runaway grandma

Chapter 247 Power-Up Chapter

Call 247

When returning to the residence, Chen Xuan got out of the car and rushed to the room where she lived. She put her mobile phone inside but did not take it out.

He took the phone and looked at it, there were several missed calls and text messages, and the strange number must belong to Li Fengyi.

When I opened the text message, I saw more than a dozen 'arrived? '

Chen Xuan lay on the bed, with a smile on her face, and returned the phone.

The phone was quickly picked up. Listening to Li Fengyi's voice, Chen Xuan felt sweet in her heart, and the sadness just now was much lessened.

"Yiyi, I didn't bring my mobile phone." Chen Xuan said coquettishly.

"Why is your voice so hoarse? You're a big girl, don't cry in the future." Li Fengyi's low-key voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Understood, have you re-bandaged the wound?"

"Well, it's packed."

"Then have you eaten yet?"

"I just ate, well, you go to eat first, and then call me after you take a shower."

"People still want to talk to you."

"Hey, there will be more time in the future."

"Then hang up first, don't fall asleep, wait for my call. 
The two kissed on the phone and hung up.
Chen Xuan lay on the bed with her mobile phone on her chest, staring at the ceiling in a daze. 
She can't trouble Kimura Ye like this anymore. She and him are nothing but friends. She eats and drinks for free all day. He has one less burden, and what she hates the most is being treated as a burden. A person flashed in her mind, and she quickly jumped up from the bed...

As for Li Fengyi, as soon as he put down his phone, his whole expression changed, because Xiao Yao was bandaging him at the moment, and his painful lips were turning blue.

"Brother, it's so sweet!" Xiao Yao laughed secretly, and when he heard his elder brother say he was in love, he even kissed his phone, all the goosebumps on his body fell off, it was too cold! !
(End of this chapter)

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