Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 116 How did you come to him, but it seems that the hormones are even more out of balance

Chapter 116 How did you come to him, but it seems that the hormones are even more out of balance
"Miss Wen, a woman's body is the most important thing, so you must protect her well, and don't let anyone hurt you for any reason! You have been very weak recently, and someone must take care of you. I think you'd better let your body Relatives take care of themselves better!"

Hearing Dr. Jiang's words, Wen Qing's pupils were slightly distracted, and then she closed her eyes slowly for a moment, and she didn't say anything this time.

"Okay, Doctor Jiang, it's enough for you to prescribe the medicine, and I will take care of her!" The more Huo Ziyan listened, the more she felt that every word of this female doctor seemed to be aimed at him, especially when she saw Wen Qing. The lonely look in his eyes just now made his heart suffocate like being stabbed by needles.

"Of course, I'm just making a suggestion. I hope Mr. Huo can really do it! I don't want to visit the door again!"

Tang Boxing seldom accompanied the doctor to check the condition of female stars. He never thought that the gentle female doctor could speak so eloquently. Of course, the reason was that the man next to him was too beastly.

After arranging for the driver to take the doctor away, Huo Ziyan watched Wen Qing slowly fall asleep by the bed, thinking that it would take more than an hour for the IV drip, he left the bedroom and walked to the study next door.

After closing the door, he looked up at Tang Boxing, who was standing at the window and puffing, with a very displeased expression on his face, and asked, "Why didn't I know that she was locked up in the detention center yesterday, she should have been there when you left." You just entered the police station, and there was an hour or two in the middle, is it because you are slow in efficiency, or you should just go out and open a room before going over."

Tang Boxing took a puff of the cigarette in his hand, pressed it into the ashtray on the desk, slightly hooked the corners of his lips, and said coldly, "You think my father is the chief of the police station, I was dragged out of the bed by you yesterday, go The police station found out what happened, went to the company to write a guarantee letter, and even acted as a driver to bring your woman over, or do you think you were so lucky to have a woman come to your door to sleep with you last night?"

Seeing Huo Ziyan's increasingly tense expression, Tang Boxing smiled, "Besides, on the way I sent her back yesterday, seeing her expression, she seemed to be quite moved, and I also tentatively wanted to know about you on the way. It stands to reason that when a woman is frustrated and touched, she should talk to you first, or should she be so moved that she rushes forward as soon as she enters the door, and she doesn't even have time to talk, so she just uses herself I agree, it caused you to be stimulated, and you were so excited that you couldn't control it for a while, and you became a beast!"

"Enough is enough, she is not someone you can ridicule!"

Huo Ziyan suddenly remembered that after Wen Qing came back yesterday, he wanted to talk to him several times. At that time, he was so angry that he didn't give her any chance at all, just blindly sarcastic, and she was obviously not a very good-tempered person. But time and time again, she showed that forbearance and aggrieved look, full of expectations for him, and for the first time, she voluntarily promised to be his girlfriend. This was what he was looking forward to all the time, but it was also destroyed by him personally.

Although I know that Wen Qing is very different to Huo Ziyan from other women, and I can see that he likes her quite a lot, but I didn't expect her to have such a big influence.

Tang Boxing cursed in a low voice, it was rare for this man to open his mind and finally willing to find a woman!

It's just that for ordinary people, this first time eating meat should be refreshed and full of energy, but it seems that the hormones are even more out of balance when it comes to him!

(End of this chapter)

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