Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 154 How these two people get along with each other usually makes her have such a deep misund

Chapter 154 How do these two people get along with each other to make her have such a deep misunderstanding

Wen Qing didn't know what he was doing when he pushed the door in. She subconsciously thought that she had made him angry, so she grabbed his raised arm without thinking, "I'm fine now, let's go together!"

"Is it all right?" She said it in a questioning tone, but the indifferent tone was asking back, as if questioning the authenticity of her words.

Sure enough, I still mind!
The ups and downs in the room just now haven't completely calmed down, now facing Huo Ziyan's slightly chilly face, Wen Qing felt a little bit wronged and anxious in her heart at this moment, but the situation in front of her, after all, was not alone before When he was there, he didn't dare to get angry, or even dare to say anything, and just wanted to leave with him quickly.

"Well, I'm fine, I'm hungry, you accompany me back to eat!"

"Hungry? It's less than 4 o'clock?"

Wen Qing pursed her lips, knowing that her reason was a bit far-fetched, but she could only bite the bullet and pull it off, "I probably didn't eat enough at noon, and I'm really hungry now! Let's go, shall we?"

Tang Boxing looked at Wen Qing's expression at this time, the cold smile on the corner of his mouth just now had gradually faded away, but now he couldn't help but laugh.

Huo Ziyan stayed with him all afternoon, probably because he received a text message from Feng Zhe, knowing that Wen Qing was going to see Ding Yuyu's mother and daughter in the afternoon. Originally, Feng Zhe would not suffer much from Wen Qing, but he was still worried. , I want to come over to take a look, he is fine anyway, so he came with him.

Walking to the door of the private room, I heard the conversation inside. Although I can't say that I heard it all from the beginning to the end, I should have heard most of it, especially Ding Yuyu's verbal insults to Wen Qing, not to mention Huo Ziyan, even he Very displeased to hear.

Just now Wen Qing said righteous words in it. He had seen her eloquence before. How could a daughter like Ding Yuyu who only relied on her arrogance be her opponent? Such a nervous and frightened look?

Tang Boxing glanced at Huo Ziyan, and couldn't help laughing again. Could it be that she felt that this man's face was not good at the moment, and he was angry at what she said just now? !
Doesn't this man really like her?How these two people usually get along makes her have such a deep misunderstanding.

Just thinking of the scene where Huo Ziyan asked him to take the doctor to see Wen Qing a few days ago, Tang Boxing suddenly felt that he understood again!

Not long after being abandoned by Su Yichen, and now getting along with a man with low EQ, it seems that Wen Qing's love luck is a little bit off.

Tang Boxing couldn't help thinking about it again in his heart. If it was him, then Wen Qing must have swooped over to hug him at this moment, how could she put on such an aggrieved and pitiful appearance.

Indeed, someone should have a low EQ to produce such a counter-effect.

Huo Ziyan probably guessed Wen Qing's thoughts, squinted his eyes, and glanced sharply at Tang Boxing who was still a little joking there, and didn't say much, he pushed the door open and looked inside with a deep expression.

When they were talking at the door just now, Han Xin and Ding Yuyu heard voices in the private room.

Ding Yuyu knew that Huo Ziyan got up excitedly, but Han Xin restrained her from rushing out.

She naturally saw her daughter's strong interest in Huo Ziyan, but Huo Ziyan obviously targeted the Ding family for Wen Qing, and the main reason was to target her. You want to stop her and don't want her to cause trouble again.

And from their tone of voice, she knew that Wen Qing wanted Huo Ziyan to go with her.

Naturally, she also thought that this matter would be turned over like this.


(End of this chapter)

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