Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 173 Miss Wen's conditions are very good

Chapter 173 Miss Wen's conditions are very good
Because the location of the dinner party was in the box downstairs, Wen Qing and the others went there quickly after putting on their makeup. They originally booked a box with two tables, but then they probably heard that Mr. Tang and Mr. Huo were going to participate. Many years ago People who are a bit wristy but not particularly important were originally not planning to come, but they rushed over after hearing the news, so that they changed to a large box that can accommodate four tables.

Many people have already arrived in the box one after another, and the banquet has not yet opened, and everyone is chatting together in their respective groups.

She is not a member of the crew of "Fighting Beauty", but the people inside probably know her identity. Firstly, because of her former status as Miss Wen's family, many people knew that she suddenly signed a contract with the company. Secondly, some time ago she The negative news about her had a great influence on Weibo. Later, the company made great efforts in public relations, and Mr. Tang even clarified for her in person, which naturally attracted a lot of attention.

So much so that when she arrived, there were all kinds of complicated eyes looking at her from inside, but the only thing in common was that no matter whether she had seen her before or not, she would still be amazed by her exquisite facial features, fair skin, matching her body Clothes that look expensive, with a well-proportioned figure, light makeup, not very heavy, it can be seen that my skin is very good, even if you are used to beauties in the entertainment industry, you will think that such beauties are real The beauty is amazing, the beauty is high-end.

Wen Qing naturally received everyone's attention, some admired and amazed, and naturally some were jealous and disdainful, just like the company helped her publicize most of the negative news and comments, but there will still be some bad gossip on the Internet , was discussed.

A 22-year-old newcomer, whose Wen family went bankrupt, has no power or influence, and can be reused by the company, so the best explanation is the unspoken rules of the entertainment industry, so the few negative attacks on the Internet will be very ugly .

Mr. Tang seldom attends such gatherings. Even if he comes, he usually leaves after saying hello. Although Mr. Huo recently acquired the company's shares and became a shareholder, everyone knows that even so, such a big award ceremony some time ago He did not attend the ceremony or the celebration banquet.

Today, "Fighting Beauty" hasn't officially launched yet. It can be said that this is an ordinary party that is not even considered an opening banquet. It is possible for these two big figures to attend in person, and Mr. Tang also notified Wen Qing and her manager that they will also be present. Participate and get acquainted with everyone, the degree of closeness can be seen.

Some hostile gazes did make Wen Qing feel a little uncomfortable, but no matter how uncomfortable, so what?Their deepest thoughts may be overinterpreted, but it is true.

It is true that she got everything she is now because of Huo Ziyan's "unspoken rules". However, unlike their imagination, she has been rectified, but it is undeniable that her fundamental purpose is also for these.

After they came in, Tang Boxing asked them to come over and do a simple job, "This is Wen Qing, the company's new artist, who came back from studying in the United States. I heard from her father that she wanted to enter the entertainment industry after graduation. You see, with such conditions, I will definitely sign him into the company immediately after I come back!"

"Yes, yes," the other directors, producers, and investors beside him responded one after another.

"Miss Wen's conditions are very good!"

(End of this chapter)

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