runaway grandma

Chapter 91 Confrontation with Xianzi

Chapter 91 Conversation with Xianzi (1)

"Xiaoxuan." A voice sounded above her head.

Chen Xuan was startled, and hurriedly wiped away the tears on her face. When she looked up, it turned out to be that Xianzi, who was holding a set of servant's clothes.

"Xiaoxuan, don't cry, there will always be mistakes, just be careful next time." Xianzi sat on the side of the bed, put the clothes on the bed, took out a napkin from his pocket and handed it to Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan froze for a moment, reached out to take the napkin, wiped away her tears, and sat up. She even forgot to lock the door just now.

"It's okay, just pay attention next time, go and change quickly, the housekeeper is still waiting." Xianzi blinked and comforted.

"Thank you! These clothes?" Chen Xuan looked at the clothes on the bed.

"Oh, I volunteered to bring you clothes, hurry up." Xianzi smiled, with two deep dimples beside her.

Chen Xuan nodded, looking at Xianzi, she was very touched, she never thought that someone would help her like this on such an occasion!

Thinking of Aunt Wang's cold face, Chen Xuan shuddered, and hurried into the bathroom beside her to change her clothes.

"Xiaoxuan, you are so cool, you can have a room for one person." Xianzi looked at the room and said enviously, she now lives in a room for four people.

Looking at Xianzi's pure and satisfied face, Chen Xuan sighed in her heart. Xianzi felt satisfied in such a small room. Thinking about herself, she was really lucky in the past. Everyone said that life could not be smooth sailing. When meeting Li Fengyi Afterwards, like a nightmare, she always thought about running away, but never really thought about what kind of life she needed. Her marriage was not happy, but compared to many people, she was so lucky that she had nothing to worry about. Yes, nothing is missing!

People, we must know how to be content!Chen Xuan cheered herself up in her heart. This period of time will pass quickly. Li Fengyi will think about it one day. Now he should be angry with her for running away. After he vents his anger, he will let go one day. After her, she took this time as an exercise, lived a rich life, experienced the feeling of a servant, and treated it as self-entertainment.As for the harm he inflicted, she regarded it as a process of exercising her mind.

Chen Xuan, sometimes she is such an optimistic person!So optimistic that it makes people feel sad!
(End of this chapter)

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