Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 114 The Straight Man's Sadness

Chapter 114 The Straight Man's Sadness

The phone was still on the phone, Wen Qing didn't make a sound, but Huo Ziyan slowly felt a trembling breath coming from the receiver. Although he couldn't see it, he somehow knew that it was the woman on the other side who couldn't suppress it. sobbing.

The man's pupils constricted, and his heart skipped a beat. Just as he was about to say something, he heard the sound of the phone hanging up.

Without hesitation, he called back immediately, but just after one ring, he was hung up again.

The man's expression froze, and the warmth of the sad cry that came faintly just now was imprinted in his head, like a fist hitting his heart tightly, and his chest was filled with distress.

Tan Yi has been paying attention to the changes in the man's face, "Mr. Huo, why don't you just tell Miss Wen that you are dealing with her affairs now!"

Huo Ziyan asked back, "Has the result come out now?"

"But at least I can know that you care about her, so I won't reject you so much!"

"It doesn't matter!"

It doesn't matter whether she knows it or not, he will find it very troublesome to deal with these things. Instead of annoying her with these tangled processes, it's better to transfer all the emotions to him until a good result can be reached.

Moreover, she hates him so much, she doesn't care whether he cares about her, does she?

Thinking of this, a rare self-deprecating expression appeared on Huo Ziyan's face.

When the phone rang again, Huo Ziyan was overjoyed, picked up the phone and saw the caller ID, and frowned.

The phone is connected, "what's the matter?"

"Mr. Huo, Miss Wen said that she wants to go to the supermarket."

The man wanted to refuse directly, but he took a deep breath when he thought of the excitement of the woman on the phone just now, "Follow him every step of the way, and go back to the villa immediately after shopping!"

Tan Yi watched Mr. Huo's whole process from being tough to compromising, with a lonely expression, and sighed silently in his heart!

Why!The sadness of a straight man!
It was already eight o'clock in the evening when Huo Ziyan came home.

Li Ma was pacing up and down the living room, looking very disturbed. Seeing him coming back, she ran over as if she had seen a savior, and said nervously, "Mr. Huo, Miss Wen has been upstairs since the afternoon. Until now, I asked her to get up for dinner, but she didn't come out, and I didn't dare to..."

Huo Ziyan's face darkened, and he said, "I see, you go and prepare meals now!"

"Understood! Mr. Huo!"

The bedroom door opened, Huo Ziyan turned on the light, approached the bed, looked at the bulging quilt, the woman's whole body was curled up in the quilt.

"Get up and eat!"

Probably after a while, a dull voice came from inside the quilt, "Eat it yourself, I don't want to eat, I just want to sleep for a while!"

The quilt was lifted directly from the woman's body, and the sudden light caused Wen Qing to open her eyes suddenly. She was dizzy and had to look up at him. She had a handsome and perfect face, but there was a terrifying cruelty. Angry, I don't know how I messed with him again.

In the afternoon, I really felt a little sleepy and uncomfortable, but the more I slept, the more tired I felt. I no longer had the anger and momentum I had when I was on the phone at noon, and my voice was weak, "You won't let me go back, I will stay here all the time, I'm just tired and want to sleep more, why don't you wait to see me so much!"

Huo Ziyan looked down at her, and said flatly, "Don't play your temper! Eat first, and then sleep after eating!"

(End of this chapter)

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