Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 196 What Does the Emperor Look Like When He Goes on Tour Without a Promise?

Chapter 196 What Does the Emperor Look Like When He Goes on Tour Without a Promise?

This morning he said that he didn't have to eat tonight, and he would come to pick her up, plus she had been urging him just now, so she naturally thought that he wanted to take her out for dinner. She didn't pay much attention to him these days, so he probably just took her She had a candlelight dinner to apologize.

She naturally knew it was impossible to attend the banquet. After all, she didn't want to fully disclose their relationship in her current state, and he always respected her wishes.

She didn't get so entangled that she even shy away from going out for a meal, and not deliberately making it public doesn't mean she needs to be too shy.

Even though she had just quarreled with him on the phone, Wen Qing still thought that since he took her out for dinner, the place must be higher-end, so she had carefully selected and matched her clothes and headgear.

It's just that he didn't expect that when he was on a business trip, he would go on a business trip, and it would be fine to just say no. If there was something to do, wouldn't he just send her off to the plane!
All right!You are a master, you are a rich man, it is not a big deal to drop off the plane as soon as you drop it off, but you just said not to let Mama Li cook, isn't this intentional to misunderstand her?

"You're on a business trip. Is it necessary for me not to eat and send you off? Do you think you're the emperor?"

Huo Ziyan closed his eyes and rested his mind, and said lightly, "Did I tell you to see you off?"

"You won't let me see you off, why ask me to come out!"

The cool voice came again, "Didn't you say that I am the emperor? What does the emperor look like without a promise?"

"Promise? Ha!" Wen Qing squinted at the man with closed eyes next to her, "Why don't you take your little Mashiko with you on a tour, and you're not afraid that when you're not around, Nine Thousand Years will take over your throne!"

Huo Ziyan finally opened his eyes, with a faint smile, "I'm quite scared, but I'm even more afraid that no one will sleep with me during the tour, he can't do that!"

Wen Qing turned her head, "Hmph!"

Feng Zhe in the driver's seat felt a crow flying over his head.

Is it appropriate for the two of you to talk about Tan Yi behind your back?

Tan Yi, who had just driven the car to the entrance of the company and was about to park in, was sneezing non-stop, muttering in his mouth, the weather in the imperial capital really changes at any moment!

In a private room for one person in a five-star hotel not far from the airport.

Wen Qing was sitting opposite Huo Ziyan, still depressed, she finally knew that this man had booked a plane ticket for her together the day before yesterday, and when she went out this morning, she took her relevant documents, underwear and some with her to prepare for emergencies All the medicines have been taken out and put into the bag.

Even the required jacket, he said that he had reported her size to the local staff, and would prepare it according to the local weather and keep it in the hotel where they stayed!
Although the steak in this hotel tasted very good, she was poking the steak on her table vigorously with a knife and fork because she was unhappy.

The corners of Huo Ziyan's lips curled up, and his subordinates slowly cut the steak into pieces that are easy to eat. After finishing, he picked up the plate that was poked by the woman so hard to look at, and put his own in front of her.

"Chop it up, let's eat!"

After finishing speaking, he put the plate on his side, didn't dislike it, and slowly cut and ate it.

"If you want me to go out with you, just tell me when the plane takes off, and even find time to come here to eat! Don't worry about trouble!" Looking at the pieces of steak he had cut, each piece was about the same size and shape. , special rules, one can see that the person doing this is either very meticulous and conscientious, or has obsessive-compulsive disorder.

(End of this chapter)

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