Counterattack from Douba

Chapter 298: Great Harvest of Treasures!

Chapter 298: Great Harvest of Treasures!
The two great treasures were exiled in the lower world thousands of years ago when the fairy world was in turmoil, and were obtained by Yu Tiancheng from the Dou Qi Continent.

Yu Tiancheng's talent is amazing, he actually passed the test of the No.11 floor and entered the No.12 floor.

Although he failed to recognize the master, Yu Tiancheng became the actual master of Xianyin Pagoda, calling himself the Saint of Music. After he became Dou Di, he placed Xianyin Pagoda in his small world.

Until a thousand years ago, the Dou Qi Continent changed, all the Dou Emperors disappeared, the music saints also disappeared, and the music world began to gradually decline.

"Le Sheng" is not the title of a certain person, but the collective name of the owners of the Xianyin Pagoda in the past. Counting the strong ones who have obtained the Xianyin Pagoda, Zeng Xiaoshi is the 108th generation owner.

After completing the recognition ceremony, Zeng Xiaoshi began to count the harvest.

The Immortal Sound Pagoda is not only a supreme fairy artifact, but also an inheritance fairy artifact, which contains many treasures left by the first generation of music saints and the subsequent generations of music saints.

The most important treasure is of course the Immortal Sound Pagoda itself. It is a multi-purpose immortal treasure with powerful functions of storing, suppressing, sealing, and defending.

The height of this treasure is 108 feet, and the diameter of the tower is 9 feet. The main body is made of the rare metal in the universe-Shenyuan ancient gold, and the material used is more advanced than the Xianyinqin.

In addition, 360 kinds of natural materials and earth treasures were used to create the carvings and interior furnishings of the Xianyin Pagoda. It took tens of thousands of years to finally complete the refining of the Xianyin Pagoda.

There are thirteen floors of Xianyin Pagoda, and each floor is extremely vast, equivalent to a small world. There are countless weapons, medicinal materials, spirit stones, special items, etc. left in it.

The rewards Zeng Xiaoshi got for breaking through the level are just some of the most common things, items such as imperial soldiers, ninth-level elixir, and heaven-level fighting skills are piled up like mountains in the Xianyin Pagoda.

Back then, Le Sheng left in a hurry to face the catastrophe, and all the valuable treasures were taken away. In fact, these things were just thrown away by him at will.

Even so, these ordinary items in the fairy world are priceless treasures in the lower world.

Zeng Xiaoshi was very shocked and began to collect these treasures, but he didn't expect that when these things came into contact, they would turn into smoke and disperse.

It turned out that after an extremely long time, most of these things lost their spirituality and decayed.

"What a pity, what a pity!"

Zeng Xiaoshi expressed regret and heartache, these are all his own treasures!
With regret and unwillingness, after collecting layer by layer, there are still some treasures that have not completely lost their spirituality.

Most of these treasures were thrown in by the later generations of Le Saints, especially Yu Tiancheng Le Saint of Douqi Continent, some of the items left behind are still intact.

In the end, Zeng Xiaoshi counted and found that there were a total of more than 980 elixir plants, most of which were above level seven. Although some of their properties had been lost, they were all still usable.

1700 pieces of special materials above level nine; more than 300 weapons, including 17 immortal weapons, 53 imperial weapons, and the rest are holy weapons.

There are only more than 10 bottles of elixirs above level eight, which is related to their poor storage.

There are 37 battle puppets, including 1 saint-level and 36 dou-zun-level.

There are more than 390 books of fighting skills, most of them are earth-level books, 11 are for heaven-level books, and 5 are for immortal-level books. The most precious one is the book of immortal sounds.

Apart from the Xianyin Pagoda, the biggest gain is the Xianyin Guqin.

Although the material used for the Xianyin Guqin is slightly inferior to that of the Xianyin Pagoda, it has followed the music saint for a longer time, and its internal rules and device patterns are more complete.

Especially in terms of temperament, the power of the Xianyinqin is not inferior to that of a divine weapon.

The harvest this time has greatly enhanced Zeng Xiaoshi's background, which is even incomparable to the Hall of Souls.

The huge surprise made Zeng Xiaoshi tremble with excitement, and he didn't recover for a long time.

It wasn't until Ta Ling reminded that there had been changes in the sound world that he used the formula to shrink the Xianyin Pagoda into a small tower about an inch high, put it on his wrist, and then returned to the ground.

"Brother Xiaoshi!" Seeing Zeng Xiaoshi, Miao Yin'er rushed over and threw herself into his arms.

"My lord!" Nalan Yanran also rushed over, but she was Zeng Xiaoshi's maid in name, so she couldn't be too intimate in front of everyone.

Standing in front of Zeng Xiaoshi, staring at him closely with a pair of autumn water eyes, the hot emotion almost melted Zeng Xiaoshi.

"Yanran." Zeng Xiaoshi gently embraced Nalan Yanran, "Yanran, Yin'er, you have gained a lot this time, you have already broken through the Seven Star Douzong."

Miao Yin'er leaned happily in his arms, her eyebrows curved into crescent moons, and said with a happy smile: "Of course, I broke into the ninth floor. Apart from breakthroughs in cultivation, I also got a lot of good things." .”

"I broke through to the eighth floor, and I got a lot of treasures. Thanks to my son's cultivation, we have achieved what we are today." Nalan Yanran said softly.

Zeng Xiaoshi walked forward with his arm around the soft and boneless waists of the two beauties. The two beauties told him about their experience of breaking through the barrier.

Although they only broke through to the eighth or ninth floor, it is enough to show that their talents are extremely good, and they even rank high in the entire history of Yingu.

You must know that the three elders of Yingu, as Dou Zun strongmen, only broke through to the seventh floor at the beginning, and they were much younger when they broke through.

Most of the treasures they harvested, such as fairy sounds, auras, and pills, have been transformed into cultivation bases. Now the treasures in their hands are mainly fighting skills and weapons.

Miao Yin'er obtained two local-level fighting skills, one heaven-level fighting skill, three holy weapons, and one imperial weapon.

Nalan Yanran obtained a local fighting skill, a heavenly fighting skill, two holy weapons, and an imperial weapon.

After walking a few steps, there were seven delicate and lovely girls standing in front of them, they were the Seven Fairies of Yingu, and each of them had reached the Douhuang level.

As her cultivation base improves, her temperament becomes more delicate, her skin is as radiant as snow, and she looks more and more radiant and attractive.

Zeng Xiaoshi also had to secretly praise, "What a beautiful and charming landscape."

"Yingu Yu Xiaoya, Yu Weiyue, and Yu Tianyin welcome Le Zun out of the customs!"

The seven little fairies saluted respectfully, with worship in their eyes.

Zeng Xiaoshi was about to ask a question, but the sky trembled for a moment, and he felt it more clearly than before.

"what happened?"

"Reporting to Le Zun, the Soul Palace is attacking the entrance of the Sound Realm, and the Supreme Elder and the others are leading people to guard it to the death."

Yu Tianyin, the youngest of the Seven Fairies of Yingu, stood up with a look of anxiety on her face.

Zeng Xiaoshi frowned, and said with a sneer, "The Hall of Souls is really haunted, let's go, let's take a look together!"

As soon as the words fell, the sky trembled again, and the body on the ground also felt a strong shock.

Followed by.

A powerful and unparalleled aura shot up from the end of the sound world, directly tearing the sky, and cracks filled the sky.

In an instant, the wind and cloud surged violently, the thunder and lightning came and went, and the color of the world changed!
"Ah? What's going on? Isn't the master of the Soul Palace attacking at the front entrance?"

The little fairies of Yingu were stunned, and they were all at a loss.

 Friends: Thank you for your company all the way, your support and encouragement is the biggest motivation for my writing!Every click, every collection, and every recommendation ticket from you is a great encouragement to me.

  This book has never been updated since it was put on the shelves. Although my writing skills are limited, I always weave it as hard as a spider weaving a web, hoping to bring wonderful stories to everyone.

  To write a long fairy tale novel, you need to keep updating more than 4000 words every day. For me, an office worker with [-]-year-old parents and [-]-year-old twin daughters, it is really difficult.I have to go to work during the day, tutor my daughter when I go home in the afternoon, and only have time to write at night. During this time, I feel sad, and only I can understand it.But writing novels is my dream. No matter what my grades are, I will always stick to it and ensure that each of my books is not too superficial.

  If you have any dissatisfaction with this book, please criticize and correct me. I will strengthen my study, keep improving, and strive to write better.

  Finally, a warm reminder: The epidemic has been very serious recently. I hope everyone will take care of themselves and wear masks when going out.

  I wish you all good health and a happy life!


(End of this chapter)

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