Chapter 7 I Will Know

"What?!" Shen Qianhui's words shocked everyone.

The boy named Xiao Cheng didn't realize it for a moment, "You said...that sissy beat me up?"

Shen Qianhui: "It's him!"

Although Xiao Cheng doesn't really believe that Jun Li dares to beat Shen Qianhui, but he will obey the orders of the girl he likes.

Anyway, bullying Jun Li is just a daily routine for them.

Just as Xiao Cheng was about to walk over, a middle-aged woman walked into the classroom. It was Zhao Ye, the head teacher. He had no choice but to calm Shen Qianhui in a low voice, "I'll deal with him after class is over."

Shen Qianhui snorted coldly, then returned to her seat.

The students have all entered the state of self-study, everyone is reading, only Jun Li is sitting in a daze.

Zhao Ye frowned and said, "Jun Li, everyone is studying by themselves, why don't you read?"

Hearing this, Jun Li said helplessly, "I forgot to bring my schoolbag."

How many years has she been out of school?I went out after dinner in the morning, and forgot about my schoolbag.

"Pfft..." Hearing her answer, there was a burst of laughter in the classroom.

Zhao Ye's anger instantly flared up, "Why don't you forget yourself?! Stand in front of me for punishment!"

Jun Li raised his eyelids, and said lazily: "I know the contents of the book, and it doesn't make any difference to me whether I read the book or not."

"Pfft...hahaha!" As soon as the words were finished, everyone burst into laughter, as if they had heard some big joke, and couldn't help discussing it.

"What nonsense is that trash talking about? Which exam was he not the bottom one in the school? Which subject did he score [-] points? And brazenly claiming that he can do it? I laughed so hard!"

"Is he out of his mind? Otherwise, why are you talking nonsense? His total score doesn't add up to [-] points, and he knows it? He's here to be funny, right?"

Zhao Ye's face also turned blue for a while. Jun Li is not only the last one in Class Seven, but also the last one in the whole grade. She doesn't have the slightest convincing force when she says such words now, and it will only make people think that she is stubborn. Don't think ahead!
"Okay, you know all of them!" Zhao Ye pointed at Jun Li, "I'll let all the teachers test you in class, if you can't answer well, I think it's necessary to call your parents to the school to talk! "

Jun Li disapproved, "Yes."

Seeing her nonchalant expression, Zhao Ye was too angry to speak.

The students in the classroom couldn't help but look at Jun Li a few more times, feeling a little surprised by her changes.

In the past, Jun Li didn't even dare to speak loudly, let alone contradict the head teacher like this. Is there something different about this trash?

As for what Jun Li said about himself, no one took it seriously.

Zhao Ye stared at Jun Li for a few seconds before realizing that besides being the head teacher of Class [-], he was also in charge of teaching Chinese.

Zhao Ye: "Then I'll test your basic recitation first, and recite "Chen Qing Biao"!"

Chinese questions are not easy to come up with, so I can only recite archaeological poems, but even the simplest recitation, in the past, Jun Li never answered correctly the question of giving half a sentence and silently writing the other half in the exam, let alone reciting the full text .

Zhao Ye had already figured out that Jun Li would not be able to answer, and this time the parents were also determined!

Everyone else was also watching the show, but no one thought of it...

Jun Li lightly opened his thin lips: "My minister said in secret: I have been harassed by Min for a long time. The child is six months old, and the loving father sees his back; at the age of four, the uncle steals the mother's ambition..."

For a moment, under the dull astonished eyes of Zhao Ye and the students, only Jun Li's voice was left in the classroom reciting "Chen Qing Biao" smoothly and accurately.

(End of this chapter)

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