Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 112 Mr. Huo's complexion is not good, but he really "rolled over" and took th

Chapter 112 Mr. Huo's complexion was not good, but he really "rolled over" and answered the phone
Finally, she picked up the bag on the bedside table, put the phone in it, and walked down.

She doesn't want to stay here alone now, even if she is still very uncomfortable, even if she is extremely sleepy, she just wants to go back to her apartment to rest.

Just when she opened the door of the villa, she suddenly saw a tall man in black clothes standing at the door. Wen Qing was slightly surprised, but she didn't think too much about it. She was about to go around him and go out when suddenly, the man in black blocked her.

"Miss Wen, my name is Feng Zhe, and I am your driver and bodyguard arranged by Mr. Huo!"

Wen Qing was startled, and then she sneered in her heart. She was a full-time servant and a bodyguard, and the battle was quite big. If it wasn't for the phone call just now, she really expected this man to love her more.

She said lightly, "I don't need it!"

After finishing speaking, she was about to go out, but Feng Zhe stopped her again.

Wen Qing lost her temper instantly, "What are you doing?"

Feng Zhe looked down at Wen Qing's flushed face, a little embarrassed, and quickly replied respectfully, "I'm sorry, Ms. Wen, Mr. Huo told you to stay in the villa temporarily and not go anywhere!"

"What did you say?" Wen Qing called out in disbelief, her voice was a few degrees higher, and even Li Ma who was working in the kitchen was attracted to her.

Feng Zhe is silent, it's the first time in his life to be a bodyguard for a woman, Mr. Huo's woman, and the start is not good.

Wen Qing looked at Feng Zhe standing at the door without making a sound, but from his body movements, it could be seen that he would never let her out of this door today, she suddenly laughed, "Feng Zhe, you probably don't know , I was dumped by Mr. Huo on the phone about 10 minutes ago! Your bodyguard is out of work for the time being. Let me go out for a few days and wait for Mr. Huo to bring another woman in a few days Come back, you can go to work!"


Feng Zhe said calmly, "Boss Huo called me 5 minutes ago!"

"Aren't you my bodyguard? Why listen to him, just listen to me, let me out!"

"Miss Wen, my duty is to follow your arrangements within the scope of Mr. Huo's orders!"


Wen Qing is really angry!
I didn't even want to answer the phone with him just now, so I turned around and called the bodyguard to prevent her from leaving the villa.

Why should he!
Seeing the stalemate at the door, Mama Li also came over, looked at the angry Wen Qing and said cautiously, "Miss Wen, why don't you go back to your room to rest first! Let's talk when Mr. Huo comes back! I'll make you a cup of scented tea go up!"

Knowing that no matter how noisy they are now, Feng Zhe will not let herself go out, Wen Qing ignored them, and walked back to the bedroom quickly in a few steps.

She closed the door vigorously, took out her mobile phone, threw her bag on the bed, and called Huo Ziyan again.

"Hello, Miss Wen!" Tan Yi's voice was still on the phone.

"Let Huo Ziyan answer the phone!" Wen Qing went straight to the point, her voice was cold, and the order was gnashing her teeth, regardless of whether it was appropriate or not.

"Boss Huo is..."

"I don't care what Huo Ziyan is busy with right now, just tell him to roll over and answer the phone for me!"

Tan Yi's heart trembled. He looked at the man sitting next to him with a colder face. The woman's voice was loud, so he naturally heard it.

He still admires the courage of this little woman, Wen Qing. Facing a man like Mr. Huo, she is probably the only one who can call him by his first name and let him come over to answer the phone.

What's even more weird is that although Mr. Huo had a bad face, he really "rolled over" and answered the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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