Chapter 83

Walking into the elevator, Mo Wan was still dizzy from the flashing lights in front of her eyes. She lowered her head and her hands and feet felt cold.Although she and this man are in a husband and wife relationship, no one in the outside world knows about it, so it is normal for her to be considered a mistress!
The man glanced at her dim little face, and something flashed in his heart, but it quickly disappeared.The elevator quickly came to the tenth floor. As the elevator door opened, a romantic scene greeted the eyes.

Stepping out of the elevator, the elegant violin sounded in the corridor. On the side of the long corridor, clusters of delicate roses were tied with white ribbons. At the entrance of the corridor, there was a huge photo of a couple.The woman in the photo is smiling sweetly, while the man beside her has a handsome face and a personable demeanor.

Seeing that giant photo, Mo Wan instinctively lowered her head, feeling a sharp pain in her heart.The steps under her feet were slightly stagnant, and immediately attracted a cold look from the man beside her.

The huge venue was covered with a thick red carpet, garlands were wrapped around the venue, and the air was filled with a faint fragrance of flowers, which was refreshing.

Leng Zhuo was wearing a black suit, with a slight smile on his handsome face. Wherever he went, he was the focus of everyone's attention.

Stretching out her hand to hold his arm, Mo Wan tried to calm her face, and she followed him step by step. Their silhouettes together, in the eyes of outsiders, naturally had a special charm.

When the men who wandered around the mall saw Leng Zhuo coming, they immediately flocked to curry favor.Now that Leng's is expanding rapidly here, too many people want to take this bus and get a share of the pie.

The woman beside her was listless, looked at her wrinkled face coldly, took her out of the circle, whispered in her ear, and said: "Go and have fun, but remember what I said! "

Mo Wan froze for a moment, looking at the coldness in his eyes, the smile on the corner of his mouth froze.Of course she remembers what he said, she needs to put herself in the right place!
"En." Nodding sadly, Mo Wan lowered her head without saying anything.

Seeing that she understood what he meant, he rubbed his lips coldly, turned and left her, and walked into the circle of men again.

Mo Wan didn't know any of the guests around her. When she looked up, she saw a pair of warm eyes, familiar yet unfamiliar, with a slight tingling pain.

Huo Shaonan was wearing a white suit, his handsome face was even more elegant, his eyes stared straight at Mo Wan who was facing him, his deep eyes were turbulent.

From the moment she entered the door, he had already seen her. Seeing her smilingly holding that man's arm, his heart seemed to be tightened and he couldn't breathe.Even with such a long distance, he still clearly saw the loneliness in those sharp eyes.

That loneliness gnawed at his heart fiercely. If possible, he really wanted to leave all of this behind and take her far away!
The moment their eyes met, Mo Wan's eyes swelled, and she sucked her nose hard to force back the tears.For a moment in a daze, she glanced at a figure out of the corner of her eye, and she turned her head, only to see the person walking, wearing a long white skirt.

"Ms. Mo, hello." Jing Yue saw her and walked over with a smile.

Mo Wan hurriedly looked away, turned to look at her, "Congratulations."

Jing Yue stood in front of her gracefully, staring at her carefully, and had to admit that the woman in front of her had a delicate face, and the pure charm that came out of her bones could capture the hearts of men in the world.

"Thank you!" After a brief absence, Jing Yue regained her smiling face with a sincere voice.Suddenly a pair of big hands appeared around her waist, and the corners of her smiling mouth froze, she knew that it was Huo Shaonan who had come.But she just said hello, is he so nervous?
Seeing the man walking towards him, Mo Wan panicked in an instant. She picked up a glass of champagne and saluted them, "Congratulations!"

With a slight tremor of her fingers, Mo Wan took a deep breath, raised her head and drank the champagne in her hand.

Huo Shaonan stared at the movement of her drinking, and subconsciously pulled his heart. He wanted to reach out, but he suppressed it.He stretched out his arms to hug Jing Yue without any movement.

Putting down the wine glass, Mo Wan slowly raised her head, the expression in her eyes had calmed down, she smiled decently, then took a step and walked away past them.Walking out of the banquet hall in one breath, she wanted to find a quiet corner and let herself be silent.

There are tall Roman columns standing on all four sides of the corridor, hidden in the shadow behind the columns, it is an extremely hidden place, very suitable for flirting.

Behind the white Roman column, the man was tall and tall, he bent down, pressing down on a naked woman.

The shoulder straps of the woman's skirt slipped down, drooping loosely, and the voice in her mouth was drowning, "Jing Shao, you are so bad, why don't you..."

Jing Chen stared at her, looked at her pretending obsequiousness, and sneered in his heart.These women are really fucking innocent, don't they just want to be fucked by him?It's fine to just say it directly, and pretend to be a fucking pretender!

The limp body nestled in his arms, and unexpectedly raised his hand to unbutton his shirt.

"Young Master Jing, let's go..." The woman's pretty face was flushed, and she stared at the man across from her with winking eyes.

Jing Chen stared into her eyes, the smile on the corner of his mouth cooled down, a figure suddenly swept across the corner of his eyes, he looked up, only saw a bright face.

The sharp eyes narrowed instantly, Jing Chen frowned, staring at that face, something suddenly flashed in his mind.

Stretching out his hand to press the woman's waist, his handsome face turned cold, revealing a ruthlessness, "My interest in you ends here!"

Straightening up, Jingchen straightened his clothes, quickly walked around the Roman pillars, and chased after the figure in front of him.

Mo Wan walked out of the venue and wanted to go to the open-air balcony in front of her to get some air. She strode forward, but suddenly felt her shoulders sink, and someone patted her.


Jing Chen chased after her, stretched out his hand and patted her on the shoulder, seeing the turned face, he immediately laughed: "Miss, we meet again."

Mo Wan looked at the man behind her, and was slightly stunned. She didn't like that charming handsome face, "I don't know you!" She was about to turn around after she finished speaking, but the man blocked her way first.

(End of this chapter)

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