Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 118 He even talked about enslavement so grandiosely

Chapter 118 He even talked about enslavement so grandiosely

Huo Ziyan stared at him, and his voice became even hoarse, "You said Wen Qing went there to return the token of love to Su Yichen?"

"That's right! That's what Su Yichen said! It was said that after she gave the chain to Su Yichen, Tai Wen passed by, so I misunderstood, this woman was ready to strike when she was impulsive, but she was pushed to the ground instead, so There are photos taken by the media!"

The man's fist slammed on the desk table, his eyes were scarlet, his voice was dark and tense, and he continued to ask, "Call me immediately if you know!"

Tang Boxing has also known this man for more than ten years. He met him in the United States when he was a boy, and then went to the imperial capital to start a business together. He has experienced wind and rain, and even narrowly escaped death. He is his only emotional brother in this world.

He has experienced many turning points and ups and downs in his life, and it can be said that he understands him better than anyone, including his so-called relatives, but he has never seen him lose control of his emotions.

The corner of Tang Bo's lips twitched, "Didn't I just get called by you after the awards ceremony? Did you misunderstand this matter with your attitude, or did you really believe the rumors in the media gossip?" And angered Wen Qing, so she took the contraceptive pill in a fit of anger."

After thinking for a while, the man chuckled again, "But, even if there is no such thing, do you think that Wen Qing loves you so much that she will have a baby with you now! Don't think too much about it, she must take the contraceptive pill Yes, the difference lies in her mood at the time, but no matter whether she is in a good mood or not, she will still have the physical pain that she should have after eating."

Huo Ziyan slowly recovered, looked at the smiling man in front of him, and said lightly, "You have nothing to do here!"

"You are killing a donkey. I have been busy all day today, and at night I will be your driver and bring the doctor here. Is this how you treat me?"

"Otherwise, I'll ask the driver to drive you back!"


"Hurry up and get out! The injection will be over after a while, and I have to take care of her!"


Tang Boxing cursed in a low voice, and glanced at Huo Ziyan contemptuously, "Isn't it just a bankrupt daughter? You still need to take care of it yourself, instead of hiring a servant, just let her take care of it!

Huo Ziyan looked at him with a calm expression, "I didn't hear the female doctor you brought said, she's very delicate! I won't take care of it myself, if anything happens, you will sleep with me from now on!"

"You are sleeping with a woman now, no, according to Wen Qing's situation, you should have raped a woman, you are still embarrassing, right?"


"Today I was tired all day, and I ran to you again, and I will sleep at your place tonight!"

Huo Ziyan raised her eyelids, and still said in that neutral tone, "No, it's not like before, Wen Qing lives here, I'm not sure if she likes other people staying at home, so you still have to go back!"

After finishing speaking, Huo Ziyan stopped talking nonsense and turned around to leave.

"I'll find a room to live in, and I won't sleep with her, whether she likes it or not! Now you have a woman and you don't even want a brother!"

"If I didn't want my brother, I wouldn't let you bring the doctor here today! Remember to close the door when you go out!" After speaking, Huo Ziyan ignored him and left the room.

"Damn!" Tang Bo kicked the stool in the room angrily, and he even talked about enslavement in such a high-sounding way.

(End of this chapter)

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