Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 180 How Long Can This Be Delayed? I'm Afraid That His Baby Will Be Starved

Chapter 180 How Long Can This Be Delayed? I'm Afraid That His Baby Will Be Starved
If either or both of the male and female leads have great market appeal, preferably a popular traffic star, then this film is equivalent to half the success.

Although such a statement has never been put on the table, because it is really a great irony of film art.

But in fact, people in the imperial capital and people in this circle understand that where is the value of business and the needs of paying audiences, then where is the value of movies?Although it is not absolute, most of them follow this rule.

At least at the current stage of film development, celebrity halo, fan benefits, and strong focus are indeed the key factors for the current box office and success of commercial films.

Although there is no shortage of dark horses that stand out from the tight encirclement, dark horses are hard to find, and safety is the most important thing.

The male and female number one has arrived, and the other personnel are almost here.

Probably because the news that Mr. Tang and Mr. Huo came here temporarily spread, what was originally an ordinary crew gathering seemed to have turned into a big reunion of Star Entertainment Company, except for artists working in other places, or some special small characters Actors, basically stars above the second and third tiers have arrived.

After Ma Shiyi and Lu Yanghong came in, they met with the director, producer, and investors under Mr. Tang's guidance, and other actors also came to greet the lead actor according to the etiquette.

After the crowd surrounded Wen Qing and Yin Chang, they withdrew. The perspective was changed, and Wen Qing gradually breathed a sigh of relief.

While greeting Ma Shiyi and Lu Yanghong, many young artists also took the opportunity to say hello to Tang Boxing and Huo Ziyan, waiting for the opportunity to please. Tang Boxing is the boss, so naturally he smiled at each of them. Although Huo Ziyan didn't like it, but now he is also Shareholders can be regarded as barely entertaining.

Huo Ziyan stood at the same spot, watching a person surround him like this, he responded with a smile, his eyes seemed to aimlessly aim everywhere, but he kept watching Wen who had quietly walked to the small sofa beside him and sat down. clear.

She was with Yin Chang, talking quietly. In fact, she probably didn't say anything specifically, because most of the time, Yin Chang was talking happily there, and she only responded occasionally, holding the sofa in her hand from time to time. The nuts on the table are pushed aside and eaten into the mouth.

Looks like you're just killing boredom, or maybe you're hungry?

Suddenly remembered that in the private room of Jiuchongtian in the afternoon, in order to let him leave there quickly, she once said that she was hungry and asked him to take her to eat.

He didn't pay much attention to it at the time, but since he came here, he has been tossed by himself upstairs until now.

He looked down at the time, it was already past 7 o'clock, and he should have had dinner early at home.

The man frowned slightly. Surrounded by everyone, his mood had only changed a little, but the atmosphere around him also seemed to be a little chilly. For a while, the entertainers who came forward to flatter and get close did not dare What more.

Naturally, Huo Ziyan didn't pay attention to these, and directly reached out and patted Tang Boxing's shoulder, and said, "It's almost done! Let's start the table!"

Tang Boxing watched Huo Ziyan urging him to leave the meeting unprecedentedly, and subconsciously looked in Wen Qing's direction.

Understand in seconds and be speechless.

How long can this delay, I am afraid that his baby will be hungry...

(End of this chapter)

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