Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 160 Well, Then I Don't Forgive You

Chapter 160 Well, Then I Don't Forgive You

Just as I was about to say something, a very unpleasant voice remembered, "Mr. Huo, my grandfather is Han Zheng, he and your grandfather..."

The man's face showed an expression of extreme disgust, and his cold eyes just swept over, cutting off Ding Yuyu's voice.

He originally thought that he hated this woman only because of Wen Qing's relationship, but now it seems that she has an ugly face.


Huo Ziyan didn't talk nonsense with her this time, his sharp eyes were extremely cold, "It's the first time I've seen someone who has done something wrong and asked for peace with such a high profile!" He said contemptuously, "Since you are so high above, don't Put on a look of panic, I want to accompany my girlfriend to dinner, with your current appearance, I'm afraid we won't be able to eat later!"

Ding Yuyu's eyes widened. She never thought that the man whom she regarded as a divine mansion a moment ago would insult her with such harsh words, and the complexion of Han Xin standing beside her also changed. From Ding Yuyu's birth to now, she has never been subjected to such harsh words. Insulting, but this matter happened to be her fault, and she encountered a more difficult one, but it was because of Wen Qing.

Seeing Han Xin's paler face, Wen Qing knew that she had restrained herself to the extreme. She was very clear about how poisonous this man's mouth was, but this time it was originally Ding Yuyu's fault, and it was for her.

"Forget it, Huo Ziyan, I promised Mr. Song, and I will not pursue this matter!" Wen Qing actually didn't have bad intentions, she had already agreed to Song Chong, and for Ding Yuyu, maybe before today, she still had some Disgusted, but now, she has no emotion at all!
Huo Ziyan looked at the woman's gentle and tired eyes, and said softly, "What's wrong? You don't need to worry about anyone, leave this matter to me!"

"But I really just want to forget it!" Wen Qing said quietly.

"Didn't you say you want her to apologize? I didn't hear her meaning to be sorry!"

Wen Qing sneered, it seems that she heard all the conversations just now, no wonder...

She didn't answer the man's question, just said, "I forgive you?"

The man raised his eyebrows, "Huh?"

"Just eavesdropped on my corner!"

Huo Ziyan smiled gently, and replied with a smile, "You think I need your forgiveness!"

Wen Qing looked at him, "Okay, then I won't forgive you!"

As she said that, she was about to let go of the man's arm, but before she left the man's skin, she was held down by the man, and the other hand lifted her face, and she moved closer, and said in a low voice, "Then you still forgive me Bar!"

"...Then you promised me!"

"But she upsets you!"

"If you promise me, I will be happy!"

Huo Ziyan looked at the woman's quiet eyebrows, very seriously, without any suspicion of force, as if he really wanted him to forget about it.

He did this for her, and he didn't need her to participate or worry. If she was really struggling or tired, he had no reason to do it.

"Okay!" After answering, the woman smiled slightly, although it could be seen that it was a smile of coping, but the delicate eyebrows and eyes were more vivid, and she couldn't help it for a while, she bowed her head and kissed the woman's tender lips.

"Come on, let's go out to eat." After finishing speaking, he bent down and hugged the woman horizontally.

Wen Qing let out a low cry, and reflexively raised her arms to wrap around the man's neck.

 Seeing the messages and questions raised by some beauties recently, I replied directly in the off-topic. I said in the off-topic in the previous chapter, because my hand speed is very bad, and the time I can code every day is limited. , In addition, my writing and creation level is relatively amateur, so I can't update according to the standard like the authors of other bookstores. I am deeply sorry for the readers who insist on supporting me when I only update 1000 times a day!In fact, at the beginning of this article, I wanted to write a more abusive article, but this required a strong idea and layout, and the first time I wrote an article, I probably thought too simple at the beginning and did not prepare enough , so the overall plot is very poorly written!And how to develop in the future is still a vague concept in my mind, so I can't promise you anything. As myself, I also hope that I can stick to it as much as possible.As a reader, I have also followed the series, and I understand that authors with my speed are indeed scumbags, so I am deeply grateful to the readers who voted for me. You can vote for other excellent authors in the bookstore in the future. .

  Thank you for your support!Feel sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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