Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 104 Miss Wen, don't need to be too moved

Chapter 104 Miss Wen, don't need to be too moved
It's just that he didn't expect that the man who was irritated by him actually asked him to fish Wen Qing out of the police station immediately.

Nima, if he wants to go by himself, his own woman wants him to go, is there such a bossy person at night?
He definitely wouldn't do such a cheap thing, so he just cursed and turned off the phone immediately.

Unexpectedly, Huo Ziyan drove over at a speeding speed within half an hour, which directly set off the fire alarm of the villa and alarmed the security of the community.

And directly threatened him in front of the security guards, "If Wen Qing has a hair damaged in the police station, I will immediately burn the scene where you are preparing for the awards ceremony tomorrow night!"

He was so angry that he wanted to die with her on the spot, and in the end, he who was always good-tempered couldn't help but swear, "Bitch!"

There are so many ladies from IKEA IKEA who also like him, but they don't want to, but they just want to give up on such a woman who is both ignorant of current affairs and full of bad things.

Even in such an anxious situation, he was worried that he might disturb the Song family by coming forward. After all, the Song family had a certain status in the military and political circles, and if they intervened, it might be detrimental to Wen Qing.

Brother, it's not that I'm really afraid that he will burn the award ceremony site, but it's rare to see him so angry for a woman, Tang Boxing changed his clothes and ran to the police station in person.

After arriving at the police station, Wen Qing had already been transferred to the detention center. After Tang Boxing learned about the basic situation, he not only made a guarantee in the name of the company, promising to hand over the relevant evidence to the police within three days, but also used some connections, non-stop They rushed to the detention center and picked him up.

To them, framing at this level is nothing short of trivial. If they simply find out the evidence, one day is probably enough, but...

Tang Boxing saw that her eyes were all red, probably because she was frightened in the police station and detention center just now, and the sense of imbalance of being enslaved by Huo Ziyan all this time tonight has faded a bit, "Take care of yourself in the mirror ! If you have a little damage, it is estimated that he will go crazy!"

That him, she naturally knew who he was talking about.

Wen Qing's heart jumped suddenly, and it took a long time to calm down, "I'm sorry, Mr. Tang, I dragged you down tonight!"

Seeing the luster in Wen Qing's eyes, Tang Boxing knew that Huo Ziyan would not give in vain this time, and Wen Qing was not so heartless in the end.

He looked at the road ahead, and teased thinly, "It's not a burden. Originally, I came here, except for a few hours of sleeplessness. It's not a big deal for me! And he asked me to save you, too. Because you are the woman he wants, so it is also for himself, Miss Wen, don't need to be too moved! "

Instinctively, there was a feeling of palpitations in Wen Qing's heart, "It's just that there are many women he has the right to choose, but he is the only one who saved me today, isn't he?"

"It's good that Miss Wen can understand in this way!"

Tang Boxing looked at the intersection not far ahead, his face was a little more serious than before, "Zi Yan will probably be worried all night, now I send you there, Miss Wen will not refuse!"

"No, I'll go!"

Probably expected her to answer like this, and the question just now was just a polite question to confirm, so before Wen Qing's voice came out, Tang Boxing's steering wheel turned to the left road.

(End of this chapter)

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