Chapter 333

Leng Yi's fingers caressing the edge of the table turned white, his lips trembled, his eyes were bloodshot, he picked up the gun, but he didn't know what to do!

Do not touch me……

In the video, Su Xiaoxiao's helpless cry sounded again, and with her voice, there was also the sound of clothes being torn apart.

With such a huge impact, Mo Wan didn't have time to think, her eyes were red, she reached out to pick up a wallpaper knife on the desk, held it firmly in her hand, pointed it at her shoulder, and stabbed it hard.


Holding the wallpaper knife in her hand, blood suddenly overflowed from Mo Wan's shoulder, dyeing her white clothes a bright red.

Mo Wan stabbed the knife into her shoulder, and the blade was barely visible. It could be seen that she had penetrated very deeply. With her yelling, the video camera turned to Mo Lin's face again.

Her whole body couldn't help trembling slightly, and Mo Wan's forehead was instantly covered with bean-sized beads of sweat. She stared at the person in the video with determination, "If you dare to touch Su Xiaoxiao, I'll use it." This knife slid open that aorta, let you watch me die!"

While speaking, she gritted her teeth fiercely, and pulled out the wallpaper knife that had been stuck into her shoulder, with a splash of blood.

"Mo Wan..."

Leng Zhuo's eyes sank, she didn't expect her to move so fast, but it was already too late to step forward.

"Don't come here!"

Watching the movement they wanted to stop, Mo Wan stared at them with piercing eyes, and moved the knife in his hand closer.Seeing the determination in her eyes, Leng Zhuo stopped walking forward, his face was pale, but he didn't move forward to stop her.

A large amount of blood continued to emerge from her shoulders, and Mo Wan was a little dizzy in front of her eyes. Her hands were covered with her own warm blood, her face was calm, and she just stared at Mo Lin's increasingly gloomy expression in the video.

"I'll bet you once, if you're not afraid, I'm not afraid either!" Mo Wan clenched the wallpaper knife tightly in her hand, and there was silence in her jet-black eyes, without any emotional ups and downs.

Mo Lin was silent for a moment. He stared at the bloodstains all over her body, and suddenly raised his lips and smiled, and said, "Sister, you always make my heart hurt! Well, you won!"

As his words fell, the men who had held Su Xiaoxiao back all retracted their hands and stepped aside respectfully.

Reaching out to catch the camera, Mo Lin smiled softly, with an evil voice like a devil from hell: "Sister, I'm waiting for you!"


The video was cut off suddenly, and the computer screen went black. Leng Zhuo was the first to react. He stepped over, hugged Mo Wan in his arms, and raised his hand to cover her bleeding wound.

Leng Yi turned to ask the people who followed the signal, but he could only see that everyone shook their heads helplessly, expressing that they could not trace the source of the signal.

Carrying Mo Wan to the bedroom, Yan Hao quickly came to treat her wound. Although the knife was pierced deeply, fortunately, no arteries were injured, only flesh wounds.

After dressing up her wound, Yan Hao left the ointment and left with the medicine box.

Leng Zhuo sat on the edge of the bed, staring at Mo Wan's pale face for a moment, his beautiful sword eyebrows were tightly frowned, and he didn't say anything.

Seeing his expression, Mo Wan smiled guiltyly, leaned over to please him, and snuggled into his arms: "I'm sorry, don't be angry, I'm really just trying to scare people!"

Slowly reaching out to wrap her in his arms, his cold and solid arms were still trembling, he could see the determination and cruelty emanating from her eyes at that moment, but he could do nothing to stop her, because he I understand that if it is a little later, it is very likely that Su Xiaoxiao will have no life!
In such a dilemma, how should he choose?

He has always been confident that he can protect her and give her the best life, but today he realized that there is actually too little he can give her, and even at the moment when life is at stake, he can't stop her !

Feeling the loneliness in his heart, Mo Wan's eyes were a little sore, she suppressed the tears in her eyes, raised her head with a smile, blinked her eyes, and acted like a baby: "Husband, just say something, don't ignore me!"

Reaching out to brush away the broken hair on her forehead, she lowered her head coldly, looked at her deeply, and said powerlessly, "Mo Wan, you make me feel so bad!"

Tears flashed across Mo Wan's eyes, she curled her lips and smiled, a lump in her throat made her speechless.Reaching out to hug his generous waist, she laughed silently.

It took a long time to calm down before Mo Wan calmed down the soreness in her heart. She raised her head from his arms, "I'm hungry."

Leng Zhuo lowered his head, kissed her lightly on the forehead, and eased his frown, "I'll get you something to eat, just wait here obediently."

Mo Wan nodded obediently, watched him go out, then lifted the quilt and got out of bed.She thought in her heart that someone should have something to say to her.

Sure enough, as soon as she got out of bed, someone knocked on the bedroom door, and as her voice sounded, Leng Yi pushed the door open and walked in.

Looking at his walking figure, Mo Wan just smiled lightly, but didn't speak.


Leng Yi stepped in, raised his eyebrows and looked over, his deep voice sounded, carrying some kind of strange emotion.

For the first time in a long time, Leng Yi called her by such a formal name, Mo Wan's eyes were clear, there was joy, but also a slight bitterness.

She knew in her heart that Leng Yi wanted to tell her that he would not let those who hurt Su Xiaoxiao go, and he would clean up Mo Lin himself.

Looking at the setting sun hanging from the window, Mo Wan's exquisite face was wrapped in a shadow, making it difficult to see the expression on her face at this time.After pondering for a while, she suddenly turned her head and said softly, "You are not his match."

At this moment, Leng Yi will not be Mo Lin's opponent, because he has a weakness, so he can only be hit by Mo Lin.

"None of you are his opponents!" Mo Wan sighed, a dark light flashed in his eyes.Now that Mo Lin is back, it means that Zhou Shaoyan has also come back. Now that these two people are mad, no one can know what they will do!
Leng Yi raised his head, looked at her thin shoulders, the expression on his face became gloomy, he pursed his lips, his heart was stuffy and uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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