Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 110 I just don't need to go out and cause trouble

Chapter 110 I just don't need to go out and cause trouble

Wen Qing told Yin Chang that she would handle it, and told her not to go to the company again.

After hanging up the phone, she looked at the overwhelming malicious comments on the Internet, with mixed feelings in her heart.

Although the original intention of entering the entertainment industry is to make money, it is her first job after all. Although she can't say she enjoys it or loves it, since she has already started, she also hopes to do well and get recognized.

Although she was born into a wealthy family, she had no shortage of food and clothing since she was a child, and she appeared cold and indifferent, but it didn't mean that she was really indifferent to fame and fortune. She didn't care, because she was the best in everything before, so there was no need to care about these.

But in fact, like most girls, she is vain, loves beauty, and hopes to be appreciated.

But now, such a frame-up is really difficult to explain without substantial evidence, let alone being affirmed, it is difficult to be a clean person.

Wen Qing called up Su Yichen's number from her mobile phone, pressed the dial button, and the phone rang.

"Wen Qing!" Su Yichen's clear and deep voice sounded.

She cut straight to the point, and said coldly, "Yichen, I was framed last night. Now that the incident has been exposed, it has been linked to the incident in the cafe that day. I hope this incident has nothing to do with Tai Wen. If so, we will Will not let her go."

The man on the other end of the phone paused for a moment, and then his low voice seemed to be suppressing some unknown emotion, "I checked this matter in the morning, the photo of the cafe is indeed a reporter from Star Weekly following Tai Wen It was photographed. As for last night, I promise, this matter has absolutely nothing to do with her!"

"Okay, I hope too!"

After finishing speaking, Wen Qing hung up the phone, and then called Huo Ziyan again.

The phone rang many times and was finally answered.

In a low, emotionless voice, "Hello!"

Wen Qing took a deep breath and said, "I am Wen Qing!"

"I know!" It was still a faint voice without any wrinkles.

Wen Qing's heart twitched suddenly, she just wanted her man in this room yesterday, and now her tone was so light, as if she was just an insignificant stranger, and even gave her the feeling that she wanted to hang up immediately Telephone.

Probably after not hearing the woman's reply for a long time, the man's indifferent voice sounded again, "What's the matter?"

Wen Qing's courage to call just now was almost shattered by his indifferent attitude. This matter had nothing to do with him, and they had a quarrel last night without talking about anything. In the end, although he took revenge Sexually fell asleep, but after all, the relationship is unknown now.

He can't justly warn and question Su Yichen like he did to Su Yichen, and he can't ask him to help like ordinary girlfriends.

At this time, she was nervous, but she was more angered by this man's attitude, and at the same time, there was a kind of unspeakable grievance in her heart.

It's no wonder that men are lower-body animals. When we were with her before, no matter whether we were teasing her or getting angry, there would always be mood swings. Now that we have succeeded, we simply don't even want to talk to him.

But there is no other way, she can only look for him now, she has been tough and wanted to break with him countless times, but she still has to find him in the end.

She plucked up her courage and said in a low voice, "I saw the hot search on Weibo."


Such an understatement made her heart sink to the bottom of the valley in an instant, and the words she said again melted into a trace of grievance, "Have you thought of any way?"

Huo Ziyan replied calmly, "What are you talking about? If it's a matter of jealousy between you and your ex-boyfriend, you should go to Su Yichen and ask him how to deal with the triangular relationship between two women and one man. If it's because of last night's If the matter is exposed, then there is no need to worry, even if it is really not clear, I will raise it in the future, so I don't have to go out and cause trouble!"

(End of this chapter)

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