Chapter 41

Holding the bed sheet tightly with her fingers, Mo Wan raised her head and tried to force back the tears from her eyes. These words once again poked her sore spot, making her whole heart constrict.

Haze flashed across the man's dark eyes, he raised his hand to pinch her chin, and said in a low tone, "Mo Wan, don't talk so much nonsense, isn't it for Huo Shaonan after all?"

"You want to leave me and go back to him?" The man's sharp gaze was like a knife, and he pierced it straight to the point.

"Yes!" Mo Wan said with a calm expression and a firm word.After all she's been through, that's all she can think about.

Slender fingers caressed her pale lips, narrowed her eyes coldly, and smiled at the corner of her mouth: "Okay, since you dare to speak the truth, then I will give you a chance!"

"Really?" She looked at him in disbelief, the excitement flickering in her eyes so obvious.

The weight on her body suddenly disappeared, the man stood up, gracefully picked up the jeans that fell on the ground, raised his hand and threw it on her face, saying: "Get dressed and talk to me!"

Mo Wan hurriedly sat up and caught the jeans. She looked at the man opposite with a hard face. Seeing that he had no intention of leaving, she could only lower her head and put the pants on silently.

"Tell me, what are your conditions this time?" Mo Wan raised her head to meet his dark eyes after pulling back the deformed top that had been torn by him.

Hearing this, the man smiled slightly, and walked to the window with a low voice: "Didn't you say love? Then let me see your love!"

Looking at his dark back, Mo Wan panicked, she had suffered too many losses from him, she should have learned to be good, but this time the temptation was too great, she couldn't bear to give up, she had to try again!
She has a right to happiness, doesn't she?
Leng Zhuo withdrew his distant gaze, turned around and walked over in the dark shadow, "I asked you to find him, but in the end, if you come back to beg me again, then you know the consequences, huh?"

Under his piercing eyes, Mo Wan trembled violently. Although she would not believe that this man could let her go easily, she couldn't help but wanted to give it a try.

"Don't touch my brother!" She warned sharply, wary of his meanness.

Leng Zhuo looked at her with raised eyebrows, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but the smile didn't reach his eyes, "Don't worry!"

Hearing what he said with her own ears, Mo Wan's tightly held heart suddenly let go. Her brother is her weakness. As long as this man agrees, then she can have no scruples.She firmly believes that as long as there is love in their hearts, anything can be overcome.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but burst out a bubble of happiness in her heart. She had waited too long for this day.Now there are ten horses, and it is impossible to hold her back!

The hope on her entire face made Leng Zhuo feel an unknown fire in his heart, he raised his hand to caress her cheek, his fingertips were chilling: "Mo Wan, if you turn around this time, don't say I won't!" Let you go!"

Mo Wan couldn't help but push back a step, she really wanted to answer: No.But she didn't say any more. Although she didn't open her mouth, the smile on the corner of her mouth was enough to reveal her thoughts.

After all, she is still an inexperienced girl. She simply thought that her life was in her own hands, but she ignored that this man is the best at controlling everything, and the price of struggling is only a worse loss!

Many years later, when Mo Wan recalled this past, she would always laugh at her innocence at that time. If she hadn't harbored this fantasy, she would not have fallen into an inescapable cage.

"It's a deal!" Mo Wan clenched her hands tightly, her voice trembling, the extreme joy was evident on her face.This time she learned to be smart and didn't provoke him again. She packed up her things quickly, turned around firmly, and left without looking back.

Looking at her disappearing figure, there was a strange and unpredictable smile on the handsome face of the never believed that there would be love in this world!
Leng Luo turned to look at the night sky, he caressed the tail ring of his little finger, the corners of his eyes were sharp.No matter what the price is, he will definitely let her taste it deeply!

Leaving Half Moon Bay, Mo Wan felt light all over her body, wishing she could grow wings and fly to the sky.Looking up at the bright moonlight in the night sky, she took a deep breath and found that her mouth was full of sweet taste.

Opening the backpack, she saw a lot of missed calls on her mobile phone, so she hurriedly called her brother.Knowing that she was safe, Mo Lin's heart was relieved.

Back to school by car, Mo Wan ran back to the dormitory, and saw a figure waiting anxiously downstairs.

The moment she saw his back, a surge of heat rushed through her heart, and her eyes were sore and swollen.

"Wan'er..." Seeing her coming back, Huo Shaonan ran over with big strides, stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms: "Are you okay?" He only learned about Tang Yan's kidnapping of Mo Lin after reading the news reports. He couldn't wait to come to her, for fear that any accident would happen to her.

After looking her up and down, and confirming that she was not injured, Huo Shaonan's tense face eased, he glanced casually, and happened to see the red mark on her neck, his eyes pierced, he turned and left angrily.

Following his line of sight, Mo Wan was shocked. She chased after him and said anxiously, "I'm leaving him!"

Shouting a word in a panic, she ran in front of Huo Shaonan, blocking his way: "Well, he didn't do anything to me, don't get me wrong..." She was eager to explain, but felt that what she said was very bad .

Looking at her anxious and panicked face, Huo Shaonan's gloomy expression gradually calmed down. In fact, based on his understanding of her, he could guess something about it.

"Are you scared today?" As soon as her body warmed up, she was embraced by him in an instant. Mo Wan was stunned for a moment, his warm voice rang in her ears, which only made the tip of her nose sour.

The tragic scene that happened during the day left her with lingering fears. Mo Wan nodded vigorously. Just thinking about it would make her whole body tremble.

Huo Shaonan looked down at her, took her hand, stuffed her into the car, left the school directly, and drove to a nearby hotel.

Coming to the guest room, Huo Shaonan led her in, with a gentle voice: "You will definitely have nightmares tonight, stay here for one night, and I will go to see Xiaolin with you tomorrow morning."

(End of this chapter)

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