Mad Owl Queen, drag it to the sky!

Chapter 274 Did You Drink Too Much?

Chapter 274 Did You Drink Too Much?

When they got to the bottom, there was a door, Jun Li pushed the door open... Everyone immediately saw the world inside.

Inside is a huge boxing ring, a very formal and huge field that can only be seen on TV.

There were several strong men in black suits guarding the place where they had just entered.

Seeing Jun Li and the others, a few men in suits stopped them. It is not easy to enter the black boxing arena. You can either buy a ticket on it first and then enter the auditorium, or it is the kind that participates in the competition, and the kind that does not need to buy a ticket , but you have to play your life.

One of the men in a suit said, "Please show your tickets."

Jun Li: "I'm here to play the game, just take us to the backstage."

When Jun Li played the game, Lin Jin and the others were brought by her, and they were considered as backstage staff. They had a specific front row position and did not need to sit in the audience seats.

Hearing this, a few men in suits looked like "you're fucking kidding me"...

One of them asked uncertainly: "You said... you want to play a game? Do you know where this is?"

Jun Li looked indifferent: "I know, otherwise, what am I doing here?"

"Know? Now that you" Still coming to die?

The man in the suit hesitated to speak, and it had nothing to do with someone rushing to die.

He finally made a final statement, "Do you know the rules here? On stage, life and death are irrelevant."

With Jun Li's small stature, she is looking for death on stage, any contestant can slap her to pieces!She has no chance of winning at all, and she will definitely be killed in seconds if she goes up!

Jun Li nodded.

"Okay, then you guys come with me." The man in the suit didn't say any more nonsense.

He took Jun Li and others to the backstage lounge.

Entering an empty lounge, the man in the suit handed Jun Li a contract. The content on it was very simple, and it was equivalent to a life-and-death certificate. There is a problem of money, and if you win a game, you will have a fixed reward.

If the winning opponent is just an ordinary player, then the reward will naturally not be much, but if the opponent is strong, after winning, the reward will naturally be more.

There is a strength ranking list in the boxing field, which is a list based on the number of games won and the comprehensive strength of all aspects.

The higher the contestants on the challenge list, the more rewards they will get, but behind the attractive high rewards, they also face the risk of dying on stage...

The content of the contract is very simple, there is nothing too detailed. Their boxing ring does not have so many rules. One thing is clear to anyone who knows about this place.

Jun Li just glanced at it and signed it directly, because she understood the rules here.

But Xiao Shiying and the others didn't understand, and they all felt that the contract was too problematic, and it was simply a lie!They couldn't help but worry.

The man in the suit accepted the contract and asked, "Did you choose the opponent to challenge yourself, or should we arrange it?"

If it is arranged by the boxing field, Jun Li is a newcomer, and the opponent arranged for her is naturally also a newcomer. If it is an opponent she chooses to challenge, she must first choose a good person, and then confirm whether that person will accept the challenge.

Jun Li: "I will challenge whoever is number one on the list."

The man in the suit: "..." Did Jun Li drink too much?
(End of this chapter)

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