runaway grandma

Chapter 229 News About Li Fengyi

Chapter 229 News About Li Fengyi (2)

Looking ahead, her mind is very messy, like a straw, she needs someone to help her sort it out, or she will go crazy.

The car arrived soon, and Chen Xuan rushed to Kimura Ye's villa with the baby in her arms.

When they ran to the living room, Chen Xuan was out of breath. Chen Yan was watching TV in the living room. Seeing Chen Xuan's appearance, she hurried up to hug the baby.

"Sister, where is Ye Kimura?" Chen Xuan asked anxiously.

"What's the matter? You're in such a hurry." Chen Yan asked in confusion.

"where is it?"

"Oh, he and Jun Ze left early this morning, it seems that something happened in business." Chen Yan replied.

Chen Xuan was stunned when she heard that, she sat on the sofa and stared at the phone in a trance, no wonder the phone couldn't get through.

"When did you leave?" Chen Xuan asked.

"One hour ago, I should be on the plane now." Chen Yan replied.

When Chen Xuan heard it, she would have to wait for a few more hours. God, this is suffering. She has so many doubts.

"Xiaoxuan, what's the matter? You're so anxious." Chen Yan asked Lin Nianyi, who seemed to be frightened, in her arms.

"'s okay, what's wrong with the baby, are you scared by me?" Seeing the baby nestled in Chen Yan's arms and looking at her with wide eyes, Chen Xuan didn't know if it was her anxious appearance that scared him just now. caught.

The baby shook his head and began to suck his thumb. He was just run away by Chen Xuan, and was hurt by Chen Xuan.

"Xiaoxuan, just tell me if you have something to do. Maybe sister can help you. When Ah Ye left, she asked me to take good care of you." Thinking of how worried Kimura Ye was when he left, Chen Yan thought Lol, when have I ever seen such a gentle man do this? You can tell at a glance that you love Chen Xuan badly.

Chen Xuan thought about it, Chen Yan is so famous in the business world, maybe she knows Li Fengyi, and the distance between S City and W City is not too far, so she hurriedly asked: "Sister, do you know Li Fengyi from W City?" Is it Li Fengyi, the president of the group?"

"Huh? This name is a bit familiar, as if I've heard it before." Chen Yan began to think, searching for this name in her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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