mark is called the eternal mark, forever..."

"Eternal Mark?" Mo Wan lowered her head, staring blankly at the ring in her hand, her heart suddenly twitched, and the throbbing that surged up filled her heart.

Huo Ting nodded, his eyes lit up looking at her, his frown slowly relaxed, and he felt some comfort in his heart.Maybe things are not as he saw them, and that child Xu Lengzhuo is not as ruthless as he looks, now seeing him put the ring on Mo Wan's hand, he finally feels some comfort.

After Huo Ting left, Mo Wan sat on the bench alone, with mixed emotions and many thoughts flashing through her mind.It wasn't until the sun set that she came back to her senses and was ready to go home.

Standing up from the bench, Mo Wan glanced at the time, although she didn't want to, she still wanted to go home, she walked a few steps, suddenly thought of something, stopped and took out the document in her bag, she frowned After thinking about it, but just to be on the safe side, I still tore up the data and threw it into the trash can.

After throwing away the documents, Mo Wan turned around and left the hospital, and returned to the manor by car.She came back earlier than usual today, and when she walked to the yard, she saw Mo Lin's car parked at home, obviously he had already returned.

Looking at his car, Mo Wan's heart suddenly became dull. She was standing in the yard, looking at the bright lights in the villa, but she had the idea of ​​fleeing. Is there... is it really her home?

"Miss, are you back?" The driver at home greeted her with a smile when he saw her come back.

Mo Wan had always been friendly towards the servants, so she naturally smiled politely. She looked sideways and saw the driver pushing a motorcycle to the garage. With a flick of her eyes, she asked, "Who is this car?" of?"

The driver stopped walking, turned to look at her, and said truthfully, "Master."

Mo Wan's eyes darkened, and a bright light immediately flooded into her eyes. Why didn't she know that Mo Lin could ride a motorcycle?When did he learn to ride a motorcycle?

Concentrating on the doubts in her heart, Mo Wan nodded with her usual face, turned around and walked into the villa without asking any more questions.

In the huge living room, there was no one. She looked down and walked directly upstairs.When she reached the second floor, she subconsciously walked lightly to Mo Lin's bedroom.

Walking to the bedroom door, Mo Wan stepped lightly. She looked in through the open door and vaguely saw his figure sitting in front of the bed, as if he was tinkering with something.


The people inside were full of vigilance, Mo Wan's face changed slightly, and he stretched out his hand to push the door open, only to see that he was holding a needle in his hand, and was injecting an amber liquid into the vein of his arm.

"What are you doing?" Mo Wan stared at the syringe in his hand with sharp eyes.

Seeing that it was her, Mo Lin was stunned for a moment, and then put down his guard. He smiled and said, "The medicine to control the disease!" After speaking, he pushed the amber liquid into the vein.

"Control the disease?" Mo Wan frowned, seeing that he had finished injecting the medicine, she couldn't help but ask, "Isn't your disease all cured?"

Throwing the used syringe into the trash can, Mo Lin walked up to her, put his hands on her shoulders, and said with a smile, "Sister, don't worry, I'm fine!"

It could be heard that he deliberately concealed it, and Mo Wan didn't ask any further questions. She nodded with a smile, and before turning around, she asked him suddenly: "When did you learn to ride a motorcycle?"

Mo Lin's complexion changed abruptly, and the emotion he had no time to hide disappeared in a flash, but Mo Wan still accurately detected it.

Concentrating on the strangeness on his face, Mo Lin pursed his lips and smiled, his tone was low: "At that time, I was bored in the hospital, and I only learned it to pass the time."

"That's it!" The smile on Mo Wan's face was just right, and there was nothing wrong with it: "Be careful when riding a bicycle in the future, don't ride fast!" There was a usual caring expression on her face, and there was nothing unusual about it.

Mo Lin smiled lowly, he relaxed his vigilance because of her concern, so he didn't notice her tightening fingers, the smile in the corner of his eyes was unusually gentle, "Don't worry, I won't make you worry."

Mo Wan nodded with a smile, and exited his room, but the moment she turned around, she suppressed all the smiles on her face, and a gleam of light appeared in her dark eyes.

After dinner, Mo Wan went back to her bedroom. She took a shower, changed into her pajamas and went to bed.Thinking about many things in her heart, she tossed and turned, and she didn't know how long it took before she fell asleep and fell asleep.

Not long after, the closed bedroom door was pushed open, and Mo Lin gently walked to her bed and sat down, staring at her with fixed eyes.Since he came back, he vaguely noticed that Mo Wan's attitude towards him was different from before!

During this period of time, although she went home every day, she talked less and less and saw him less and less. Could it be that he did something that made her suspicious?But he forbears everywhere, where did he go wrong?
(End of this chapter)

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