Chapter 304

It wasn't until the sky turned white that the man's violent movements gradually stopped. He looked at the person in his arms contentedly, his deep eyes filled with complicated emotions.

Leng Yan pulled the quilt and covered her, looking at the sleeping man lying in his arms, his sexy Adam's apple couldn't help rolling up and down, and the look in his eyes was sad.

In the current situation, Leng Zhuo is in a dilemma, Zhou Shaoyan is already an enraged beast, he will definitely spare no effort to find Mo Wan, and hold this chess piece firmly in his hands!

But he had to cut off the enemy's retreat, and it would only be more dangerous to bring her by his side, so he could only...

Time is running out, and he can't be given too much time to think about it. He just instinctively feels that the same danger, but perhaps the danger that he has scruples about, will be relatively safer for her!Because of this, he must also tell himself that this battle can only be won, not lost, otherwise the price he has to pay is something he will never be able to bear!
Waking up early the next morning, Mo Wan packed up all the things he needed. She looked very calm and didn't say much from the beginning to the end.Just remind him not to forget anything.

Finally sent him to the gate, Mo Wan held back the tears all morning and finally contained them in her eyes, but she tried her best not to cry, the appearance of crying or not was even more worrying.

Leng Yan had already got into the car, but seeing her standing there with her head down and tears in her eyes, she couldn't help but open the car door and walk down, reaching out to hold her in her arms.

"Wanwan, do you believe me?" Leng Zhuo lowered his head, looked at her red eye circles, and said in a low voice.

Mo Wan sniffed her nose hard, resisting the soreness in her eyes, raised a bright smile, and told him firmly, "I believe it!" Sometimes, many words don't need too much explanation, as long as there is mutual trust enough.

With a smile in his cold eyes, he lowered his head, pressed his lips against her forehead, and said, "Wait for me to come back!" After saying this, he turned around resolutely and sat in the seat. In the car, order the driver to drive the car away.

The bodyguards around her had already urged her to go in countless times, but she remained motionless until his body disappeared, and then she turned and went back into the room.

The huge house immediately became empty without him. Mo Wan sat on the sofa, staring blankly.Before he left, he specially selected a few bodyguards. Those people had received special training and would absolutely swear to defend her safety.

Thinking of this, Mo Wan's dark eyes darkened. She is not the kind of person who can make people risk their lives to save each other. We are all human, how could she care about other people's lives.

Thinking about messy things in her head, Mo Wan unconsciously lay down on the sofa and fell asleep. When she woke up, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.After waking up, she sat up from the sofa, calculated the time, immediately picked up her mobile phone and called him.

She dialed the phone several times, but couldn't get through. Mo Wan felt a little uneasy. She stood up and opened the door. When she saw the conscientious bodyguards guarding outside, her eyes immediately dimmed.

She was anxious, so she couldn't help asking them if Leng Zhuo's plane had landed, but none of them showed any expression, and they didn't answer her question directly.

Closing the door irritably, Mo Wan felt even more suspicious. She paced around with her arms folded, like an ant on a hot pot, restless.

Seeing the time slowly passing by, it was already five o'clock in the blink of an eye, Mo Wan walked around the room, and finally was really flustered, so he could only turn on the TV.

During this period of time, Mo Wan's mobile phone was always turned off. She only sent a text message to Jing Chen, telling him that something happened and she couldn't go to work in the company for a short time.In addition, she has no relationship with anyone, and Su Xiaoxiao is no longer in the country, and she has no one to contact.

Turning on the TV, Mo Wan randomly jumped to the station, but she didn't want the news reported on it to make her face turn pale and tremble slightly.After being dull for a few seconds, she regained her senses, immediately picked up her purse, opened the door and walked outside.

The bodyguards in black stopped her, but she held a dagger in her hand and pressed it directly to her neck. She only said one sentence, "Take me to the airport, or I will die here!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and after making brief eye contact, they could only lean on her and see her take her into the car and drive towards the airport.

In the black car, Mo Wan was sitting in the back seat of the car. She had tears in her eyes, looking at the passing scenery outside the window, with mixed feelings in her heart.The news report just now reported that a private plane took off from the airport. When it landed in the United States, there was an explosion and the plane crashed. The situation is not clear...

Clutching the leather bag tightly with five fingers, Mo Wan sat in the back seat of the car with a dignified expression, looking at a certain point in front of her, as if she was thinking about something.


With the loud noise, the car body shook violently, Mo Wan's expression changed, but before she recovered, the bodyguard sitting in front pushed her body back down, making her lie on the back seat.

The car fluttered for a while, and Mo Wan could feel the force of the impact just now. She lay on her stomach and did not dare to move. She turned her head and looked out the front windshield, only to see many black cars appearing on the road all of a sudden. Cars are surrounded in the middle.

The driver was forced to stop the car. Mo Wan straightened up when she saw the car door being opened. Countless black muzzles were pointed at the head of the bodyguard in front of her, without any expression on her face.

Looking at those people standing outside the car door, Mo Wan's face was gloomy. She got out of the car and said in a low voice, "Don't hurt them."

"Yes!" The man in black nodded hurriedly when he saw her speaking.

Knowing that it would be useless to talk too much, Mo Wan didn't ask any more questions, followed their figures, got into another black car, and drove away.

The car drove to the outskirts of the city, and it wasn't until the manor appeared in front of him that Mo Wan's silent eyes were moved for a moment, and a cold light flickered from the corners of his eyes.

The car parked in the manor, and the man in black brought Mo Wan in. When she walked into the gorgeous living room, she saw Mo Lin sitting on the sofa with a quiet expression.

"Welcome home!" Seeing her coming back, Maureen smiled and stood up from the sofa with a gentle expression.

(End of this chapter)

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