Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 102 Changing the image and going to the detention center to clean up their faces

Chapter 102 Changing the image and going to the detention center to clean up their faces

Although some things happened between him, Wen Qing and Tai Wen recently, which made him feel guilty towards Wen Qing and criticized Tai Wen, but he didn't think such guilt would affect the current relationship between the three of them. any changes.

However, because of Tai Wen's mood, he will not turn a blind eye to Wen Qing's request for help again.

Even if it is not convenient for him to handle this matter himself, he will try his best to think of other ways.

Hearing Su Yichen's words "I believe in you", Wen Qing's icy heart was suddenly filled with a powerful warmth.

"Wen Qing, listen to me, go there and cooperate with them first, and I will help you find a way!"

"Thank you, Yichen!"

Interrogation room!

Wen Qing's whole body was illuminated by the white fluorescent lamp in the room, which made her porcelain-white skin even more bloodless and pale.

During the hour-long interrogation, the civil servants went step by step from soft-spoken persuasion, statement of interests, to harsh threats. Such step-by-step interrogation techniques almost worn Wen Qing's will to the point of collapse, and the whole During the process, she kept saying one sentence, I don't know anything, I was wronged.

In the end, all the police officers went out, and she was alone in the empty interrogation room.

Such a quiet environment made the fear in her heart worse, tears fell down, and she lay on the table with her arms around her chest, and buried her head tightly inside.

When the door of the interrogation room was pushed open again, the relevant police officers informed her that she needed to be detained.

In the detention room, the moonlight at night shone transparently and vaguely on the room. Wen Qing's back was pressed against the cold wall, her face was pale and weak, and her heart was getting colder and colder.

If I hadn't been too pretentious and overconfident at the beginning, after returning to the imperial capital, I would have agreed to Shengju's president Yuan Jinwei, producer Cai Xing or Xu Jincai... who else?Yes, and Huo Ziyan!Is the situation different now?

Not only did she fail to protect the Wen family and her father, but she also...

"Wen Qing..."

Suddenly, a call came from outside the iron fence, pulling her back from her dark thoughts, the door lock was unlocked, and a lesbian walked in, "You're fine!"

Wen Qing was taken aback, her first reaction was to be at a loss, and she immediately felt like she was going from hell to heaven, and asked hastily, "Excuse me, have you found any evidence?"

"I don't know about this, you can leave after you take your things!" After the lesbian finished speaking, she helped Wen Qing count her personal belongings, and let her leave!

The silver Maserati stopped at the door, and after seeing Wen Qing come out from the rearview mirror, Tang Boxing got out of the driver's seat!
Spit out the eye circles in her mouth, looked at Wen Qing who had changed her hairstyle and was still wearing a high school uniform, squinted her eyes and sneered, "I'm too old to get the current fashion trend, Miss Wen is having a very high , It takes such a lot of work to change the image and mobilize everyone to come here to brush their faces!"

Wen Qing naturally heard the ridicule in Tang Bo's jargon. She came out in a hurry just now, and she didn't have time to change her clothes. At this time, her eyes were still a little red, and she looked at Tang Boxing with gratitude, "Mr. Tang, thank you! Thank you You believe me!"

On a cool night in late autumn, watching Wen Qing shiver, Tang Boxing flicked the cigarette ash on his hand, and said, "Let's talk in the car!"

(End of this chapter)

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