Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 132 This is not sure, just a preliminary suspicion

Chapter 132 This is not sure, just a preliminary suspicion

As a result, the wind vane of the comments has completely changed, and almost all the comments on Wen Qing have changed from the previous negative comments to positive and inspirational comments.

Completely reversed the negative impact of the scandal.

At the same time, a large number of microblogs that praised Wen Qing appeared on the Internet.

From her birth, beauty, and even though she broke off the engagement with the Su family during the bankruptcy period, she still didn't have the slightest resentment towards her ex-boyfriend, and she got along with him in a friendly way, which reflected her daughter-in-law's self-cultivation. , has been supported and reused by Mr. Tang, and I believe that the future will be limitless...

Yin Chang looked at Wen Qing's complex expression of disbelief and surprise as she stared at her phone's Weibo, and gently patted her face, "Qingqing, you are stupid!"

Wen Qing looked back, her face still had an unbelievable look on her face. A few days ago, she felt that the sky was about to fall. Although Huo Ziyan also mentioned Weibo to her yesterday, it was over, but she thought I did a bit of routine public relations with the company and suppressed the negative news.

Unexpectedly, the effect of this public relations is simply bottoming out.

"Chang Chang, it seems that I had a deep misunderstanding of the keyboard man who feared the chaos of the world before. It turns out that the eyes of the masses are really discerning!"

"You're not so pretty, I don't know if the public's eyes are clear, but as far as I know, there are so many positive comments on the Internet, it should be that the company has used a troll to whitewash you!"

"What do you mean?"

"You really have such a sense of justice when you are a melon eater, it's just because the company has used a large number of trolls to control the direction of the entire public opinion, and this part of positive comments comprehensively overwhelmed those negative comments that still don't believe it. What about the public? , has always followed what others say, so it is what you see!"

Wen Qing was a little puzzled, "Then this is from the company's public relations?"

Yin Chang took a sip of the juice, then put the cup back on the tea table in front of the sofa, looking at Wen Qing excitedly and with a hint of gossip, "Last night and before today, I was also very strange, you were just A newcomer who didn’t have any works yet, and no one in the company was willing to come forward to help you with public relations on the day of the incident. I thought it was completely over this time, but the reversal on the second day really surprised me, but now I understand, No wonder you told me before that it had nothing to do with Mr. Tang. When I asked why you signed Lixing so quickly, I really thought it was because of your beauty! It turned out that it was because of Mr. Huo, so that makes sense!"

Wen Qing lowered her eyes and looked at her mobile phone. On it, she could clearly see the top Weibo hot searches, all of which were positive and positive headlines about her. She felt a little complicated for a while.

Huo Ziyan?

It should be, and only he has the right to ask Mr. Tang to make this clarification for himself.

She still remembered that he called Mr. Tang on the night of the incident and asked him to bring a doctor to see her.

She also called Huo Ziyan that day to ask about Weibo, but he didn't say anything other than mocking her and not letting her go out!

But it turned out that he was already thinking of a way!
Wen Qing raised her head and said again, "Then do you know who framed me now?"

Hearing this, Yin Chang suddenly looked a little absent-minded, his eyes flickered, "The waiter has been caught, he admitted it, and said he did it himself, it must be a prank!"

Wen Qing grabbed Yin Chang's hand, looked her in the eyes, and said solemnly, "Chang Chang, you won't lie at all, tell the truth!"

Yin Chang looked at Wen Qing's big eyes with a firm look in her eyes. She didn't know whether she should say it, but she didn't want to deceive Wen Qing, "Because I'm your manager, I kept following you that day. Mr. Tang and the others were dealing with the online video together, and they overheard Mr. Tang calling, and after the waiter in the video left the private room, he passed the door of a private room, took a look inside, and said hello!"


"I'm not sure about this, just a preliminary suspicion?"

"Say it directly!"

"Ding Yuyu and..., Han Xin!"

(End of this chapter)

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