Chapter 342

The steps under his feet paused slightly, Zhou Shaoyan looked sideways, with a peaceful expression on his face, "No thanks." After leaving these words, he walked away calmly.

Maybe it's not bad to end this blood feud in this way!Too much blood and gore can only confuse a person's heart more and more. In fact, human nature is good, so why is there such a heavy desire to kill.If he starts to stop from now on, will he have the right to meet her in the next life and stay with her for the rest of his life?
In the next few decades, all he has to do is to restrain his hostility, and spend his entire life fulfilling Si Yu's last entrustment, so that their daughter can grow up innocently and happily, with no worries in her life!
There were only three of them confronting each other in the cave, staring coldly at the little woman on the opposite side, with a bad expression on his face: "Mo Wan, I will settle this account with you!"

From the moment she saw him, Mo Wan had already burst into tears. Her lips trembled, she nodded vigorously, tears streaming down her face: "Okay, I'll let you count."

The overwhelming anger in my heart dissipated because of her words. Looking at the tears rolling down from her, Leng Zhuo just wanted to hold her in his arms and wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, not willing to let her cry .

"Molin, let her go!"

Containing the tenderness in his heart, he raised his eyebrows coldly and looked at the man opposite, his voice sank.

The button that was pressed was slowly opened, and the top of the cave was opened with the support of the bracket, revealing the blue sky. Mo Lin looked at the activated switch and whispered with gritted teeth: "Don't think about it!"

While speaking, he reached out for his gun, strangled Mo Wan's neck, and opened the door of the helicopter, trying to push her in.

Mo Wan reached out to grab the door frame and struggled with all her strength. She suddenly lowered her head and bit his arm hard.

"Ah!" Caught off guard by her bite, Mo Lin withdrew his hand in pain. He hesitated for a moment, only heard a "bang" gunshot, and his standing body suddenly fell to the ground, his right leg was injured.

With the sound of the bullet piercing through the flesh, Mo Wan lowered her head with a pale face. Looking at the large bloodstains on Mo Lin's pants, she was stunned and her heart trembled.

"Come here!" The man on the opposite side yelled, but Mo Wan didn't move. She looked at Mo Lin who was slumped on the ground, her whole heart trembled, she turned her head to block him, and choked up, "You can't kill me!" He, he is my brother!"

Leng Zhuo's face darkened, he stepped forward with a tense face, and pulled Mo Wan to his side, aiming the gun in his hand at Mo Lin again.

"do not want!"

Mo Wan panicked and reached out to press the handle of the gun. She cried and looked at the man beside her, and shouted sharply: "He is really my brother, my own brother!" After a pause, she turned her head to look at Mo Lin again, Weeping and shouting: "Molin, I didn't lie to you, we are really siblings, really!"

Mo Lin's right leg was injured, and a large amount of blood seeped from his injured part. He stood up with difficulty while holding the door of the cabin, and a wry smile slipped from the corner of his mouth.

It turned out that he was cheated, by his biological mother!It turned out that the mother just wanted to take revenge on her cheating father, so she made up this lie, but did she ever think that such a lie would ruin her own son!
The smile on the corner of his mouth was extremely bitter, Mo Lin suddenly raised his head, fixedly looked at Mo Wan, and asked with a smile: "Sister, do you love me?"

Mo Wan's face was full of tears. She bit her lip and nodded firmly, "Yes, of course my sister loves you! You are my dearest brother. My sister has always loved you since I was a child!"

A gleam of light gradually appeared on the gloomy face, and Mo Lin smiled and raised his head, feeling satisfied from the bottom of his heart.She said she loved her, and her sister said she loved him. Although her love was just family love, it was enough for him in this life!
Listening to these words, Leng Zhuo slowly put away the gun in his hand, he sighed, and the murderous look in his eyes also subsided.

"Let's go!" He glanced at his watch, quickly reached out to pull Mo Wan up, and led her out.

There was a loud noise at the top of the opened rock wall, and the explosives planted in advance exploded at that time, instantly blowing up the top of the opened rock wall.

Hearing the loud noise behind her, Mo Wanshu turned her head. She saw a lot of rocks falling down, and she also saw Mo Lin standing beside the helicopter without moving, just staring at The expression in her eyes seemed to return to the purity she had when she was a child.

"Sister, you are Xiaolin's best sister! Let's not be separated for the rest of our lives!"

"Xiao Lin, be good, my sister will never leave you, never!"

Slowly discovering many pictures of her childhood in front of her eyes, Mo Wan's heart tightened for a while. She turned her head and looked over, only to see that the top of the rock had collapsed, and the helicopter fell down with a "boom" following the burst of blasting force.


Seeing his falling figure, Mo Wan's expression suddenly changed. She pushed Leng Zhuo's hand away without thinking, turned around and ran back towards the collapsed place.

"Wanwan!" With nothing in his hand, Leng Zhuo hurriedly reached out to grab her, but because of the explosion, the cave was shaken, and the huge rocks splashed down, he dodged unsteadily, and his body fell backwards. Go, the back of his head hit the rock wall hard, making him dizzy immediately.

Almost running back, Mo Wan knelt on the edge of the collapsed cave. She looked down and saw Mo Lin holding onto the edge of the rock with one hand, struggling hard.

Before she had time to think about it, Mo Wan immediately stretched out her hand, grabbed his arm tightly, and said in a trembling voice, "Xiao Lin, don't be afraid, my sister is here!"

Hearing her voice, Mo Wan raised her head in surprise, only to see that she reached out and grabbed his arm. Because of the excessive force, her face was flushed, and even the blue blood vessels were bulging.

At this moment, Mo Lin had mixed feelings in his heart. He looked up at Mo Wan's face and said with a smile, "You can't hold me, let me go!"

"Do not……"

Mo Wan shook her head resolutely, she didn't dare to speak, for fear that she would not be able to use any strength after speaking, so she bit her lip hard and pulled him up with all her strength.

"Sister..." Mo Lin's eyes were full of crystal tears, he stared blankly at the person in front of him, his face was calm, "I'm so tired, I want to rest!"

The tears in her eyes rolled down suddenly. Mo Wan trembled her lips and shook her head desperately. She held his arm tightly and choked up, "No! Xiao Lin, my sister wants to take you home!"

(End of this chapter)

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