Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 199 Should You Have Something To Tell Me?

Chapter 199 Should You Have Something To Tell Me?
"Thank you!" Wen Qing was extremely comfortable enjoying the high-quality service provided by this airline for the most distinguished guests, and said with emotion, "There is such a luxurious private room on the first-class cabin, you said I used to often I didn’t know there was such a luxurious private room when I booked the first class flight, it’s not a VIP system, it’s not for sale! Huo Ziyan, why are you so corrupt and extravagant? You don’t choose such a private room every time you fly Bar!"

"No!" Huo Ziyan helped Wen Qing pour a glass of fruit juice, put it beside her, and said calmly.

"Well! That's about the same!"

The price of the first-class cabin is already very high, and the price of such a cabin must be sky-high. Just as I was about to say not to spend too much money traveling with myself, the man’s voice came again, "Generally, I would choose a private room!"


Wen Qing was ashamed, she didn't know how to answer the conversation, she used to be a wealthy lady, so she was ignorant and ignorant!
There is even a private room!Show bag!You are rich and you are willful!
It suddenly occurred to her that just now she finally knew why this man had a problem with Yin Chang.

It turned out that he suspected that he had an unusual relationship with Yin Chang.

Apart from being shocked and speechless, what else could she say!

Of course, there is still a bit of secret sadness in my heart, this man can always create something out of nothing, at first it was because of Su Yichen torturing her, and a few days ago because of Yin Chang tormenting her.

How could she be so unlucky to be spotted by such a naive... mentally retarded!
Huo Ziyan watched the complex expression changes on the woman's face, walked to her place, lowered his head close to her ear, and said in a deep voice, "What are you thinking?"

I was surprised that his actions were too intimate. Although it is not like the outside, the environment is relatively closed, but, after all, it is on the plane, and I don’t know if it is soundproof or not. Sometimes the space will knock on the door, and it is not too bad if I hear something OK, "Go back to your place!"

Huo Ziyan bit her ear lightly, Wen Qing's whole body trembled, and the man's hoarse voice rang in her ears, "There are still 12 hours to arrive in New York, it's still early, it's not even nine o'clock, lie down and watch TV, bad for eyes!"

Three sweats!This man is really annoying, just now he felt comfortable lying down and watching TV like this!

But she also can't bear the posture they are maintaining now, and she always feels that if it continues like this, it will develop into something... something that is not suitable for children.

She simply propped herself up to get up, Huo Ziyan immediately helped her up to sit up, and readjusted the massage function!

"You sit in your seat!"

Huo Ziyan wanted to refuse, but seeing Wen Qing's firm and stubborn eyes, he had no choice but to follow what she said.

Wen Qing adjusted the angle of the chair with the handle so that she could lean on it more comfortably, and said with a smile, "Mr. Huo, I've already sat up, what do you want to talk to me about, you look so much like Pan An, So handsome, staring at me like that, I'm under a lot of pressure!"

Huo Ziyan's eyes were a little resentful, and after deliberation, he coughed lightly, "Do you have something to tell me?"

Wen Qing pursed her mouth, and said, "At Mr. Huo's level, the business that passes through his hands every day is calculated in the billions! No matter how you look at it, you should be a genius! I really can't imagine that your brain structure is so... It's unbelievable! Or are people with certain talents in IQ destined to be deficient in other areas?"

"Wen! Qing! Can you explain it well?"

Wen Qing stopped the massage function of the seat, sat up straight, and said with a very "serious" smile,

"Don't you know that there is the purest best friend in this world? She and I have known each other since we were young, and she is naturally the person I trust the most. Besides, at the company party that day, I didn't know anyone else. She is familiar, so she looks very intimate when talking and laughing, isn't it normal? What should we do, eat melon seeds face to face? Just like you and Tang Boxing have a good relationship."

Huo Ziyan was irritated by him, "Of course we are different. If I have anything to do with Tang Boxing, I will pursue you heart and soul all day long?"

Wen Qing was really overwhelmed by her logic, "Oh, it's funny, if Yin Chang and I have anything, you can still chase after me so heartily!"

Huo Ziyan smiled darkly, "It seems that what you said makes sense?"

"of course!"

"You also know that I am chasing you heart and soul, but you still always act like you are unwilling to live or die, and you are not good to me when you are good with Yin Chang!"

"Huo! Zi! Yan! Your nonsensical quality control all day long, I can only understand that either there is a problem with your brain circuit, or you are deliberately looking for me, thinking that I am not happy!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the man to answer, he was about to shake off the chair and go to sleep.

Twisting her meaning is so plausible!
This brain is not open, so think what you like!

Huo Ziyan stopped the woman who was about to lie down, narrowed her eyes slightly, "You despise me now, you don't want to say anything to me, do you?"

Wen Qing really felt that she was going to be pissed off, and she didn't want to worry about it, but he was so excited!

"Then how can I tell you that you are satisfied?"

"You just say that since you are with me, you can only be my Huo Ziyan's woman, that's about it!"

"Get lost! You won't say anything even if you're killed!"

After finishing speaking, Wen Qing really didn't want to talk to her this time, she turned off the TV with the remote control, lay down on the seat and got ready to sleep, with her body sideways and her back facing Huo Ziyan, her head was also turned to the direction farther away from Huo Ziyan, obviously It's the look of repelling him.

And this attitude made the man even more angry.

Huo Ziyan walked to her side and forcibly turned his face away from him.

Wen Qing was really annoyed, this man usually looked condescending and manly when he was outside, but why was he so superficial and superstitious every time in front of her.

She knocked off the man's hand on her face with one hand, opened her eyes and looked at him coldly, her tone extremely displeased,

"Are you annoying or not! Like a woman, you are annoying me all day long for mother-in-law matters! I said no, no, no! I don't like women, I like men, men, men! Is this okay? "

Not knowing what the woman said touched him, Huo Ziyan blurted out, "I like you?"

Wen Qing looked at the man's expression that suddenly became serious and deep, she asked a question that made her heart tighten, she paused for a moment and then smiled, "Do you think you are not a man or are you the only man in this world... Well……"


Huo Ziyan squinted at her.

Knowing that she doesn't like herself has nothing to do with whether she likes anyone or not, but she always wants to find out some reasons. It seems that with these reasons, she can solve it with the right medicine.

It's like in a shopping mall, if you want to knock down a competitor, you just need to find the opponent's weakness and break it.

And now, nothing more than self-deception.

She simply doesn't like herself and has nothing to do with anyone.

But he foolishly took him for granted when she said it, and couldn't help asking.

But even if you know the truth, what can you do? At most, it can only be like this now...

It's just that no matter how strong the resentment was, it gradually turned into a somewhat out-of-control emotional entanglement.

After accidentally hurting her that day, he didn't touch her again for several days.

He just wanted to avoid hearing something that would upset him again.


Wen Qing opened her eyes slightly, looking at the ceiling of the private room above her head, the unfamiliar environment, and on the plane, her consciousness finally became clear.

Pushing Huo Ziyan with his hands, "Huo..., on the plane..."

The man was not shaken by the woman's refusal, and said softly,

"It's one can see it!"

(End of this chapter)

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