Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 124 Wen Qing really wants to slap herself to death

Chapter 124 Wen Qing really wants to slap herself to death

Yin Chang is her good friend, and he doesn't want to hide it from her.

Just hearing this man's rhetorical question, as if she was saying how eagerly she wanted to confirm the relationship with him, she was ashamed and angry for a while, "Huo Ziyan, you want to eat it all and refuse to admit it!"

When she blurted out this sentence, she immediately regretted it, saying it as if she was confirming her relationship with him.

In fact, that was not her original intention, and she didn't know what Huo Ziyan thought about her, but she just thought of his actions these days, forcing Tang Boxing to go to the police station to bail her out at night, and stay to take care of her sick She probably has a little liking for her!

Although she doesn't think this kind of liking has much weight, just like she used to think that Su Yichen liked her, it's just that even with the addition of their 4-year engagement, it's not enough to shake the most beautiful thing he ever had first love.

What's more, she and Huo Ziyan didn't get along for a long time. Even if there were temptations and temptations, including this man's unbelievable concern for his ex-boyfriend, it was probably just for a noble son like him who was in a high position. A possessiveness!

After all, he had shown interest in her in America, and she had rejected her time and time again.

Up to now, she found that, no matter it was a coincidence or deliberate, she could not avoid this man after all.

In fact, she is also a very realistic person. When she is with him, what she gets is far more than what she can give.

She doesn't suffer at all, and the woman's virginity is lost, what she has now is more precious than this!
After hearing Wen Qing's words, Huo Ziyan's eyes instantly became extremely hot, staring at Wen Qing's face made her feel hot from head to toe, and she immediately stammered, "You..., don't you want to Going to the bathroom?"

I kept beating drums in my heart, did it really make him misunderstand, how should I explain it!
Huo Ziyan didn't speak, but her eyes were so penetrating that she was instantly stared at with nowhere to hide, so her eyes were a little erratic to avoid his scorching gaze, "I just want to go back to Yin Chang later. Just a phone call, can I ask her to come to us?"

After saying this, Wen Qing really wanted to slap herself to death!
What do we call this!This family hasn't said anything yet, you shamelessly treat this place as your own home, making yourself like a hostess.

Wen Qing lowered her head, not daring to look at Huo Ziyan's eyes with strong presence, not knowing what he was thinking, she felt a little uneasy and flustered.

Is it because I am getting more outrageous again? Not to mention whether Huo Ziyan actually has such thoughts, but to say that a rich man like him, like the previous Wen family, generally would not like outsiders to come to his home, let alone the legendary There is also the background of the underworld, so you should be more cautious.

Just when she was about to say something to make up for it, suddenly a figure loomed over her head, she raised her head subconsciously, and saw Huo Ziyan had already arrived in front of her, she immediately lowered her head and attached her lips.

Because of his sudden approach, Wen Qing fell back involuntarily before she had time to react. The man's arm held her waist in a timely manner, and directly laid her down on the bed gently, and her body immediately stuck to her.

The scalding temperature of her body can be transmitted to Wen Qing's skin through the home clothes, as if it is going to burn her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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