runaway grandma

Chapter 485 Howling and Crying

Chapter 485 Howling and Crying (4)

"What's wrong?" Chen Xuan hurried forward to help her daughter.

"Mom, Sige is pregnant." Yao Yuchen wiped the sweat from his forehead and said helplessly. He was sweating all over in the winter, and it was so noisy!

"Ah! Sige is pregnant? Am I going to be a grandmother?" Chen Xuan, who was supporting Sige, got excited and yelled out that she was going to hug her grandson.

When Sige heard it, the crying that had just stopped reappeared boldly.
"Sige, pregnancy is a good thing, why are you crying?" Li Fengyi was also happy, but when he saw Sige crying like this, he was also depressed.

"Don't cry, don't cry, be good, don't cry." When Chen Xuan remembered that her daughter didn't like children, no wonder she was crying so sadly, she quickly gestured to a few big men, and then walked to the room with Si Ge supported. 
As soon as Sige left, Yao Yuchen fell on the sofa with a weak body. Why is it that other people are so happy when they have children, but he suffers? Why?
Li Feng also patted Yao Yuchen's shoulder, took out a napkin from the coffee table and handed it to Yao Yuchen to wipe off his sweat.

"Dad, what's going on with Sige? You hate children so much?" Yao Yuchen asked while rubbing his chin and leaning on the sofa after wiping off his sweat.

"I don't know. How could this child have trouble with the child? I remember that Xiaoxuan used to cry when she had Sige and Sige, but she forgot about me at that time, and remembered me later, so happy Oh, Sige won't be hereditary? It's not like that." Li Fengyi took out a cigar and smoked it. 
"Hey!" Yao Yuchen sighed.

"This child may be because she is still young and not used to it. Just figure it out. Let her mother enlighten her. Don't be sad, just stay at home at night." Li Fengyi comforted.

"Okay, Dad, I'll take a shower first." Yao Yuchen stood up, sweating all over his body just now.

Seeing Yao Yuchen's leaving figure, Li Fengyi shook his head, poor Ah Chen, Sige is as troubled as her mother, heredity!

(End of this chapter)

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