Chapter 35

At this time, a financial news report was broadcast on the TV, "As of yesterday, Huo's composite stock price index opened down 4%, closing at 75 yuan..."

These messages made Mo Wan feel uneasy. She thought of the information she saw in Half Moon Bay in the morning, and she had a vague conviction in her heart.

After coming out of the hospital, she strolled on the street and walked to Huo's Building unknowingly.The outside of the building was crowded with reporters, and those people seemed to have been besieged here for a long time.

The crowd was noisy, and Mo Wan turned her head to look over. Under the cover of the guards, the familiar figure quickly escaped from the chasing reporters, got into the car and left.

The mobile phone in her bag rang happily, and she picked it up absent-mindedly, only to hear the man's domineering voice, "Mo Wan, where are you? Come here right away."

Before she could speak, the phone was cut off.Mo Wan froze for a moment, then suddenly remembered to change his dressing.Sighing resignedly, she got into a taxi and rushed to Half Moon Bay.

When he rushed over, Leng Zhuo was sitting on the sofa, with a lot of documents on the coffee table, and a laptop on his lap, staring intently at the screen.

After taking the medicine box, Mo Wan sat beside him and began to change the medicine carefully.She didn't have professional medical knowledge, and her movements were inevitably clumsy. She bravely applied the ointment to him, and then wrapped it with gauze.

Mo Wan was in a daze, the uneasiness in her heart made her irritable, and asked in a strange way: "You want to buy Huo's?"

The living room was dimly lit, and the man slowly raised his head, staring at her with dark pupils, with a strange and unpredictable smile on his lips: "If so, where do you want to stand?"

Suddenly meeting the darkness hidden in his eyes, Mo Wan's heart sank suddenly, his throat tightened, and he couldn't speak.

Suppressing the panic in her heart, she took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "These things have nothing to do with me." Only by stirring her fingers together could she speak out smoothly.

Putting away the ointment in her hand, Mo Wan stood up and went to the bathroom to wash her hands.

Looking at the back of her walking away, his cold and deep eyes narrowed, and his sharp jaw showed a sharp arc.He tapped his fingers on his knees, his handsome face was well defined.

Turning on the faucet, Mo Wan lowered her head and washed her fingers attentively. She washed her fingers one by one with a peaceful expression on her face.She raised her head suddenly, her face in the mirror was a little pale, and her tense nerves suddenly relaxed.

As long as there is no need to make a decision about anything related to him, she will stand by his side, because it is an instinct.

After recuperating in Half Moon Bay for a few days, Leng Zhuo's wound healed quickly, and he only needed to change the medicine every night.When he came to the office early in the morning, he had a lot of things to deal with. He was looking down at the documents when the internal line on the desk suddenly rang: "President, Miss Tang Yan is here."

His downcast eyes sank, he smiled coldly, and said, "Please come in."

The door of the office opened, and the woman who walked in looked haggard, with a bit of grievance: "Zhuo, why did you come back?" She couldn't find him for the past few days, so she called to ask and found out that he had gone abroad.

Looking up at her, Leng Zhuo smiled slightly, took her over and hugged her on his lap, "What's wrong?"

Nestling obediently in his embrace, Tang Ai's eyes turned red, and he said in a low voice, "Father doesn't agree with me being with you..."

The man's handsome sword eyebrows frowned, and a gleam flashed in his eyes, "Why?"

Reaching out to hook his neck, Tang Yan bit her lip, her face full of confusion: "Father didn't say anything, he just said that the Huo family is in trouble now, and he has to help!" She couldn't understand what her father said at all, and felt inexplicable .

Hearing this, he smiled indifferently, that old man was not stupid to reject him so tactfully.However, what he decides will never change. If someone dares to obstruct him, there will only be one result.

Raising his hand, he took out a brocade box from the cabinet, Leng Yan opened the box, and inside were Hetian jade ornaments.The jade piece is as big as a fan, and the engraving is a picture of Songshou, and the warm and moist Hetian jade exudes a seductive light.

"I bought this thing specially for your father." Pushing the brocade box over, his tone was cold and gentle.

Tang Yan looked at that thing with a look of relief on his face. His father has always liked to collect Hetian jade, and this thing will definitely make his father happy.Maybe, her father will agree to her being with Leng Zhuo!
"Zhuo," hugging him joyfully, Tang Yan's mouth curled into a smile, "If Dad knows it's from you, he must like it very much."

Leng Zhuo reached out to touch her head, her black eyes were filled with a smile, "Silly girl, you can't tell him that I gave it to you."

"Why?" Tang Yan didn't understand what he said, and asked him in a daze.

"You explain it all at once, uncle will definitely not accept it, you have to tell him slowly, huh?" The man stretched out his hand to caress her cheek, his voice was low and magnetic, and instantly captured the woman's heart.

Tang Ai thought for a while, and felt that what he said was right, she put her arms around his waist, and said softly, "When do you think Dad will accept us?"

The man hugged her in his arms, his cold lips raised a hint of ruthlessness: "Soon!"

Being held in his arms, Tang Yan's whole heart was numb. Hearing his affirmative words, she smiled brightly, completely ignoring the deep meaning in it.

Three days later, Tang Yan finally understood the meaning of his words, but he was already mired in the mud, and he tasted what it was like to fall from heaven to hell.

After receiving a call from his mother from school, Tang Yan ran all the way home. As soon as he entered the gate, he saw that the entire villa was full of police officers.Everything in the house was turned upside down, and the floor was in a mess.

"Mom, what happened?" Tang Yan ran to his mother with disheveled hair, his face pale.

Her mother pulled her to the side, her face was full of tears, and she cried bitterly, "Wan Wan, they said your father hid drugs."

"What!" Tang Yan's eyes widened in disbelief, with a look of shock on his face.She ran to the policeman and shouted: "You must have made a mistake, my father won't, absolutely won't do such a thing!"

Every corner of the villa was dug out, and nothing else was found. They were walking outside with evidence in their hands. When they saw her stop them, someone immediately sternly said, "Miss Tang, don't hide it for your father. The things he found in his study, are there any fakes?"

(End of this chapter)

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