Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 163 Besides, the good impression is purely because of the restaurant itself

Chapter 163 Besides, the good impression is purely because of the restaurant itself
The atmosphere was inexplicably awkward, so she had no choice but to say something casually to continue the topic just now, "My father is going to have surgery in half a month, and I want to spend more time with him during this time, so I don't want to take up work for now, wait for my father After the surgery, is it okay to start working again when the condition is stable?"

Before Huo Ziyan could speak, Tang Boxing's voice came over in a timely manner, properly diluting the tension and embarrassment between the two.

"Miss Wen, I am your boss!"

Huo Ziyan glanced at Tang Boxing sharply, and said in a deep and clear voice, "Yes!"

"You two, don't worry about showing affection. There is a crossroad ahead. I'm going to Qingchuan Pavilion now? The main creators of "Fighting Beauty" are having dinner there today. Aren't you guys going to eat out tonight? Shall we go together?"

Huo Ziyan lacked interest in this, "If you don't go, it has nothing to do with us?"

Wen Qing said, "Aren't you a shareholder? Why don't you take a look at such a big investment?"

The man looked at her face and asked in a low voice, "Do you want to go?"

"Am I talking about you?"

"Anyway, you don't want to take the show for the time being, so there's no need to go there to deal with them!"

Tang Boxing turned the steering wheel directly to the right, and the car drove directly in the direction of Qingchuan Pavilion. After the car turned straight and drove steadily on the straight road, he said, "Ziyan, let's go together! Although you don't want to do this, but In any case, he is also the largest shareholder of the company. The investment in this movie is very large, and it is necessary to meet the relevant staff. Besides, it is only the initial start-up stage. It is expected that all the personnel will be in place and the filming will start. Qing's father's condition has stabilized, and she also participated in the film crew, so you two should get to know each other in advance, and there won't be any problem if you get to know each other well!"

Huo Ziyan was a little hesitant. He bought the shares for Wen Qing. He didn't care much about whether the investment in the movie was big or small, making money or not. Even if Wen Qing joined the film crew later, she could go whenever she wanted. In his opinion, there was no need Know or be familiar with.only……

He didn't speak, but looked at Wen Qing with a hint of doubt in his eyes, to see what she thought.

"Then go, it's not a bad thing to get to know each other, anyway, I always have to find a place to eat! Besides, I really like Qingchuan Pavilion!"

Wen Qing herself didn't want to go at first. After all, she was not familiar with the crew, and so many things happened recently, so it was settled. She was always afraid that others would look at her strangely. Based on what Boxing said just now, I think we should really go there.

Huo Ziyan narrowed his eyes, and pinched the woman's chin with his hand, "You have a good impression of Qingchuan Pavilion, not because you used to eat here often with someone!"

Wen Qing didn't realize the meaning of his words for a moment, of course it was only for a moment, the reason for this man's emotional ups and downs in front of him was only a little bit, just think about it deeply.

Isn't it just the matter of inviting Yin Chang to dinner with Su Yichen mentioned earlier?Besides, the good impression is purely because of the restaurant itself.

Wanting to explain but remembering that the descriptions of the previous few times were getting darker and darker, Wen Qing simply didn't say anything.

He turned his head directly to Tang Boxing, "Mr. Tang, who are the people having dinner over there today?"

"The main cast members who have been confirmed have arrived, including the director, producer, leading actors and important supporting roles. What's the problem?"

"Will Tai Wen and Su Yichen go?"

(End of this chapter)

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