Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 138 Although I will not add insult to injury, I will not be able to repay grievances with ki

Chapter 138 Although I will not add insult to injury, I will not be able to repay grievances with kindness

Song Chong was still drinking tea while talking to Wen Qing slowly, with an amiable face, and he couldn't tell that the atmosphere of the chat between the two was so tense. From a distance, it seemed that they were chatting happily with the younger generation An ordinary old man, not the well-known head of the Song family in the imperial capital.

"Although she did go too far this time, because of Ziyan's intervention, you have not actually suffered any substantial harm! And she, no matter whether Ziyan is with you in the future, a daughter of such character will never be able to enter The door of the Song family, and Ding's company has suffered heavy losses in the double attack of Ziyan and Tang Boxing these days. She has learned a lesson, and you are safe and sound. Let this matter end. As for you She is strong and you are weak..."

The old man's eyes were calm, and he just glanced at Wen Qing so plainly, "You are now completely under the protection of Ziyan because of this matter, as long as the situation does not develop in an irreversible direction, do you think she will still be able to return?" Can it deal with you, or do you think Ziyan will give her a chance to deal with you?"

After Wen Qing heard Song Chong's reasonable explanation, she really didn't know what to say!
He made it very clear that a person of Song Chong's status came to her not to favor Ding Yuyu, but because Han Zheng approached him, and for the sake of Han Zheng's face, he did not hesitate to let go of his status.

The reason why I didn't approach Huo Ziyan directly was because the incident happened because of her. When Huo Ziyan dealt with the Ding family, he didn't think about the consequences, so naturally Song Chong couldn't persuade him.

So now the only breakthrough is her.

But do you want to promise him?
What he said was indeed true. Except for the few hours of panic and fear that night, she did not suffer any other injuries. On the contrary, it was Ding Yuyu and Ding's family who had nothing to lose.

It's just that if the harm is not substantial, isn't it harm?What's more, if this matter was not because of Huo Ziyan, she might never be able to turn over if she was not careful. With such a vicious original intention, how could she smile away her grievances.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Song!" Wen Qing smiled lightly, looking at him firmly, "I can't promise you!"

After saying this, Song Chong's calm face changed slightly, as if he didn't expect Wen Qing to refuse so firmly after saying so much.

Song Yeshu at the side looked at the faces of the two people, and before Song Chong could speak again, he said to Wen Qing in a calm tone, "Miss Wen, Huo Ziyan is desperate to deal with the Ding family for you, don't you really think about it because of this matter?" And any consequences for him!"

Wen Qing smiled, without any big expression on her face, she seemed to be thinking for a while, and then said, "Actually, Ziyan never told me about the matter of dealing with the Ding family, and the truth of this matter is also the same as this morning. I just found out from other people! I thought, since this matter was not my idea, and Ziyan didn’t intend to tell me, I’m just a woman, and I didn’t decide the matter, so how can I say that I didn’t consider it? What about the consequences? Although I won’t add insult to injury, I can’t repay evil with kindness either.”

The old man's face gradually became a bit cold, but his tone remained the same as before, "It's just that I told Miss Wen about my interests, and for the sake of Ziyan's possible obscurity in the future, it's okay to do this favor?"

(End of this chapter)

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