Chapter 314

Looking at the rope that he stretched out his hand, Leng Zhuo's face suddenly turned cold. If the man in front of him wasn't Yan Hao, he would definitely draw his gun again.

Seeing him coldly pushing his hand away, Yan Hao understood immediately. He nodded knowingly, retracted the rope in his hand, took out a white medicine bottle and put it in his hand, "You can give it to her." Take some medicine, but..."

Yan Hao paused for a moment, but didn't continue. In fact, those medicines didn't work. She could only rely on her own willpower to survive. As long as she endured the most uncomfortable 72 hours, she would get better and better later on!
Leng Zhuo lowered his head, took the medicine bottle from his hand, and gave an inaudible "um" sound, the expression on his face was gloomy, without any fluctuations.

Seeing him turn around and walk, Yan Hao's expression changed, and he hastily added a sentence, "I won't leave for these three days, but stay here." His implication was very obvious, how could Leng Zhuo not hear it.

Clenching the medicine bottle in his hand, Leng Yan nodded slowly, then walked back to the bedroom and closed the door.

Seeing his dejected back as he walked in, Yan Hao frowned slightly, but he didn't stop him. He had already done all the remedial measures that could be done, and there was nothing he could do about the rest!

Walking to the bed, Leng Zhuo lifted the quilt to get on the bed, and lay down beside her, her eyes were closed, her breathing was fairly even, but fine beads of sweat still ooze from her forehead, she did not sleep soundly.

Raising his hand to caress her cheek, his cold and deep eyes moved, his thin lips were tightly pressed, and the tight curve was pulled straight, he just stared at her like this, feeling a sense of loss in his heart.

These days, he was running around here and there, and he had just gone through such a life-and-death struggle, and his physical strength was also seriously overdrawn. Although he wanted to hold on to his spirit, he still couldn't bear it anymore, closed his eyes, and fell asleep beside her. .

The sky gradually turned white, and Leng Zhuo unconsciously reached out to hug the person in his arms, but when he waved his arm, it was empty, and he didn't get anything.The vigilance he has maintained all year round made him open his eyes, turn over and sit up. He turned his head to look at the position beside him, but he did not see anyone.

The man's sharp eyes looked around, and he accurately caught the figure huddled by the sofa, such a small ball, curled up all over, sitting on the cold ground, with long soft hair scattered, lifeless Draped over her shoulders.

Pulling hard at the position of the heart, Leng Zhuo lifted the quilt and got out of bed, walking towards her gently.He squatted down and brushed her long hair with his hand, only to see that her face was pale, her whole body was trembling non-stop, her white teeth were biting her lip hard, even a trace of blood leaked out.

The hands hanging by his sides tightened violently, and the dull pain from the apex of his heart at this moment was enough to make him breathless.

In the past years, he acted ruthlessly, never cared about the consequences, and never believed in karma.But now, the remorse in his heart can't reach it, and it can delay his heart forever!He also finally understands that things in this world have both causes and effects, whether you believe it or not, God is always fair, and will definitely make you repay it all in a heart-wrenching way!

This kind of pain is just like what he is doing today, gouging out his heart and hurting his internal organs!

Back then, he took that batch of goods from the Zhou family. Although there was a reason for it, it hurt too many people after all. Not to mention that the whole family of the Zhou family was destroyed. With kind thoughts, why did Mo Wan come to this doom today?

Sure enough, the law of heaven is reincarnated, and the retribution is not good!But he only wanted all of this to fall on him, and not to involve her in the slightest. He wished in his heart that as long as she lived a safe life!
It's a pity that the sky failed to fulfill people's wishes, even though Leng Zhuo had too much self-blame and regret in his heart, it was too late.All that they have to face now must be endured by the two of them together!
His cold and introverted eyes were dimmed, he rolled his Adam's apple up and down, and reached out to hold Mo Wan in his arms, those powerful arms trembling slightly, just like his heart at this moment.

Every joint in her body seemed to be bitten by ants. Mo Wan couldn't control the shaking of her whole body. Her face was pale, and the severe pain from every joint made her lose all reason.

Reaching out to push his embrace away, Mo Wan raised her brows, stared at him with wide eyes, and said, "Give me an injection, I feel so uncomfortable, really uncomfortable!" Ever since she woke up, her body's reaction was overwhelming. I also vaguely guessed something in my heart.

Leng Zhuo stared at her pale face, a trace of sadness slipped through his eyes, he pursed his lips, and said in a deep voice: "Wanwan, I will accompany you, don't be afraid!"

Her body was embraced by him again, Mo Wan's expression turned sour, in fact, she knew very well what was going on in her heart, but she was so uncomfortable that she really couldn't hold on.

Holding her tightly in his arms, Leng Yan stood up and put her back on the bed. He reached out and brushed off the shattered hair on her forehead, fixedly looked into her eyes, and said in a low and magnetic voice, "As long as we survive 72 hours, You'll be fine!"

"Really?" Mo Wan stared at him incredulously, asking him in disbelief.

A smile came out of her tightly pursed thin lips, and she lowered her head coldly, touching her forehead, and said softly: "Really! Wanwan, don't be afraid, I'm here for everything, let's work hard together, shall we?"

Mo Wan lay in his arms, listening to his steady heartbeat, her eyes were sore and uncomfortable: "Okay!" She spoke firmly with a hoarse voice, and she knew very well in her heart that if she was contaminated with that kind of thing, After a while, she will really be ruined in this life!

Holding her in his arms with satisfaction, Leng Zhuo smiled softly. Although Mo Wan was unwavering in his promise at this time, he knew in his heart that once the attack broke out, it would be a completely different look!
A few hours later, Mo Wan's curled up body became more and more uncomfortable, and the expression on her face became more and more irritable.During this period, Leng Zhuo gave her medicine twice, but it didn't have any effect. Her whole body was already at the limit that her body could bear.

"I'm uncomfortable!" Mo Wan's whole body was covered in cold sweat. She tremblingly tightened Leng Zhuo's arms, her voice dry: "Leng Zhuo, give me a shot, just one shot?"

Leng Yan glanced at her with raised eyebrows, raised his hand to touch her head, stood up and poured out the white pill, brought a glass of warm water, and sat in front of her with a smile: "Hey, take the medicine."

(End of this chapter)

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