Chapter 50

"Shao Qing!" There was a shout from behind, and Huo Ting and the lawyer came out, "No nonsense!"

Mo Wan stood there powerlessly, unable to argue.How could it be like this, she was the one who hurt others, but it was ridiculous to keep her out of the matter.

When Huo Shaoqing saw her father coming out, she gouged out Mo Wan's eyes and said bitterly, "Mo Wan, if this matter has anything to do with you, I can't spare you!" After saying this, she obediently walked to her father's side, They leave together.

Such a dramatic change in things was completely unexpected by Mo Wan. Tears streamed down her eyes, and her heart tightened.Of course she understands Huo Shaonan's intentions, but it is absolutely impossible for him to take the blame for her!Now all the evidence can't prove his innocence, and the only thing left is the victim's testimony.Fortunately, that person is still alive, as long as he wakes up, once he is identified, the truth can be revealed.

Leaving the police station, Mo Wan walked in a daze until someone called her: "Wanwan, are you so early?"

Numbly regaining her senses, she only saw Su Xiaoxiao getting out of the car, and a man followed behind her.

Leng Yi walked over in a suit. He didn't seem too surprised when he saw Mo Wan.Apparently Mo Wan didn't have such a good psychological condition, her complexion changed drastically, and she finally recalled why she felt familiar when she saw this man last time.It turned out that he was Su Xiaoxiao's husband, Leng Yi.

Su Xiaoxiao happily waved at Leng Yi, and then pulled Mo Wan, who had a sluggish face, into the company.

After a day's work, Mo Wan was completely out of shape. Su Xiaoxiao forced her to ask her a few times, but she couldn't hold back her mouth. Since she was from the Leng family, she must not say a word.

After work, Mo Wan rushed directly to the hospital. She inquired many ways and learned that Zhang Zhen of COSCO Company had his liver punctured and was alive and well. He was waiting to wake up after the operation.

Knowing these things, she finally felt a little relieved, as long as she waited for him to wake up, she would be able to replace Huo Shaonan.

After staying in the hospital for two consecutive days, and finally asked her to wait for the news of the man's awakening, Mo Wan couldn't care about anything else, and ran to the police station in one breath, making another scene.

When the police saw that she came again, and she spoke loudly, they couldn't help feeling a little suspicious, notified Huo Shaonan's lawyer, and rushed her to the hospital together.

In the intensive care unit, Zhang Zhen's face was pale and he was still wearing a monitor.After the police confirmed from the doctor that the patient could record a statement, he immediately asked him to identify the murderer.

"Mr. Zhang, tell them quickly that I stabbed you that night!" Mo Wan couldn't wait, and immediately opened his mouth when he saw someone.

The family member helped the patient up, Zhang Zhen raised his eyebrows and looked over, his tone was surprisingly calm: "Miss, I don't know you!"

At this moment, Mo Wan only felt his head go blank, and the chill that emanated from his bones gradually hit.

After finishing the record, the police pushed Mo Wan to the outside of the ward: "Miss Mo, if you mess around again, we will sue you!"

Grabbing the lawyer's arm, she bit her lip and asked, "What will happen to Shaonan?"

Lawyer Qin is a family friend with the Huo family. When she saw her asking this question, she didn't hide it: "If the victim insists on prosecuting, he will be sentenced to ten years in prison at most."

Lawyer Qin sighed, and before leaving, he told her a word: "Young Master Huo asked me to bring you a sentence, remember your persistence!"

Her five fingers tightened suddenly, Mo Wan resisted the stabbing pain in her heart, and walked outside in a faltering footsteps, her feet softened, and she fell down on the stone steps, with tears already flooding her face.

persist in?

The tears in the eyes, like pearls with broken strings, rolled out one by one.She remembered him saying, Waner, we can't be separated no matter what!

But ten years, how many ten years can life have?The Huo family has been destroyed by her before, but now if Huo Shaonan's life is destroyed by her again, then even if it is death, she will not be able to rest in peace!
Shaonan, I can't hold on any longer, what should I do?
In the eyes blurred by tears, Mo Wan saw the Aston Martin parked by the side of the road. Even from such a long distance, she could clearly see the smile in the man's eyes.Struggling with all your strength, the result in exchange is only a worse loss.

Mo Wan, you are wrong, you shouldn't have resisted from the beginning, why bother to involve so many people?

Raising his hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes, Mo Wan gritted his teeth and stood up, walking towards the car.Every time she took a step, the look in her eyes became dimmer, until those dark eyes lost all light.

Leng Yan held the steering wheel with both hands, his deep eyes were shining like stars, seeing her open the car door and get in, he didn't say anything, he stretched out his hand to start the engine, and drove the car away.

A gray Aston Martin, driving back to Half Moon Bay, the man parked the car, opened the door and got out of the car, without looking at the woman behind him from the beginning to the end.

Mo Wan followed him step by step, her steps were numb and flustered, she walked out of the elevator and pushed the door in. Along the way, she seemed to be walking in a dream, feeling unreal but unable to escape.

There were bursts of sore eyes, she gritted her teeth to hold back the tears.At this time, what she can do is not to cry, but to abandon all her beliefs and let herself fall into hell forever.

She shouldn't have happiness in the first place, it's her destiny since she was born.Now that I have walked around, I am still back to the starting point.

Leng Zhuo stretched out his hand to untie the cuff, and when he turned around, he saw a dead face. He squinted his eyes, and walked up to her with a big thorn, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth: "You are really ruthless, that old man The thing almost stabbed you to death!"

The five fingers tightened so hard that the fingertips turned white, Mo Wan resisted the urge to slap him, and said in a deep voice, "Let Huo Shaonan go!"

The man turned around and looked at her, his black eyes staring straight into her eyes: "You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me!"

"It's not about terms!" Mo Wan smiled coldly and stared at him with raised eyebrows: "I'm begging you, aren't you just waiting for this day?"

Leng Zhuo narrowed his starry eyes slightly, with an inexplicable smile on his handsome face: "You don't have to come to beg me, he is more persistent than you!"

The heart tightened in an instant, Mo Wan bit her lip tightly, her teeth were so hard that her lips almost ooze blood.

Yes, he was right, she couldn't hold on anymore!Now that the Huo family has fallen, if Huo Shaonan is destroyed again, then the entire Huo family will be destroyed!
(End of this chapter)

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