Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 178 Having a job and earning money is enough

Chapter 178 Having a job and earning money is enough
Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Wen Qing couldn't stare at him and kick him to lose his temper, but she stretched out her hand first. While the man was making such rogue moves, he looked at her with such calm and calm eyes. .

In such a scene, it was as if she was holding his hand and refused to let go.

How fucking shameless!

Just to prevent others from seeing the clue, even though she wanted to tear this shameless man apart from the bottom of her heart, Wen Qing still maintained the standard smile on the surface, trying her best to suppress her desire to slap the one holding her with the other hand. The impulse of that cheap hand that doesn't let go.

There is no way to vent, so I can only use the same insidious method, using my nails in the palm of his hand to dig the palm of his hand with all my strength.

I can't help but feel rough in my heart, it hurts him to death, a dirty bitch.

"Boss Huo!" The smile on Wen Qing's face remained unchanged, and Boss Huo seemed to be saying an extra greeting on the surface, but in fact it was a code word warning that popped out of his lips and teeth to suppress his emotions.

Huo Ziyan naturally felt Wen Qing's forbearance and embarrassment, he just couldn't help but want to tease her, and when he had had enough, he let go of her hand, didn't give her any more eyes, just turned around indifferently, It seems that the pause between the two people shaking hands just now was really Wen Qing's unilateral involuntary involuntary.

Sure enough, most of the artists around thought it was Wen Qing's way to deliberately seduce Huo Ziyan.

Tang Boxing stood closest to the two of them, and watched the inconspicuous interaction between the two of them the whole time. On the surface, it seemed that the female artist took the opportunity to approach the big boss as everyone thought.


From the beginning of intentionally drawing out Wen Qing's conversation with him at the reception before, to director Feng Kang's accidental affirmation of Wen Qing's image and temperament, of course, such an accident is indeed based on facts, and there is no exaggeration.

It seems that Huo Ziyan brought up the image spokesperson lightly, but he knew that Huo Ziyan had such a plan long ago, and he briefly mentioned it when he came to his room.

It's not really like what Huo Ziyan said just now, how much confidence in Wen Qing's market positioning, but in his original words, the market, turnover, and the amount of money that Emily Jewelry's global market share has already reached. As he matures, he will not be affected by an image spokesperson. Even if there is, he still has a way to make up for it with other profits and stop the mouths of those shareholders!
So in the final analysis, even if Wen Qing had to be an artist, he would not let her go to the set in the wind and rain, the hot and scorching heat, to be the spokesperson for his products, to take some hard photos indoors, at most When the weather is good, it is enough to shoot an outdoor scene, have a job, and earn money.

And when the two shook hands just now, people who didn't know might really think that the man was just passively shaking back politely. There was a flash of playful light in Li, and based on his understanding of him for many years, he knew that he was teasing Wen Qing badly, even though he had never done this before.

He had only heard that falling in love would make a woman beautiful, but he couldn't feel whether Wen Qing had become beautiful.

But now it seems that falling in love can indeed turn a man like Huo Ziyan, who used to look serious, into a beast.

(End of this chapter)

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