Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 106 This Calm Is an Illusion, Heralding the Coming Storm

Chapter 106 This Calm Is an Illusion, Heralding the Coming Storm
Hearing the obvious irony in the man's words, Wen Qing's face turned pale without a trace of blood.

But she understood that he had misunderstood the relationship between herself and Su Yichen. In the past, she would have cared about his overly interfering behavior, but now, she was ready to be honest with him.

It's just that she looked down at her own clothes, she didn't feel it when she was at the party, but now standing opposite Huo Ziyan, she immediately felt that it was a bit too much, no wonder what he said was so ugly.

Wen Qing was at a loss for a while, and said softly, "Can you wait for me? I want to change clothes first!"

Seeing Wen Qing's heartless look, Huo Ziyan felt an uncontrollable anger rising in his heart.

Holding the woman's chin with one hand, with cold eyes and a sarcastic smile on the corner of her lips, looking at the warm new image, this hairstyle makes her face more oriental and pure. Harmonious, youthful as if he was really a high school student.

If something like this hadn't happened today, he might have been amazed for a while.

"Miss Wen is actually quite interesting!" Looking at the woman's fair face, one could see that she came from a wealthy family, "It's just that she is so arrogant in front of me!"

She looked at Huo Ziyan's furious face, and the repeated contempt in her words made her frown, "Can't you talk to me well?"

The man sneered, "Just like Su Yichen so much, even if he betrayed you?"

He probably likes it very much, that's why he thought of him the first time. It doesn't mean that when a woman is the most vulnerable, the first thing that comes to her mind is the person she cares about the most.

Wen Qing was about to be laughed at by this man's self-talk. She kept building herself up, don't get angry, don't lose her temper, and tried to maintain a calm attitude on the surface,

"Which of your eyes can tell that I like Su Yichen so much, and I've said it before, he didn't betray me, we just broke up!"

He looked at him lightly, with a hint of coldness in his tone,
"Okay, it's best if you don't like him. I don't like him now, so I just find a chance to clean him up!"

Wen Qing panicked when she heard that, she didn't know how true or false what he said, although she felt in her heart that a child from a family like Su Yichen couldn't be dealt with by Huo Ziyan if she wanted to, but she didn't know the truth about Huo Ziyan, In case it is true as in the legend...

Seeing that Huo Ziyan put down his hand and was about to turn around, Wen Qing immediately grabbed his arm and raised her delicate face, "Huo Ziyan, what are you going to do to him, I am the one who called, and I am the one who contacted him , what are you going to do to him?"

"What are you so afraid of? Miss Wen has no confidence in her ex-boyfriend, so she's so worried that I will be able to deal with him, huh?"

Wen Qing's eyes widened suddenly, and she didn't even want to blurt out,

"Su Yichen is an aristocratic son with a simple life circle, unlike you, and more importantly, he won't guard against you!"

After saying this, Wen Qing was stunned for a moment. She watched Huo Ziyan's face become more and more calm, but she knew that such calm was an illusion, which foreshadowed the coming storm.

"Zi Yan," he had said before that he liked to hear her call him by his name. Before, she was unwilling and felt awkward, but after what happened today, she really wanted to please him, especially when he was furious.

"I came here to tell you that I am willing to be your girlfriend!"

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Huo Ziyan sneered, "Wen Qing, I didn't make it clear yesterday, does it have anything to do with whether you want to be my girlfriend? You use this to negotiate terms with me for Su Yichen, Isn't it too dishonest and superficial!"

After speaking, she pulled away her hand holding his arm, turned around and walked across the living room towards the second floor.

Hearing what Tang Boxing said just now, Huo Ziyan was very angry that she contacted Su Yichen for the first time.

She thought she was here, and she just needed to explain to him, but he didn't seem to believe in himself anymore!

Seeing that he was already walking upstairs, Wen Qing trotted to follow, and just reached the door of the bedroom on the second floor, she grabbed him again.

"Su Yichen has nothing to do with me anymore." Wen Qing looked up at him, holding her clothes with her small hands, "I can explain to you what happened today!"

How should I tell him that it was because her biological mother's precious daughter told her that she was his grandpa's hand-picked fiancée, so she didn't dare to ask him for help, her biological mother was so cold-blooded to her, she dared to believe it A man you've met less than five times?

She didn't want to say it, but it was a secret disease that had always existed in her heart, and she never mentioned it to anyone except Yin Chang.

He glanced lightly at the tangled look on her face,

"Miss Wen probably doesn't know much about men. The more women care about things, the more he wants to destroy them!"

Wen Qing bit her lip, then sighed as if resigned to her fate, forget it, if you tell him that you can clear up his misunderstanding...

"Huo Ziyan, Song Chong is your grandfather, right?"

When Huo Ziyan heard him ask this question, he was furious without thinking, "You want to tell me that the real reason you came here is because you know that Song Chong may be my grandfather, a heartless man, you always treat him badly." Forget, an illusory aura made you rush over here, Wen Qing, you are so cheap!"

Wen Qing's face became paler and almost transparent in an instant. In fact, it's not like she hasn't heard more vicious and mean words than this during this period of time, but they just came from Huo Ziyan's mouth, which made her almost uncontrollable, and wished she could slap her on the face. On the way, more than half of the firmness in the car disappeared in an instant.

"Oh! Since I came here by mistake! Then I..."

Before Wen Qing finished speaking, the man pulled her hand violently, and hugged her with the other hand.

The bedroom door was kicked open by him, and just as he entered, he kicked it shut again.

When he was one meter away from the bed, he threw the person directly onto the bed.

The bed in the bedroom was already very soft, and there would be no harm if a person was thrown on it, but Huo Ziyan's anger had occupied his mind at this time, and naturally he couldn't grasp the strength well, and Wen Qing was thrown dizzy all of a sudden.


The scene changed so fast that Wen Qing couldn't react immediately, looking at the suddenly enlarged and angry face of the man above her head,

"Huo Ziyan! What are you doing!"

"What are you doing?" Huo Ziyan suddenly smiled without warning, sizing her up,
"What are you in such a hurry to do, people are here, are you afraid that I won't do something?"

Wen Qing's pupils widened, and she struggled instantly when she heard the man's hint that she had clearly misunderstood her intentions.

The man suppressed her movements with his hands, and the curve of the corners of his lips deepened.

Wen Qing was very angry, but more flustered, she screamed,
"Huo Ziyan, you were calling me cheap just now, so what are you doing now?"

The empty bedroom was surrounded by the sound of her crying and grievance.

"I hate you bully bastards the most. If you have a little power, you bully a powerless person like me! Whether it's the person who framed me, or a bastard like you who forced me, I used to I understand, but I have realized it now, once I have a chance to stand up, I will definitely not let you bastards go!"

Huo Ziyan sneered, "Well, it's quite promising, I'm waiting for that day!"

"Get out, get out..."

Wen Qing continued to scream in panic, but just as her voice came out, her lips were blocked by the male lead.


After a while, the man raised his head to look at her, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, very good, very clean!"

After being paralyzed for a while, Wen Qing slowly understood what the man said. He saw that he went to a party today and kissed her just now. He wanted to check himself in this way!
The humiliating words made Wen Qing's heart ache as if she was suddenly pierced by a steel needle.

(End of this chapter)

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