Chapter 345

A white Lamborghini was speeding down the driveway. The man held the steering wheel tightly with his fingers, but he turned aimlessly. It took a long time before he parked the car outside the bar.

Inside the bar, there was a lot of voices and corruption.

In front of the transparent long bar counter, the bar held a shaker bottle in his hand and threw it around deftly, which aroused applause.

Jing Chen was sitting on the high chair bored, with a depressed expression. Countless flirtatious girls who walked past him to strike up a conversation were all pushed back by his cold eyes.

Sitting there with a cold face, he had already told everyone that the third young master of the Jing family was in a bad mood and should not get close to strangers.The people who play around here basically know him, even if someone hasn't spoken to him, they all know his status, no one dares to touch this tiger's butt, and dare to provoke him!
"Continued Cup!"

Looking up and pouring down the spirits in the glass, Jing Chen frowned slightly, beckoning to the bartender, and immediately a glass of amber whiskey was pushed in front of him.

The explosive heavy metal music is played on the dance floor, and the twisting and writhing people, following the flickering lights, release their inner desires to their heart's content.

The bartender turned on the high-hanging TV casually. At this time, the live broadcast of the latest fashion show in the United States was playing. After catching a familiar name in his ear, Jing Chen slowly raised his head and looked at the bright light on the TV. Behind the figure of the **, the corner of his mouth slowly curled up into a smile.

The awards ceremony broadcast live on TV was the Best Fashion Design Award. When the host read the list of candidates, four fashion designers came on stage, and one of them was Huo Shaoqing.

She was wearing a floor-length black evening dress, and her long hair was cut short to shoulder length.She has a quiet face, a pair of jet-black eyes are piercing, standing on the stage with different skin colors, she is as graceful as anyone else.

As the host opened the list of winners in his hand, when the word "Huo Shaoqing" was only heard, there was a thunderous applause from the audience, which lasted for a long time.

Holding the crystal trophy in her hand, Huo Shaoqing was slightly agitated. She spoke affectionately into the microphone.

The one who presented the award to her just now was Sheng Mingcheng, a young Chinese fashion designer who is called a genius by the fashion industry.At the same time, he is also the teacher of Huo Shaoqing who studied fashion design in the United States.He is 1.8 meters tall, standing among many blond and blue-eyed crowd, he is still extraordinary.

I saw Sheng Mingcheng walking to the front of the stage, suddenly knelt down on one knee, and held Huo Shaoqing's hand at the same time, with a gentle and loving expression on his face, he took out a dazzling diamond ring from his pocket, held it up in front of her with a smile, and proposed in a deep voice .

The audience was in an uproar, and no one expected that the original award show would suddenly have a scene of a marriage proposal.The host did not interrupt, but helped to enliven the atmosphere of the scene.

Under the shining lights, Huo Shaoqing's face was covered with tears, she trembling her lips, clasped fingers with him, and said: "I am willing!"

Off the stage, bursts of thunderous applause erupted. Sheng Mingcheng stood up, put the diamond ring on his lover's ring finger, reached out to hold her face, and kissed her tenderly.

Witnessing the live broadcast on TV with his own eyes, the expression on Jing Chen's face was peaceful and peaceful. He raised his hand with a smile and raised the wine glass in his hand, with deep blessings in his eyes: "Shao Qing, I wish you happiness!"

The hustle and bustle behind him is still there, and the happiness in front of him is warm and touching. Amidst all the hustle and bustle, Jing Chen finds that his heart is empty, as if he can't find a place to stay.

Getting up and walking out of the bar, he looked up at the brilliant starry sky, the loneliness on his face flashed away.Containing the disappointment in his heart, he walked towards his beloved car, but he didn't want to see a small figure sitting on the hood of his car.

"Hello!" Jing Chen walked over in two or three steps, his beautiful sword eyebrows immediately frowned, and said angrily, "Who told you to sit here?"

The girl sitting on the hood of the car raised a pair of big black eyes, looked at him dismissively, and said, "Is this car yours?"

"Nonsense!" Jing Chen frowned, and pulled her out of the car, his face stained with anger.

Bai Guo's feet were unsteady, and she almost fell down when he pulled her like this. She immediately darkened her face and said sharply: "Uncle, what are you so stupid! Isn't it just that there is a broken car, and this lady is not afraid to sit in it!"


Also broken car?
Jing Chen raised his head in a hush, narrowing his narrow peach eyes, he fixedly looked at the girl in front of him, his eyes darkened: "How dare you call me uncle?"

Bai Guo glanced at his handsome face, swept his eyes contemptuously, and snorted, "Of course, a man like you, isn't he an uncle?"

Rich and handsome, you can't be young, can you?Besides, with his squinting eyes, he can be seen as a veteran in love, so no matter how you look at it, he should be regarded as an uncle!

Jing Chen's frowning brows relaxed, he took a step forward suddenly, and said with a smile: "Really? Then tell me, what kind of man am I?"

Bai Guo couldn't help but rolled her eyes, thinking that a handsome man doesn't necessarily have a high IQ, so why would he ask such an obvious question?What a fool!

She smiled and stretched out her hand, and poked him on his hard chest, her dark eyes were shining brightly: "You can see that there are countless people, rich and flirtatious, so no matter how you look at it, you must be 'old' ', isn't it uncle?"

Bai Guo withdrew her hand resentfully, her fingertips hurt slightly, this uncle's chest muscles are really hard, her fingers hurt a little from poking her!

Because of her words, Jing Chen laughed from the bottom of his heart. He looked at the young and beautiful girl in front of him, his heart skipped a beat for no reason, and the expression in his eyes couldn't help becoming gentle. It was a kind that he didn't even notice. lingering.

In front of the bar, the flickering lights blurred, Bai Guo looked up at the man in front of him, saw the charming smile on his handsome face, suddenly trembled deep in his heart, and his heartbeat missed a beat.

She was full of cleverness, and suddenly came back to her senses, thinking that this man is a monster, he will seduce people's souls!

(End of this chapter)

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