Rebellion and Innocence II: High School Ruffian

Chapter 152 Birthday is a Disaster, Not a Blessing 【05】

Chapter 152 Birthday is a Disaster, Not a Blessing 【05】

As soon as he heard these two names, Berlin looked over as if he had a conditioned reflex. It was really Su Jiuye and the leader. Although it was only a momentary back view, he still recognized Su Jiuye. The black T The shirt, the hat, and the big bag are like her logo, and he knows them all in ashes.

Besides the leader, who else is the person in the gray T-shirt in Su Jiuye?

The two brought five or six people across the street wearing roller skates, not even noticing that someone had hit the fence on the side of the road and flew out because of them.

A group of people didn't look back, they quickly walked away, and then disappeared at the end of the street.

Berlin was shaking with rage.

Nemesis Su Jiuye! ! !
Quickly got up, Berlin quickly picked up his bicycle, and shouted to Yangnan: "Little devil, get on the bike." He decided to go after Su Jiuye and the leader to try out the new bike, now it's the real battle!

Hearing Berlin calling him, Yang Nan felt all kinds of excitement, and hurriedly stepped on the rear wheel of Berlin's pedals.

As soon as Yang Nan got into the car, Berlin was about to step on the car and leave, but when he stepped on the front of the car, he swayed uncontrollably.The two almost fell to the ground.


When Berlin saw the wheels of the front car, it was even more shocking!
The brand new rims of the wheels were still shining brightly against the street lamps on the side of the road, but... they had already changed shape!It seems that the impact on the roadside fence just now was really not small.


His new car... bought a new car in less than an hour...

Yang Nan: "..."

At this moment, should he say some comforting words, or...keep silent?Or... No, how can I have the urge to laugh at this time?

"Sorrow and change." At the end, Yang Nan patted Berlin on the shoulder with an expression of extreme regret, and said these four words.Well, my condolences have changed!As the mount of Berlin, it seems that it is really a sad thing, but is Berlin too unlucky during this time?
Another thing that makes Yang Nan feel sorry at the same time is that he can no longer go after Su Jiuye and the leader. It's a pity that he finally met them here by such a coincidence...

Berlin looked at his new car with deformed front wheels, and couldn't recover for a long time. The expression on his face looked a little dark, and his brows were tightly knit together.

(End of this chapter)

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