Chapter 323

Mo Wan sniffed hard, knowing that the mother in his mouth was referring to Fu Yu, she put her arms around his arm, and was very grateful in her heart. Fortunately, at that time, he met Leng's family, otherwise maybe she really couldn't. Met him.

Thinking of this, Mo Wan's heart trembled violently. It wasn't until then that she realized how fortunate it was to meet him in this life!
Leng Zhuo raised his head and caressed her forehead with a serene expression in his eyes: "Later, Leng's family encountered financial difficulties, and I also wanted to get rid of Zhou Zhen's control, so I took that batch of goods. Wanwan, You know, I really thought at the time that only when all the members of the Zhou family were dead could I really get rid of them! But I forgot how many innocent people would be affected by this, so everything I endured today is The cause I buried myself really has nothing to do with you!"

After a pause, Leng Zhuo pursed his lips and smiled, and said sadly: "Mom is right, some things will be regretted one day. Since I found out, the person who made things difficult for our mother and child in those years was Dong Jiarong, and she secretly found After Tang Tiande helped, I was thinking about how to take revenge and seek justice for my mother! But..."

He couldn't help but paused, and there was a sparkle in his eyes: "No matter what, Mom can't come back to me again!"

Mo Wan lifted her body from his arms, put her arms around his shoulders tightly, and hugged him to her heart: "Husband, you still have me, and us!"

Leng Zhuo laughed softly, the obscurity in his eyes gradually faded away, he lowered his head, and pressed against her forehead: "Yes, I still have you, and you!"

Mo Wan nodded vigorously, stretched out her hand to hold his hand, and clasped his fingers tightly. The smile in her eyes was sincere, she couldn't help raising her head, and pressed her bright lips on his lips, bringing her full heart Affection, kiss him deeply.

There was warmth on the lips, coldness tasted the bitterness at the corners of the lips, gently raised his hand, hugged her tighter, and kissed her deeper, he pecked at the corners of her mouth lightly, and said hoarsely: "Wanwan, don't cry."

But what he said almost broke Mo Wan's whole heart. The dull pain in her heart, thinking of those days he had endured, made her so painful that she couldn't breathe. Why did God arrange for them to meet? so late?If she could meet him earlier, she would definitely try her best to stay by his side, at least tell him: honey, you are not alone!

Leng Zhuo coaxed her in a low voice, but the softer he spoke, the more tears shed in the corners of her eyes. He stared at her and cried until the tears flooded, and finally sighed silently, feeling distressed and sad!

If he had known what she looked like, he shouldn't have told her that those painful memories could only be endured by him alone. Why bother to let her suffer again and be sad again?

Lowering his head, he put his lips to the corners of her eyes, and sucked all the tears she kept gushing out.He was most afraid of seeing her tears, especially her painful tears, he was really distressed.

"Wanwan..." The man pressed her into the bathtub and leaned over her body, "Stop crying."

Mo Wan raised her head and looked into his bright eyes, feeling sore in her heart. She used to think that he was a pervert who took control of human life as fun, but today she understood why he armed himself like that?It's just because his heart is so fragile. He didn't have a complete family since he was born, and he was dependent on his mother, but he could only watch his relatives die in the flames!Later, his life became even more bleak and dark. If he hadn't survived tenaciously, he really would have died hundreds of times!

Compared with him, Mo Wan felt very happy.Although her childhood was also bleak, compared to his, she is still at ease, I don't know how many times more at ease!
Thinking of this, Mo Wan felt even more distressed. She felt sorry for every word she had cursed at him, and her heart trembled. It was because she didn't know him, and she never knew him, that's why she accused him like that!
It was her fault, she was so wrong!
"Woooo..." Mo Wan was sobbing and sobbing, biting her lip and muttering: "My husband, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Seeing her crying out of breath, Leng Zhuo knew in his heart that she was thinking of those things from the past again, his face suddenly changed, and his heart was filled with emotion.He also felt tens of thousands of regrets about what happened to Zeng Jiang, and he just wanted to use everything in the rest of his life to make up for her.

Her tears kept rolling down like pearls with broken strings. Leng Zhuo was really afraid that her eyes would break out from crying, but he couldn't coax her well, so he could only use the most effective method to make her stop crying.

The spring scenery in this room is full of heat...

A white garden villa stands in the night.The man drove home, turned off the engine, and did not enter the house immediately.He lowered the car window slightly, held a cigarette between his fingers, and did not smoke it after lighting it, but watched it burn out until the end.

Huo Shaonan snuffed out the cigarette butt in his hand, flicked his fingers lightly, and the cigarette butt instantly sank into the grass in the garden.

The night is quiet in Weixia, and there is a scent of green grass in the air.After a while, Huo Shaonan pushed open the car door, walked into the house with a gloomy expression.

Pushing open the door and walking in, the living room was pitch black and there were no lights on. He wanted to reach out and turn on the wall lamp, but someone turned on the floor lamp before him.

Jing Yue sat on the sofa, her head was lowered, her face was not good-looking, and she was slightly lonely.

Seeing her sitting on the sofa, Huo Shaonan's expression changed slightly, and he asked with an unnatural expression: "Why haven't you slept yet?"

Jing Yue raised her head slowly, a trace of sadness flashed in her bright eyes, just now she saw him sitting in the car smoking, and it took him a long time to return home reluctantly, recently, he spends more and more time going home every day He came later and later, and every time he came back, he was full of alcohol, or locked himself in the study without saying a word.

If Jing Yue could tolerate and pamper him before, but she can't now.Now there is still a little life in her stomach, she should fight for the baby, right?

Looking at her dazed face, Huo Shaonan frowned and walked to the sofa, stretched out his hand to pull her up, and said, "Let's go, go to sleep."

Jing Yue gently avoided his hand, raised her head and stared into his eyes, her tone sank: "Shao Nan, tell me, how long will it take before you forget her?"

(End of this chapter)

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