Rebellion and Innocence II: High School Ruffian

Chapter 34 Small Squad Leader [01]

Chapter 34 (75) Small Squad Leader [01]

Su Jiuye didn't make a sound, she was still skating at the same speed as before, Fu Qianqian could only trot along.

"What's your relationship with Brother Bolin?" Fu Qianqian was afraid that she would lose Su Jiuye, so she hurriedly asked more questions before she lost Su Jiuye.

"Enemies." Su Jiuye replied.

"Enemy?" Fu Qianqian was obviously taken aback by Su Jiuye's answer, "You're lying, it's your enemy, why would Brother Bolin buy you breakfast?" Of course she didn't believe Su Jiuye's words.

She has known Berlin for two years, and Berlin never said a word to girls, let alone buy breakfast for girls, but today she saw that her brother Berlin actually bought breakfast for this girl.

"Ask him!" Su Jiuye really felt a headache, that guy in Berlin really dumped a lot of trouble on her.Not wanting to answer Fu Qianqian's series of questions anymore, Su Jiuye stepped hard and left quickly.

"Hey, hey, wait a minute, I haven't finished talking yet, hey..."

Behind her, Fu Qianqian wrapped her bag and called her desperately, and then chased her. Unfortunately, Su Jiuye's speed is not so fast that she can catch up with her. It is really too easy for her to get rid of this girl.

……★★★★★Tong Yiruo★★★★★……

Because I came at the same speed as Berlin today, I arrived at the school 6 minutes earlier than the budgeted time. This large school has entered the summer vacation, and it seemed a little quiet. When I went to the classroom, Su Only then did Jiuye know that almost all the students in this class had the same idea as her, and they would not appear here until the last minute of class.

But there is one exception.

Su Jiuye looked at the only person in the empty classroom, frowned first, and then sat down on the seat next to the boy: "Good morning!"

The person in front of him was none other than Yang Nan, who was appointed as the class monitor by the bald director yesterday.

Yang Nan sat there lazily, eating a lollipop, and reading a comic book in his hand. He raised his eyes to Su Jiuye's greeting, and showed a shallow smile: "morning."

Really clean boy.

This is Su Jiuye's first impression of Yang Nan.With a fair face and clear eyes, he looks like a baby face, but there is a hint of evil in his smile.

(End of this chapter)

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